toasted-nutbread 4194252fe3
New StringUtil (#2216)
* Create new StringUtil

* Use StringUtil in DOMTextScanner

* Fix order
2022-08-20 13:11:38 -04:00

559 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* global
* StringUtil
* A class used to scan text in a document.
class DOMTextScanner {
* Creates a new instance of a DOMTextScanner.
* @param {Node} node The DOM Node to start at.
* @param {number} offset The character offset in to start at when node is a text node.
* Use 0 for non-text nodes.
* @param {boolean} forcePreserveWhitespace Whether or not whitespace should be forced to be preserved,
* regardless of CSS styling.
* @param {boolean} generateLayoutContent Whether or not newlines should be added based on CSS styling.
constructor(node, offset, forcePreserveWhitespace=false, generateLayoutContent=true) {
const ruby = DOMTextScanner.getParentRubyElement(node);
const resetOffset = (ruby !== null);
if (resetOffset) { node = ruby; }
this._node = node;
this._offset = offset;
this._content = '';
this._remainder = 0;
this._resetOffset = resetOffset;
this._newlines = 0;
this._lineHasWhitespace = false;
this._lineHasContent = false;
this._forcePreserveWhitespace = forcePreserveWhitespace;
this._generateLayoutContent = generateLayoutContent;
* Gets the current node being scanned.
* @type {Node}
get node() {
return this._node;
* Gets the current offset corresponding to the node being scanned.
* This value is only applicable for text nodes.
* @type {number}
get offset() {
return this._offset;
* Gets the remaining number of characters that weren't scanned in the last seek() call.
* This value is usually 0 unless the end of the document was reached.
* @type {number}
get remainder() {
return this._remainder;
* Gets the accumulated content string resulting from calls to seek().
* @type {string}
get content() {
return this._content;
* Seeks a given length in the document and accumulates the text content.
* @param {number} length A positive or negative integer corresponding to how many characters
* should be added to content. Content is only added to the accumulation string,
* never removed, so mixing seek calls with differently signed length values
* may give unexpected results.
* @returns {DOMTextScanner} this
seek(length) {
const forward = (length >= 0);
this._remainder = (forward ? length : -length);
if (length === 0) { return this; }
const generateLayoutContent = this._generateLayoutContent;
let node = this._node;
let lastNode = node;
let resetOffset = this._resetOffset;
let newlines = 0;
while (node !== null) {
let enterable = false;
const nodeType = node.nodeType;
if (nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
lastNode = node;
if (!(
forward ?
this._seekTextNodeForward(node, resetOffset) :
this._seekTextNodeBackward(node, resetOffset)
)) {
// Length reached
} else if (nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
lastNode = node;
this._offset = 0;
({enterable, newlines} = DOMTextScanner.getElementSeekInfo(node));
if (newlines > this._newlines && generateLayoutContent) {
this._newlines = newlines;
const exitedNodes = [];
node = DOMTextScanner.getNextNode(node, forward, enterable, exitedNodes);
for (const exitedNode of exitedNodes) {
if (exitedNode.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; }
({newlines} = DOMTextScanner.getElementSeekInfo(exitedNode));
if (newlines > this._newlines && generateLayoutContent) {
this._newlines = newlines;
resetOffset = true;
this._node = lastNode;
this._resetOffset = resetOffset;
return this;
// Private
* Seeks forward in a text node.
* @param {Text} textNode The text node to use.
* @param {boolean} resetOffset Whether or not the text offset should be reset.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if scanning should continue, or `false` if the scan length has been reached.
_seekTextNodeForward(textNode, resetOffset) {
const nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue;
const nodeValueLength = nodeValue.length;
const {preserveNewlines, preserveWhitespace} = this._getWhitespaceSettings(textNode);
let lineHasWhitespace = this._lineHasWhitespace;
let lineHasContent = this._lineHasContent;
let content = this._content;
let offset = resetOffset ? 0 : this._offset;
let remainder = this._remainder;
let newlines = this._newlines;
while (offset < nodeValueLength) {
const char = StringUtil.readCodePointsForward(nodeValue, offset, 1);
offset += char.length;
const charAttributes = DOMTextScanner.getCharacterAttributes(char, preserveNewlines, preserveWhitespace);
if (charAttributes === 0) {
// Character should be ignored
} else if (charAttributes === 1) {
// Character is collapsible whitespace
lineHasWhitespace = true;
} else {
// Character should be added to the content
if (newlines > 0) {
if (content.length > 0) {
const useNewlineCount = Math.min(remainder, newlines);
content += '\n'.repeat(useNewlineCount);
remainder -= useNewlineCount;
newlines -= useNewlineCount;
} else {
newlines = 0;
lineHasContent = false;
lineHasWhitespace = false;
if (remainder <= 0) {
offset -= char.length; // Revert character offset
lineHasContent = (charAttributes === 2); // 3 = character is a newline
if (lineHasWhitespace) {
if (lineHasContent) {
content += ' ';
lineHasWhitespace = false;
if (--remainder <= 0) {
offset -= char.length; // Revert character offset
} else {
lineHasWhitespace = false;
content += char;
if (--remainder <= 0) { break; }
this._lineHasWhitespace = lineHasWhitespace;
this._lineHasContent = lineHasContent;
this._content = content;
this._offset = offset;
this._remainder = remainder;
this._newlines = newlines;
return (remainder > 0);
* Seeks backward in a text node.
