toasted-nutbread e419a418f6
Move bg/js (#1387)
* Move bg/js/anki.js to js/comm/anki.js

* Move bg/js/mecab.js to js/comm/mecab.js

* Move bg/js/search-main.js to js/display/search-main.js

* Move bg/js/template-patcher.js to js/templates/template-patcher.js

* Move bg/js/template-renderer-frame-api.js to js/templates/template-renderer-frame-api.js

* Move bg/js/template-renderer-frame-main.js to js/templates/template-renderer-frame-main.js

* Move bg/js/template-renderer-proxy.js to js/templates/template-renderer-proxy.js

* Move bg/js/template-renderer.js to js/templates/template-renderer.js

* Move bg/js/media-utility.js to js/media/media-utility.js

* Move bg/js/native-simple-dom-parser.js to js/dom/native-simple-dom-parser.js

* Move bg/js/simple-dom-parser.js to js/dom/simple-dom-parser.js

* Move bg/js/audio-downloader.js to js/media/audio-downloader.js

* Move bg/js/deinflector.js to js/language/deinflector.js

* Move bg/js/backend.js to js/background/backend.js

* Move bg/js/translator.js to js/language/translator.js

* Move bg/js/search-display-controller.js to js/display/search-display-controller.js

* Move bg/js/request-builder.js to js/background/request-builder.js

* Move bg/js/text-source-map.js to js/general/text-source-map.js

* Move bg/js/clipboard-reader.js to js/comm/clipboard-reader.js

* Move bg/js/clipboard-monitor.js to js/comm/clipboard-monitor.js

* Move bg/js/query-parser.js to js/display/query-parser.js

* Move bg/js/profile-conditions.js to js/background/profile-conditions.js

* Move bg/js/dictionary-database.js to js/language/dictionary-database.js

* Move bg/js/dictionary-importer.js to js/language/dictionary-importer.js

* Move bg/js/anki-note-builder.js to js/data/anki-note-builder.js

* Move bg/js/anki-note-data.js to js/data/anki-note-data.js

* Move bg/js/database.js to js/data/database.js

* Move bg/js/json-schema.js to js/data/json-schema.js

* Move bg/js/options.js to js/data/options-util.js

* Move bg/js/background-main.js to js/background/background-main.js

* Move bg/js/permissions-util.js to js/data/permissions-util.js

* Move bg/js/context-main.js to js/pages/action-popup-main.js

* Move bg/js/generic-page-main.js to js/pages/generic-page-main.js

* Move bg/js/info-main.js to js/pages/info-main.js

* Move bg/js/permissions-main.js to js/pages/permissions-main.js

* Move bg/js/welcome-main.js to js/pages/welcome-main.js
2021-02-14 11:19:54 -05:00

231 lines
6.8 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Yomichan Authors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This class is used to connect Yomichan to a native component that is
* used to parse text into individual terms.
class Mecab {
* Creates a new instance of the class.
constructor() {
this._port = null;
this._sequence = 0;
this._invocations = new Map();
this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection();
this._timeout = 5000;
this._version = 1;
this._remoteVersion = null;
this._enabled = false;
this._setupPortPromise = null;
* Returns whether or not the component is enabled.
isEnabled() {
return this._enabled;
* Changes whether or not the component connection is enabled.
* @param enabled A boolean indicating whether or not the component should be enabled.
setEnabled(enabled) {
this._enabled = !!enabled;
if (!this._enabled && this._port !== null) {
* Disconnects the current port, but does not disable future connections.
disconnect() {
if (this._port !== null) {
* Returns whether or not the connection to the native application is active.
* @returns `true` if the connection is active, `false` otherwise.
isConnected() {
return (this._port !== null);
* Returns whether or not any invocation is currently active.
* @returns `true` if an invocation is active, `false` otherwise.
isActive() {
return (this._invocations.size > 0);
* Gets the local API version being used.
* @returns An integer representing the API version that Yomichan uses.
getLocalVersion() {
return this._version;
* Gets the version of the MeCab component.
* @returns The version of the MeCab component, or `null` if the component was not found.
async getVersion() {
try {
await this._setupPort();
} catch (e) {
// NOP
return this._remoteVersion;
* Parses a string of Japanese text into arrays of lines and terms.
* Return value format:
* ```js
* [
* {
* name: (string),
* lines: [
* {expression: (string), reading: (string), source: (string)},
* ...
* ]
* },
* ...
* ]
* ```
* @param text The string to parse.
* @returns A collection of parsing results of the text.
async parseText(text) {
await this._setupPort();
const rawResults = await this._invoke('parse_text', {text});
return this._convertParseTextResults(rawResults);
// Private
_onMessage({sequence, data}) {
const invocation = this._invocations.get(sequence);
if (typeof invocation === 'undefined') { return; }
const {resolve, timer} = invocation;
_onDisconnect() {
if (this._port === null) { return; }
const e = chrome.runtime.lastError;
const error = new Error(e ? e.message : 'MeCab disconnected');
for (const {reject, timer} of this._invocations.values()) {
_invoke(action, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this._port === null) {
reject(new Error('Port disconnected'));
const sequence = this._sequence++;
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`MeCab invoke timed out after ${this._timeout}ms`));
}, this._timeout);
this._invocations.set(sequence, {resolve, reject, timer}, this._timeout);
this._port.postMessage({action, params, sequence});
_convertParseTextResults(rawResults) {
const results = [];
for (const [name, rawLines] of Object.entries(rawResults)) {
const lines = [];
for (const rawLine of rawLines) {
const line = [];
for (let {expression, reading, source} of rawLine) {
if (typeof expression !== 'string') { expression = ''; }
if (typeof reading !== 'string') { reading = ''; }
if (typeof source !== 'string') { source = ''; }
line.push({expression, reading, source});
results.push({name, lines});
return results;
async _setupPort() {
if (!this._enabled) {
throw new Error('MeCab not enabled');
if (this._setupPortPromise === null) {
this._setupPortPromise = this._setupPort2();
try {
await this._setupPortPromise;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.message);
async _setupPort2() {
const port = chrome.runtime.connectNative('yomichan_mecab');
this._eventListeners.addListener(port.onMessage, this._onMessage.bind(this));
this._eventListeners.addListener(port.onDisconnect, this._onDisconnect.bind(this));
this._port = port;
try {
const {version} = await this._invoke('get_version', {});
this._remoteVersion = version;
if (version !== this._version) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported MeCab native messenger version ${version}. Yomichan supports version ${this._version}.`);
} catch (e) {
if (this._port === port) {
throw e;
_clearPort() {
this._port = null;
this._sequence = 0;
this._setupPortPromise = null;