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    ["打つ", "うつ", "vt", "v5", 10, ["utsu definition 1", "utsu definition 2"], 3, "P E1"],
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    ["打つ", "ぶつ", "vt", "v5", 1,  ["butsu definition 3", "butsu definition 4"], 3, "P E2"],
    ["打ち込む", "うちこむ", "vt", "v5", 10, ["uchikomu definition 1", "uchikomu definition 2"], 4, "P E1"],
    ["打ち込む", "うちこむ", "vt", "v5", 1,  ["uchikomu definition 3", "uchikomu definition 4"], 4, "P E2"],
    ["打ち込む", "ぶちこむ", "vt", "v5", 10, ["buchikomu definition 1", "buchikomu definition 2"], 4, "P E1"],
    ["打ち込む", "ぶちこむ", "vt", "v5", 1,  ["buchikomu definition 3", "buchikomu definition 4"], 4, "P E2"],
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    ["読む", "よむ", "vt", "v5", 100, ["to read"], 6, "P E1"],
    ["強み", "つよみ", "n", "n", 90, ["strong point"], 7, "P E1"],
    ["テキスト", "テキスト", "n", "n", 1, ["text definition 1", {"type": "text", "text": "text definition 2"}], 8, "P E1"],
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