2021-04-11 21:26:03 -07:00

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# Media Actions
* **storeMediaFile**
Stores a file with the specified base64-encoded contents inside the media folder. Alternatively you can specify a
absolute file path, or a url from where the file shell be downloaded. If more than one of `data`, `path` and `url` are provided, the `data` field will be used first, then `path`, and finally `url`. To prevent Anki from removing files not used by any cards (e.g. for configuration files), prefix the filename with an underscore. These files are still synchronized to AnkiWeb.
*Sample request*:
"action": "storeMediaFile",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"filename": "_hello.txt",
"data": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="
*Sample result*:
"result": "_hello.txt",
"error": null
*Content of `_hello.txt`*:
Hello world!
*Sample request*:
"action": "storeMediaFile",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"filename": "_hello.txt",
"path": "/path/to/file"
*Sample result*:
"result": "_hello.txt",
"error": null
*Sample request*:
"action": "storeMediaFile",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"filename": "_hello.txt",
"url": ""
*Sample result*:
"result": "_hello.txt",
"error": null
* **retrieveMediaFile**
Retrieves the base64-encoded contents of the specified file, returning `false` if the file does not exist.
*Sample request*:
"action": "retrieveMediaFile",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"filename": "_hello.txt"
*Sample result*:
"result": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
"error": null
* **getMediaFilesNames**
Gets the names of media files matched the pattern. Returning all names by default.
*Sample request*:
"action": "getMediaFilesNames",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"pattern": "_hell*.txt"
*Sample result*:
"result": ["_hello.txt"],
"error": null
* **deleteMediaFile**
Deletes the specified file inside the media folder.
*Sample request*:
"action": "deleteMediaFile",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"filename": "_hello.txt"
*Sample result*:
"result": null,
"error": null