/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * DOM * FrameClient * api * dynamicLoader */ class Popup { constructor(id, depth, frameId, ownerFrameId) { this._id = id; this._depth = depth; this._frameId = frameId; this._ownerFrameId = ownerFrameId; this._parent = null; this._child = null; this._childrenSupported = true; this._injectPromise = null; this._injectPromiseComplete = false; this._visible = false; this._visibleOverride = null; this._options = null; this._optionsContext = null; this._contentScale = 1.0; this._targetOrigin = chrome.runtime.getURL('/').replace(/\/$/, ''); this._previousOptionsContextSource = null; this._frameSizeContentScale = null; this._frameClient = null; this._frame = document.createElement('iframe'); this._frame.className = 'yomichan-float'; this._frame.style.width = '0'; this._frame.style.height = '0'; this._container = this._frame; this._shadow = null; this._fullscreenEventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } // Public properties get id() { return this._id; } get parent() { return this._parent; } get child() { return this._child; } get depth() { return this._depth; } get frameId() { return this._frameId; } // Public functions prepare() { this._updateVisibility(); this._frame.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => e.stopPropagation()); this._frame.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => e.stopPropagation()); this._frame.addEventListener('load', this._onFrameLoad.bind(this)); } isProxy() { return false; } async setOptionsContext(optionsContext, source) { this._optionsContext = optionsContext; this._previousOptionsContextSource = source; this._options = await api.optionsGet(optionsContext); this.updateTheme(); this._invokeApi('setOptionsContext', {optionsContext}); } hide(changeFocus) { if (!this.isVisibleSync()) { return; } this._setVisible(false); if (this._child !== null) { this._child.hide(false); } if (changeFocus) { this._focusParent(); } } async isVisible() { return this.isVisibleSync(); } setVisibleOverride(visible) { this._visibleOverride = visible; this._updateVisibility(); } async containsPoint(x, y) { for (let popup = this; popup !== null && popup.isVisibleSync(); popup = popup.child) { const rect = popup.getFrameRect(); if (x >= rect.left && y >= rect.top && x < rect.right && y < rect.bottom) { return true; } } return false; } async showContent(elementRect, writingMode, type, details, context) { if (this._options === null) { throw new Error('Options not assigned'); } const {optionsContext, source} = context; if (source !== this._previousOptionsContextSource) { await this.setOptionsContext(optionsContext, source); } await this._show(elementRect, writingMode); if (type === null) { return; } this._invokeApi('setContent', {type, details}); } setCustomCss(css) { this._invokeApi('setCustomCss', {css}); } clearAutoPlayTimer() { this._invokeApi('clearAutoPlayTimer'); } setContentScale(scale) { this._contentScale = scale; this._invokeApi('setContentScale', {scale}); } // Popup-only public functions setParent(parent) { if (parent === null) { throw new Error('Cannot set popup parent to null'); } if (this._parent !== null) { throw new Error('Popup already has a parent'); } parent.setChild(this); this._parent = parent; } setChild(popup) { if (this._child !== null) { throw new Error('Popup already has a child'); } this._child = popup; } isVisibleSync() { return (this._visibleOverride !== null ? this._visibleOverride : this._visible); } updateTheme() { this._frame.dataset.yomichanTheme = this._options.general.popupOuterTheme; this._frame.dataset.yomichanSiteColor = this._getSiteColor(); } async setCustomOuterCss(css, useWebExtensionApi) { let parentNode = null; if (this._shadow !== null) { useWebExtensionApi = false; parentNode = this._shadow; } return await dynamicLoader.loadStyle('yomichan-popup-outer-user-stylesheet', 'code', css, useWebExtensionApi, parentNode); } setChildrenSupported(value) { this._childrenSupported = value; } getFrame() { return this._frame; } getFrameRect() { return this._frame.getBoundingClientRect(); } getContainer() { return this._container; } // Private functions _inject() { let injectPromise = this._injectPromise; if (injectPromise === null) { injectPromise = this._createInjectPromise(); this._injectPromise = injectPromise; injectPromise.then( () => { if (injectPromise !