* This function is nearly the same as _seekTextNodeForward, with the following differences:
* - Iteration condition is reversed to check if offset is greater than 0.
* - offset is reset to nodeValueLength instead of 0.
* - offset is decremented instead of incremented.
* - offset is decremented before getting the character.
* - offset is reverted by incrementing instead of decrementing.
* - content string is prepended instead of appended.
* @param {Text} textNode The text node to use.
* @param {boolean} resetOffset Whether or not the text offset should be reset.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if scanning should continue, or `false` if the scan length has been reached.
_seekTextNodeBackward(textNode, resetOffset) {
const nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue;
const nodeValueLength = nodeValue.length;
const {preserveNewlines, preserveWhitespace} = this._getWhitespaceSettings(textNode);
let lineHasWhitespace = this._lineHasWhitespace;
let lineHasContent = this._lineHasContent;
let content = this._content;
let offset = resetOffset ? nodeValueLength : this._offset;
let remainder = this._remainder;
let newlines = this._newlines;
while (offset > 0) {
const char = StringUtil.readCodePointsBackward(nodeValue, offset - 1, 1);
offset -= char.length;
const charAttributes = DOMTextScanner.getCharacterAttributes(char, preserveNewlines, preserveWhitespace);
if (charAttributes === 0) {
// Character should be ignored
} else if (charAttributes === 1) {
// Character is collapsible whitespace
lineHasWhitespace = true;
} else {
// Character should be added to the content
if (newlines > 0) {
if (content.length > 0) {
const useNewlineCount = Math.min(remainder, newlines);
content = '\n'.repeat(useNewlineCount) + content;
remainder -= useNewlineCount;
newlines -= useNewlineCount;
} else {
newlines = 0;
lineHasContent = false;
lineHasWhitespace = false;
if (remainder <= 0) {
offset += char.length; // Revert character offset
lineHasContent = (charAttributes === 2); // 3 = character is a newline
if (lineHasWhitespace) {
if (lineHasContent) {
content = ' ' + content;
lineHasWhitespace = false;
if (--remainder <= 0) {
offset += char.length; // Revert character offset
} else {
lineHasWhitespace = false;
content = char + content;
if (--remainder <= 0) { break; }
this._lineHasWhitespace = lineHasWhitespace;
this._lineHasContent = lineHasContent;
this._content = content;
this._offset = offset;
this._remainder = remainder;
this._newlines = newlines;
return (remainder > 0);
* Gets information about how whitespace characters are treated.
* @param {Text} textNode The text node to check.
* @returns {{preserveNewlines: boolean, preserveWhitespace: boolean}} Information about the whitespace.
* The value of `preserveNewlines` indicates whether or not newline characters are treated as line breaks.
* The value of `preserveWhitespace` indicates whether or not sequences of whitespace characters are collapsed.
_getWhitespaceSettings(textNode) {
if (this._forcePreserveWhitespace) {
return {preserveNewlines: true, preserveWhitespace: true};
const element = DOMTextScanner.getParentElement(textNode);
if (element !== null) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
switch (style.whiteSpace) {
case 'pre':
case 'pre-wrap':
case 'break-spaces':
return {preserveNewlines: true, preserveWhitespace: true};
case 'pre-line':
return {preserveNewlines: true, preserveWhitespace: false};
return {preserveNewlines: false, preserveWhitespace: false};
// Static helpers
* Gets the next node in the document for a specified scanning direction.
* @param {Node} node The current DOM Node.
* @param {boolean} forward Whether to scan forward in the document or backward.
* @param {boolean} visitChildren Whether the children of the current node should be visited.
* @param {Node[]} exitedNodes An array which stores nodes which were exited.
* @returns {?Node} The next node in the document, or `null` if there is no next node.
static getNextNode(node, forward, visitChildren, exitedNodes) {
let next = visitChildren ? (forward ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild) : null;
if (next === null) {
while (true) {
next = (forward ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling);
if (next !== null) { break; }
next = node.parentNode;
if (next === null) { break; }
node = next;
return next;
* Gets the parent element of a given Node.
* @param {Node} node The node to check.
