1. Left-click on the  icon to enable or disable Yomichan for the current browser instance.
2. Right-click on the  icon and select <em>Options</em> to open the Yomichan options page.
3. Import any dictionaries (bundled or custom) you wish to use for Kanji and term searches; none are imported by default.
4. Hold down <kbd>Shift</kbd> (or the middle mouse button) as you hover over text to see term definitions.
5. Resize the definitions window by dragging the bottom-left corner inwards or outwards to make it smaller or larger.
6. Click on Kanji in the definition window to view additional information about that character.
7. Click on the  icon to hear the term pronounced by a native speaker.
## Custom Dictionaries ##
Yomichan supports importing of custom dictionaries in several formats. For more information about how this feature
works, please see the [Yomichan Import](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import) project page.
Before flashcards can be automatically created through Yomichan, Anki must be configured as follows:
1. In Chrome, open the Yomichan options page by right-clicking the  icon and selecting *Options*.
2. Activate the *Terms* or the *Kanji* tab, depending on the type of card template you wish to configure.
3. Select the Anki deck and model to use when creating new flashcards (see the [Anki Manual](http://ankisrs.net/docs/manual.html) for more details).
4. Populate the model fields with markup representing contextual properties for the current vocabulary term or Kanji:
5. Click on the  icon to add the current expression using Kanji (e.g. 食べる). If the icon
appears grayed out, this means that a new flashcard cannot be created with the current configuration (please verify
your Anki deck and model settings).
6. Click on the  icon to add the current expression using the reading alone (e.g. たべる). If
the icon appears grayed out, this means that a new flashcard cannot be created with the current configuration
(please verify your Anki deck and model settings).