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Model Actions

  • modelNames

    Gets the complete list of model names for the current user.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelNames",
        "version": 6

    Sample result:

        "result": ["Basic", "Basic (and reversed card)"],
        "error": null
  • modelNamesAndIds

    Gets the complete list of model names and their corresponding IDs for the current user.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelNamesAndIds",
        "version": 6

    Sample result:

        "result": {
            "Basic": 1483883011648,
            "Basic (and reversed card)": 1483883011644,
            "Basic (optional reversed card)": 1483883011631,
            "Cloze": 1483883011630
        "error": null
  • modelFieldNames

    Gets the complete list of field names for the provided model name.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelFieldNames",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "modelName": "Basic"

    Sample result:

        "result": ["Front", "Back"],
        "error": null
  • modelFieldsOnTemplates

    Returns an object indicating the fields on the question and answer side of each card template for the given model name. The question side is given first in each array.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelFieldsOnTemplates",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "modelName": "Basic (and reversed card)"

    Sample result:

        "result": {
            "Card 1": [["Front"], ["Back"]],
            "Card 2": [["Back"], ["Front"]]
        "error": null
  • createModel

    Creates a new model to be used in Anki. User must provide the modelName, inOrderFields and cardTemplates to be used in the model. There are optinal fields css and isCloze. If not specified, css will use the default Anki css and isCloze will be equal to False. If isCloze is True then model will be created as Cloze.

    Optionally the Name field can be provided for each entry of cardTemplates. By default the card names will be Card 1, Card 2, and so on.

    Sample request

        "action": "createModel",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "modelName": "newModelName",
            "inOrderFields": ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3"],
            "css": "Optional CSS with default to builtin css",
            "isCloze": False,
            "cardTemplates": [
                    "Name": "My Card 1",
                    "Front": "Front html {{Field1}}",
                    "Back": "Back html  {{Field2}}"

    Sample result

            "css":".card {\n font-family: arial;\n font-size: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n color: black;\n background-color: white;\n}\n",
                    "name":"My Card 1",
                    "afmt":"This is the back of the card {{Field2}}",
  • modelTemplates

    Returns an object indicating the template content for each card connected to the provided model by name.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelTemplates",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "modelName": "Basic (and reversed card)"

    Sample result

        "result": {
            "Card 1": {
                "Front": "{{Front}}",
                "Back": "{{FrontSide}}\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\n{{Back}}"
            "Card 2": {
                "Front": "{{Back}}",
                "Back": "{{FrontSide}}\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\n{{Front}}"
        "error": null
  • modelStyling

    Gets the CSS styling for the provided model by name.

    Sample request:

        "action": "modelStyling",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "modelName": "Basic (and reversed card)"

    Sample result

        "result": {
            "css": ".card {\n font-family: arial;\n font-size: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n color: black;\n background-color: white;\n}\n"
        "error": null
  • updateModelTemplates

    Modify the templates of an existing model by name. Only specifies cards and specified sides will be modified. If an existing card or side is not included in the request, it will be left unchanged.

    Sample request:

        "action": "updateModelTemplates",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "model": {
                "name": "Custom",
                "templates": {
                    "Card 1": {
                        "Front": "{{Question}}?",
                        "Back": "{{Answer}}!"

    Sample result:

        "result": null,
        "error": null
  • updateModelStyling

    Modify the CSS styling of an existing model by name.

    Sample request:

        "action": "updateModelStyling",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "model": {
                "name": "Custom",
                "css": "p { color: blue; }"

    Sample result:

        "result": null,
        "error": null
  • findAndReplaceInModels

    Find and replace string in existing model by model name. Customise to replace in front, back or css by setting to true/false.

    Sample request:

        "action": "findAndReplaceInModels",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "model": {
                "modelName": "",
                "findText": "text_to_replace",
                "replaceText": "replace_with_text",
                "front": true,
                "back": true,
                "css": true

    Sample result:

        "result": 1,
        "error": null