* @returns {?Node} The parent element if one exists, otherwise `null`.
static getParentElement(node) {
while (node !== null && node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
* Gets the parent <ruby> element of a given node, if one exists. For efficiency purposes,
* this only checks the immediate parent elements and does not check all ancestors, so
* there are cases where the node may be in a ruby element but it is not returned.
* @param {Node} node The node to check.
* @returns {?HTMLElement} A <ruby> node if the input node is contained in one, otherwise `null`.
static getParentRubyElement(node) {
node = DOMTextScanner.getParentElement(node);
if (node !== null && node.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'RT') {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node !== null && node.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'RUBY') {
return node;
return null;
* Gets seek information about an element.
* @param {Element} element The element to check.
* @returns {{enterable: boolean, newlines: number}} The seek information.
* The `enterable` value indicates whether the content of this node should be entered.
* The `newlines` value corresponds to the number of newline characters that should be added.
* 1 newline corresponds to a simple new line in the layout.
* 2 newlines corresponds to a significant visual distinction since the previous content.
static getElementSeekInfo(element) {
let enterable = true;
switch (element.nodeName.toUpperCase()) {
case 'HEAD':
case 'RT':
case 'SCRIPT':
case 'STYLE':
return {enterable: false, newlines: 0};
case 'BR':
return {enterable: false, newlines: 1};
case 'TEXTAREA':
case 'INPUT':
case 'BUTTON':
enterable = false;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const display = style.display;
const visible = (display !== 'none' && DOMTextScanner.isStyleVisible(style));
let newlines = 0;
if (!visible) {
enterable = false;
} else {
switch (style.position) {
case 'absolute':
case 'fixed':
case 'sticky':
newlines = 2;
if (newlines === 0 && DOMTextScanner.doesCSSDisplayChangeLayout(display)) {
newlines = 1;
return {enterable, newlines};
* Gets attributes for the specified character.
* @param {string} character A string containing a single character.
* @param {boolean} preserveNewlines Whether or not newlines should be preserved.
* @param {boolean} preserveWhitespace Whether or not whitespace should be preserved.
* @returns {number} An integer representing the attributes of the character.
* 0: Character should be ignored.
* 1: Character is collapsible whitespace.
* 2: Character should be added to the content.
* 3: Character should be added to the content and is a newline.
static getCharacterAttributes(character, preserveNewlines, preserveWhitespace) {
switch (character.charCodeAt(0)) {
case 0x09: // Tab ('\t')
case 0x0c: // Form feed ('\f')
case 0x0d: // Carriage return ('\r')
case 0x20: // Space (' ')
return preserveWhitespace ? 2 : 1;
case 0x0a: // Line feed ('\n')
return preserveNewlines ? 3 : 1;
case 0x200b: // Zero-width space
case 0x200c: // Zero-width non-joiner
return 0;
default: // Other
return 2;
* Checks whether a given style is visible or not.
* This function does not check `style.display === 'none'`.
* @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} style An object implementing the CSSStyleDeclaration interface.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the style should result in an element being visible, otherwise `false`.
static isStyleVisible(style) {
return !(
style.visibility === 'hidden' ||
parseFloat(style.opacity) <= 0 ||
parseFloat(style.fontSize) <= 0 ||
!DOMTextScanner.isStyleSelectable(style) &&
DOMTextScanner.isCSSColorTransparent(style.color) ||
* Checks whether a given style is selectable or not.
* @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} style An object implementing the CSSStyleDeclaration interface.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the style is selectable, otherwise `false`.
static isStyleSelectable(style) {
return !(
style.userSelect === 'none' ||
style.webkitUserSelect === 'none' ||
style.MozUserSelect === 'none' ||
style.msUserSelect === 'none'
* Checks whether a CSS color is transparent or not.
* @param {string} cssColor A CSS color string, expected to be encoded in rgb(a) form.
* @returns {false} `true` if the color is transparent, otherwise `false`.
static isCSSColorTransparent(cssColor) {
return (
typeof cssColor === 'string' &&
cssColor.startsWith('rgba(') &&
* Checks whether a CSS display value will cause a layout change for text.
* @param {string} cssDisplay A CSS string corresponding to the value of the display property.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the layout is changed by this value, otherwise `false`.
static doesCSSDisplayChangeLayout(cssDisplay) {
let pos = cssDisplay.indexOf(' ');
if (pos >= 0) {
// Truncate to <display-outside> part
cssDisplay = cssDisplay.substring(0, pos);
pos = cssDisplay.indexOf('-');
if (pos >= 0) {
// Truncate to first part of kebab-case value
cssDisplay = cssDisplay.substring(0, pos);
switch (cssDisplay) {
case 'block':
case 'flex':
case 'grid':
case 'list': // list-item
case 'table': // table, table-*
return true;
case 'ruby': // ruby-*
return (pos >= 0);
return false;