/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * Promise */ function promiseCallback(promise, callback) { return promise.then(result => { callback({result}); }).catch(error => { /* eslint-disable */ console.log(error); /* eslint-enable */ callback({error}); }); } /* * Instance */ function instYomi() { return chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().yomichan; } function instDb() { return instYomi().translator.database; } function instAnki() { return instYomi().anki; } /* * Options */ function optionsSetDefaults(options) { const defaults = { general: { enable: true, audioPlayback: true, groupResults: true, softKatakana: true, maxResults: 32, showAdvanced: false }, scanning: { requireShift: true, selectText: true, imposter: true, delay: 15, length: 10 }, dictionaries: {}, anki: { enable: false, server: '', tags: ['yomichan'], htmlCards: true, sentenceExt: 200, terms: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}}, kanji: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}} } }; const combine = (target, source) => { for (const key in source) { if (!target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } }; combine(options, defaults); combine(options.general, defaults.general); combine(options.scanning, defaults.scanning); combine(options.anki, defaults.anki); combine(options.anki.terms, defaults.anki.terms); combine(options.anki.kanji, defaults.anki.kanji); return options; } function optionsVersion(options) { const fixups = [ () => { const copy = (targetDict, targetKey, sourceDict, sourceKey) => { targetDict[targetKey] = sourceDict.hasOwnProperty(sourceKey) ? sourceDict[sourceKey] : targetDict[targetKey]; }; copy(options.general, 'autoStart', options, 'activateOnStartup'); copy(options.general, 'audioPlayback', options, 'enableAudioPlayback'); copy(options.general, 'softKatakana', options, 'enableSoftKatakanaSearch'); copy(options.general, 'groupResults', options, 'groupTermResults'); copy(options.general, 'showAdvanced', options, 'showAdvancedOptions'); copy(options.scanning, 'requireShift', options, 'holdShiftToScan'); copy(options.scanning, 'selectText', options, 'selectMatchedText'); copy(options.scanning, 'delay', options, 'scanDelay'); copy(options.scanning, 'length', options, 'scanLength'); options.anki.enable = options.ankiMethod === 'ankiconnect'; copy(options.anki, 'tags', options, 'ankiCardTags'); copy(options.anki, 'sentenceExt', options, 'sentenceExtent'); copy(options.anki.terms, 'deck', options, 'ankiTermDeck'); copy(options.anki.terms, 'model', options, 'ankiTermModel'); copy(options.anki.terms, 'fields', options, 'ankiTermFields'); copy(options.anki.kanji, 'deck', options, 'ankiKanjiDeck'); copy(options.anki.kanji, 'model', options, 'ankiKanjiModel'); copy(options.anki.kanji, 'fields', options, 'ankiKanjiFields'); for (const title in options.dictionaries) { const dictionary = options.dictionaries[title]; dictionary.enabled = dictionary.enableTerms || dictionary.enableKanji; dictionary.priority = 0; } }, () => { const fixupFields = fields => { const fixups = { '{expression-furigana}': '{furigana}', '{glossary-list}': '{glossary}' }; for (const name in fields) { for (const fixup in fixups) { fields[name] = fields[name].replace(fixup, fixups[fixup]); } } }; fixupFields(options.anki.terms.fields); fixupFields(options.anki.kanji.fields); } ]; optionsSetDefaults(options); if (!options.hasOwnProperty('version')) { options.version = fixups.length; } while (options.version < fixups.length) { fixups[options.version++](); } return options; } function optionsLoad() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.sync.get(null, options => resolve(optionsVersion(options))); }); } function optionsSave(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.sync.set(options, resolve); }); } /* * Dictionary */ function dictEnabled(options) { const dictionaries = {}; for (const title in options.dictionaries) { const dictionary = options.dictionaries[title]; if (dictionary.enabled) { dictionaries[title] = dictionary; } } return dictionaries; } function dictTermsSort(definitions, dictionaries=null) { return definitions.sort((v1, v2) => { const sl1 = v1.source.length; const sl2 = v2.source.length; if (sl1 > sl2) { return -1; } else if (sl1 < sl2) { return 1; } if (dictionaries !