toasted-nutbread 6a271e067f
Move mixed/js (#1383)
* Move mixed/js/core.js to js/core.js

* Move mixed/js/yomichan.js to js/yomichan.js

* Move mixed/js/timer.js to js/debug/timer.js

* Move mixed/js/hotkey-handler.js to js/input/hotkey-handler.js

* Move mixed/js/hotkey-help-controller.js to js/input/hotkey-help-controller.js

* Move mixed/js/hotkey-util.js to js/input/hotkey-util.js

* Move mixed/js/audio-system.js to js/input/audio-system.js

* Move mixed/js/media-loader.js to js/input/media-loader.js

* Move mixed/js/text-to-speech-audio.js to js/input/text-to-speech-audio.js

* Move mixed/js/comm.js to js/comm/cross-frame-api.js

* Move mixed/js/api.js to js/comm/api.js

* Move mixed/js/frame-client.js to js/comm/frame-client.js

* Move mixed/js/frame-endpoint.js to js/comm/frame-endpoint.js

* Move mixed/js/display.js to js/display/display.js

* Move mixed/js/display-audio.js to js/display/display-audio.js

* Move mixed/js/display-generator.js to js/display/display-generator.js

* Move mixed/js/display-history.js to js/display/display-history.js

* Move mixed/js/display-notification.js to js/display/display-notification.js

* Move mixed/js/display-profile-selection.js to js/display/display-profile-selection.js

* Move mixed/js/japanese.js to js/language/japanese-util.js

* Move mixed/js/dictionary-data-util.js to js/language/dictionary-data-util.js

* Move mixed/js/document-focus-controller.js to js/dom/document-focus-controller.js

* Move mixed/js/document-util.js to js/dom/document-util.js

* Move mixed/js/dom-data-binder.js to js/dom/dom-data-binder.js

* Move mixed/js/html-template-collection.js to js/dom/html-template-collection.js

* Move mixed/js/panel-element.js to js/dom/panel-element.js

* Move mixed/js/popup-menu.js to js/dom/popup-menu.js

* Move mixed/js/selector-observer.js to js/dom/selector-observer.js

* Move mixed/js/scroll.js to js/dom/window-scroll.js

* Move mixed/js/text-scanner.js to js/language/text-scanner.js

* Move mixed/js/cache-map.js to js/general/cache-map.js

* Move mixed/js/object-property-accessor.js to js/general/object-property-accessor.js

* Move mixed/js/task-accumulator.js to js/general/task-accumulator.js

* Move mixed/js/environment.js to js/background/environment.js

* Move mixed/js/dynamic-loader.js to js/scripting/dynamic-loader.js

* Move mixed/js/dynamic-loader-sentinel.js to js/scripting/dynamic-loader-sentinel.js
2021-02-13 22:52:28 -05:00

256 lines
8.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Yomichan Authors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Class which is used to observe elements matching a selector in specific element.
class SelectorObserver {
* Creates a new instance.
* @param selector A string CSS selector used to find elements.
* @param ignoreSelector A string CSS selector used to filter elements, or null for no filtering.
* @param onAdded A function which is invoked for each element that is added that matches the selector.
* The signature is (element) => data.
* @param onRemoved A function which is invoked for each element that is removed, or null.
* The signature is (element, data) => void.
* @param onChildrenUpdated A function which is invoked for each element which has its children updated, or null.
* The signature is (element, data) => void.
* @param isStale A function which checks if the data is stale for a given element, or null.
* If the element is stale, it will be removed and potentially re-added.
* The signature is (element, data) => bool.
constructor({selector, ignoreSelector=null, onAdded=null, onRemoved=null, onChildrenUpdated=null, isStale=null}) {
this._selector = selector;
this._ignoreSelector = ignoreSelector;
this._onAdded = onAdded;
this._onRemoved = onRemoved;
this._onChildrenUpdated = onChildrenUpdated;
this._isStale = isStale;
this._observingElement = null;
this._mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(this._onMutation.bind(this));
this._elementMap = new Map(); // Map([element => observer]...)
this._elementAncestorMap = new Map(); // Map([element => Set([observer]...)]...)
this._isObserving = false;
* Returns whether or not an element is currently being observed.
* @returns True if an element is being observed, false otherwise.
get isObserving() {
return this._observingElement !== null;
* Starts DOM mutation observing the target element.
* @param element The element to observe changes in.
* @param attributes A boolean for whether or not attribute changes should be observed.
* @throws An error if element is null.
* @throws An error if an element is already being observed.
observe(element, attributes=false) {
if (element === null) {
throw new Error('Invalid element');
if (this.isObserving) {
throw new Error('Instance is already observing an element');
this._observingElement = element;
this._mutationObserver.observe(element, {
attributes: !!attributes,
childList: true,
subtree: true
type: 'childList',
target: element.parentNode,
addedNodes: [element],
removedNodes: []
* Stops observing the target element.
disconnect() {
if (!this.isObserving) { return; }
this._observingElement = null;
for (const observer of this._elementMap.values()) {
* Returns an iterable list of [element, data] pairs.
* @yields A sequence of [element, data] pairs.
*entries() {
for (const [element, {data}] of this._elementMap) {
yield [element, data];
* Returns an iterable list of data for every element.
* @yields A sequence of data values.
*datas() {
for (const {data} of this._elementMap.values()) {
yield data;
// Private
_onMutation(mutationList) {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
switch (mutation.type) {
case 'childList':
case 'attributes':
_onChildListMutation({addedNodes, removedNodes, target}) {
const selector = this._selector;
for (const node of removedNodes) {
const observers = this._elementAncestorMap.get(node);
if (typeof observers === 'undefined') { continue; }
for (const observer of observers) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; }
if (node.matches(selector)) {
for (const childNode of node.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
if (
this._onChildrenUpdated !== null &&
(addedNodes.length !== 0 || addedNodes.length !== 0)
) {
for (let node = target; node !== null; node = node.parentNode) {
const observer = this._elementMap.get(node);
if (typeof observer !== 'undefined') {
_onAttributeMutation({target}) {
const selector = this._selector;
const observers = this._elementAncestorMap.get(target);
if (typeof observers !== 'undefined') {
for (const observer of observers) {
const element = observer.element;
if (
!element.matches(selector) ||
this._shouldIgnoreElement(element) ||
) {
if (target.matches(selector)) {
_createObserver(element) {
if (this._elementMap.has(element) || this._shouldIgnoreElement(element) || this._onAdded === null) { return; }
const data = this._onAdded(element);
const ancestors = this._getAncestors(element);
const observer = {element, ancestors, data};
this._elementMap.set(element, observer);
for (const ancestor of ancestors) {
let observers = this._elementAncestorMap.get(ancestor);
if (typeof observers === 'undefined') {
observers = new Set();
this._elementAncestorMap.set(ancestor, observers);
_removeObserver(observer) {
const {element, ancestors, data} = observer;
for (const ancestor of ancestors) {
const observers = this._elementAncestorMap.get(ancestor);
if (typeof observers === 'undefined') { continue; }
if (observers.size === 0) {
if (this._onRemoved !== null) {
this._onRemoved(element, data);
_onObserverChildrenUpdated(observer) {
this._onChildrenUpdated(observer.element, observer.data);
_isObserverStale(observer) {
return (this._isStale !== null && this._isStale(observer.element, observer.data));
_shouldIgnoreElement(element) {
return (this._ignoreSelector !== null && element.matches(this._ignoreSelector));
_getAncestors(node) {
const root = this._observingElement;
const results = [];
while (true) {
if (node === root) { break; }
node = node.parentNode;
if (node === null) { break; }
return results;