1. Left-click on the  icon to enable or disable Yomichan for the current browser instance.
2. Right-click on the  icon and select *Options* to display the Yomichan options page.
3. Hold down <kbd>Shift</kbd> or the middle mouse button as you move your cursor over text to display definitions.
4. Resize the definition window by dragging the bottom-left corner inwards or outwards.
5. Click on the Kanji links in the definition window to view additional information about those characters.
6. Click on the  icon to hear the term pronounced by a native speaker.
### Anki Integration ###
1. Open the *Install Add-on* dialog by the selecting *Tools*>*Add-ons*>*Browse & Install* in Anki.
2. Input *2055492159* into the text box labeled *Code* and press the *OK* button to proceed.
3. Restart Anki when prompted to do so in order to complete the installation of AnkiConnect.
4. In Chrome, open the Yomichan options page by right-clicking the  icon and selecting *Options*.
5. Check the *Enable AnkiConnect* checkbox in the *General Options* group.
6. Activate the *Terms* or the *Kanji* tab, depending on the type of card template you wish to configure.
7. Select the Anki deck and model to use when creating new cards (see the [Anki Manual](http://ankisrs.net/docs/manual.html) for more details).
8. Populate the model fields with markup representing contextual properties for the current vocabulary term or Kanji:
9. Click on the  icon to add the current expression using Kanji (e.g. 食べる).
10. Click on the  icon to add the current expression using the reading alone (e.g. たべる).
## Frequently Asked Questions ##
***When are you going to port Yomichan to $MYBROWSER?**
I am considering creating a Firefox port once I am satisfied with the feature set of the Chrome extension. I may
consider other browsers in the future, as long as porting would be trivial and the browser in question runs natively
on Linux. This is not a high priority Firefox already has good extensions for Japanese learning (and I use Chrome
***When are you going to add support for $MYLANGUAGE?**
Developing Yomichan required a significant understanding of Japanese sentence structure and grammar. I presently
have no time to invest in learning yet another language; therefore other languages will not be supported. I will
also not be accepting pull request containing this functionality, as I will ultimately be the one maintaining your
***When are you going to add support for [EPWING](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPWING) J-J dictionaries?**
This is a long-term goal, and I do not yet have a timeline for this feature. That being said, I believe that I have
figured out how to make this work in the restrictive Chrome extension environment, and mostly have to develop a new
tool to support extraction of data from this format.