== null) { const p1 = (dictionaries[v1.dictionary] || {}).priority || 0; const p2 = (dictionaries[v2.dictionary] || {}).priority || 0; if (p1 > p2) { return -1; } else if (p1 < p2) { return 1; } } const s1 = v1.score; const s2 = v2.score; if (s1 > s2) { return -1; } else if (s1 < s2) { return 1; } const rl1 = v1.reasons.length; const rl2 = v2.reasons.length; if (rl1 < rl2) { return -1; } else if (rl1 > rl2) { return 1; } return v2.expression.localeCompare(v1.expression); }); } function dictTermsUndupe(definitions) { const definitionGroups = {}; for (const definition of definitions) { const definitionExisting = definitionGroups[definition.id]; if (!definitionGroups.hasOwnProperty(definition.id) || definition.expression.length > definitionExisting.expression.length) { definitionGroups[definition.id] = definition; } } const definitionsUnique = []; for (const key in definitionGroups) { definitionsUnique.push(definitionGroups[key]); } return definitionsUnique; } function dictTermsGroup(definitions, dictionaries) { const groups = {}; for (const definition of definitions) { const key = [definition.source, definition.expression].concat(definition.reasons); if (definition.reading) { key.push(definition.reading); } const group = groups[key]; if (group) { group.push(definition); } else { groups[key] = [definition]; } } const results = []; for (const key in groups) { const groupDefs = groups[key]; const firstDef = groupDefs[0]; dictTermsSort(groupDefs, dictionaries); results.push({ definitions: groupDefs, expression: firstDef.expression, reading: firstDef.reading, reasons: firstDef.reasons, score: groupDefs.reduce((x, y) => x.score > y.score ? x.score : y.score, Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER), source: firstDef.source }); } return dictTermsSort(results); } function dictTagBuildSource(name) { return dictTagSanitize({name, category: 'dictionary', order: 100}); } function dictTagBuild(name, meta) { const tag = {name}; const symbol = name.split(':')[0]; for (const prop in meta[symbol] || {}) { tag[prop] = meta[symbol][prop]; } return dictTagSanitize(tag); } function dictTagSanitize(tag) { tag.name = tag.name || 'untitled'; tag.category = tag.category || 'default'; tag.notes = tag.notes || ''; tag.order = tag.order || 0; return tag; } function dictTagsSort(tags) { return tags.sort((v1, v2) => { const order1 = v1.order; const order2 = v2.order; if (order1 < order2) { return -1; } else if (order1 > order2) { return 1; } const name1 = v1.name; const name2 = v2.name; if (name1 < name2) { return -1; } else if (name1 > name2) { return 1; } return 0; }); } function dictFieldSplit(field) { return field.length === 0 ? [] : field.split(' '); } function dictFieldFormat(field, definition, mode, options) { const markers = [ 'audio', 'character', 'dictionary', 'expression', 'furigana', 'glossary', 'kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'reading', 'sentence', 'tags', 'url' ]; for (const marker of markers) { const data = { marker, definition, group: options.general.groupResults, html: options.anki.htmlCards, modeTermKanji: mode === 'term_kanji', modeTermKana: mode === 'term_kana', modeKanji: mode === 'kanji' }; field = field.replace( `{${marker}}`, Handlebars.templates['fields.html'](data).trim() ); } return field; } /* * Json */ function jsonLoad(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(xhr.responseText)); xhr.addEventListener('error', () => reject('failed to execute network request')); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.send(); }).then(responseText => { try { return JSON.parse(responseText); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject('invalid JSON response'); } }); } function jsonLoadInt(url) { return jsonLoad(chrome.extension.getURL(url)); } function jsonLoadDb(indexUrl, indexLoaded, termsLoaded, kanjiLoaded) { const indexDir = indexUrl.slice(0, indexUrl.lastIndexOf('/')); return jsonLoad(indexUrl).then(index => { if (!index.title || !index.version || !index.revision) { return Promise.reject('unrecognized dictionary format'); } if (indexLoaded !== null) { return indexLoaded( index.title, index.version, index.revision, index.tagMeta || {}, index.termBanks > 0, index.kanjiBanks > 0 ).then(() => index); } return index; }).then(index => { const loaders = []; const banksTotal = index.termBanks + index.kanjiBanks; let banksLoaded = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= index.termBanks; ++i) { const bankUrl = `${indexDir}/term_bank_${i}.json`; loaders.push(() => jsonLoad(bankUrl).then(entries => termsLoaded( index.title, entries, banksTotal, banksLoaded++ ))); } for (let i = 1; i <= index.kanjiBanks; ++i) { const bankUrl = `${indexDir}/kanji_bank_${i}.json`; loaders.push(() => jsonLoad(bankUrl).then(entries => kanjiLoaded( index.title, entries, banksTotal, banksLoaded++ ))); } let chain = Promise.resolve(); for (const loader of loaders) { chain = chain.then(loader); } return chain; }); } /* * Helpers */ function helperKanjiLinks(options) { const isKanji = c => { const code = c.charCodeAt(0); return code >= 0x4e00 && code < 0x9fb0 || code >= 0x3400 && code < 0x4dc0; }; let result = ''; for (const c of options.fn(this)) { if (isKanji(c)) { result += `${c}`; } else { result += c; } } return result; } function helperMultiLine(options) { return options.fn(this).split('\n').join('
'); }