[![Chrome web store](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/store.png)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yomichan/ogmnaimimemjmbakcfefmnahgdfhfami)
1. Left-click on the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/logo.png) icon to enable or disable Yomichan for the current browser instance.
2. Right-click on the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/logo.png) icon and select <em>Options</em> to open the Yomichan options page.
3. Import any dictionaries (bundled or custom) you wish to use for Kanji and term searches; none are imported by default.
4. Hold down <kbd>Shift</kbd> (or the middle mouse button) as you hover over text to see term definitions.
5. Resize the definitions window by dragging the bottom-left corner inwards or outwards to make it smaller or larger.
6. Click on Kanji in the definition window to view additional information about that character.
7. Click on the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/play-audio.png) icon to hear the term pronounced by a native speaker.
## Custom Dictionaries ##
Yomichan supports importing of custom dictionaries in several formats. For more information about how this feature
works, please see the [Yomichan Import](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import) project page.
Before flashcards can be automatically created through Yomichan, Anki must be configured as follows:
1. In Chrome, open the Yomichan options page by right-clicking the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/logo.png) icon and selecting *Options*.
2. Activate the *Terms* or the *Kanji* tab, depending on the type of card template you wish to configure.
3. Select the Anki deck and model to use when creating new flashcards (see the [Anki Manual](http://ankisrs.net/docs/manual.html) for more details).
4. Populate the model fields with markup representing contextual properties for the current vocabulary term or Kanji:
5. Click on the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/add-expression.png) icon to add the current expression using Kanji (e.g. 食べる). If the icon
appears grayed out, this means that a new flashcard cannot be created with the current configuration (please verify
your Anki deck and model settings).
6. Click on the ![](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-chrome/img/add-reading.png) icon to add the current expression using the reading alone (e.g. たべる). If
the icon appears grayed out, this means that a new flashcard cannot be created with the current configuration
(please verify your Anki deck and model settings).