== this._injectPromise) { return; } this._injectPromiseComplete = true; }, () => { this._resetFrame(); } ); } return injectPromise; } async _createInjectPromise() { if (this._options === null) { throw new Error('Options not initialized'); } const {useSecurePopupFrameUrl, usePopupShadowDom} = this._options.general; await this._setUpContainer(usePopupShadowDom); const setupFrame = (frame) => { frame.removeAttribute('src'); frame.removeAttribute('srcdoc'); this._observeFullscreen(true); this._onFullscreenChanged(); const url = chrome.runtime.getURL('/fg/float.html'); if (useSecurePopupFrameUrl) { frame.contentDocument.location.href = url; } else { frame.setAttribute('src', url); } }; const frameClient = new FrameClient(); this._frameClient = frameClient; await frameClient.connect(this._frame, this._targetOrigin, this._frameId, setupFrame); // Configure const messageId = yomichan.generateId(16); const popupPreparedPromise = yomichan.getTemporaryListenerResult( chrome.runtime.onMessage, (message, {resolve}) => { if ( isObject(message) && message.action === 'popupConfigured' && isObject(message.params) && message.params.messageId === messageId ) { resolve(); } } ); this._invokeApi('configure', { messageId, frameId: this._frameId, ownerFrameId: this._ownerFrameId, popupId: this._id, optionsContext: this._optionsContext, childrenSupported: this._childrenSupported, scale: this._contentScale }); return popupPreparedPromise; } _onFrameLoad() { if (!this._injectPromiseComplete) { return; } this._resetFrame(); } _resetFrame() { const parent = this._container.parentNode; if (parent !== null) { parent.removeChild(this._container); } this._frame.removeAttribute('src'); this._frame.removeAttribute('srcdoc'); this._frameClient = null; this._injectPromise = null; this._injectPromiseComplete = false; } async _setUpContainer(usePopupShadowDom) { if (usePopupShadowDom && typeof this._frame.attachShadow === 'function') { const container = document.createElement('div'); container.style.setProperty('all', 'initial', 'important'); const shadow = container.attachShadow({mode: 'closed', delegatesFocus: true}); shadow.appendChild(this._frame); this._container = container; this._shadow = shadow; } else { const frameParentNode = this._frame.parentNode; if (frameParentNode !== null) { frameParentNode.removeChild(this._frame); } this._container = this._frame; this._shadow = null; } await this._injectStyles(); } async _injectStyles() { try { await this._injectPopupOuterStylesheet(); } catch (e) { // NOP } try { await this.setCustomOuterCss(this._options.general.customPopupOuterCss, true); } catch (e) { // NOP } } async _injectPopupOuterStylesheet() { let fileType = 'file'; let useWebExtensionApi = true; let parentNode = null; if (this._shadow !== null) { fileType = 'file-content'; useWebExtensionApi = false; parentNode = this._shadow; } await dynamicLoader.loadStyle('yomichan-popup-outer-stylesheet', fileType, '/fg/css/client.css', useWebExtensionApi, parentNode); } _observeFullscreen(observe) { if (!observe) { this._fullscreenEventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); return; } if (this._fullscreenEventListeners.size > 0) { // Already observing return; } DOM.addFullscreenChangeEventListener(this._onFullscreenChanged.bind(this), this._fullscreenEventListeners); } _onFullscreenChanged() { const parent = this._getFrameParentElement(); if (parent !== null && this._container.parentNode !== parent) { parent.appendChild(this._container); } } async _show(elementRect, writingMode) { await this._inject(); const optionsGeneral = this._options.general; const frame = this._frame; const frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewport = this._getViewport(optionsGeneral.popupScaleRelativeToVisualViewport); const scale = this._contentScale; const scaleRatio = this._frameSizeContentScale === null ? 1.0 : scale / this._frameSizeContentScale; this._frameSizeContentScale = scale; const getPositionArgs = [ elementRect, Math.max(frameRect.width * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupWidth * scale), Math.max(frameRect.height * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupHeight * scale), viewport, scale, optionsGeneral, writingMode ]; let [x, y, width, height, below] = ( writingMode === 'horizontal-tb' || optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition === 'default' ? this._getPositionForHorizontalText(...getPositionArgs) : this._getPositionForVerticalText(...getPositionArgs) ); const fullWidth = (optionsGeneral.popupDisplayMode === 'full-width'); frame.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-full-width', fullWidth); frame.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-above', !below); if (optionsGeneral.popupDisplayMode === 'full-width') { x = viewport.left; y = below ? viewport.bottom - height : viewport.top; width = viewport.right - viewport.left; } frame.style.left = `${x}px`; frame.style.top = `${y}px`; frame.style.width = `${width}px`; frame.style.height = `${height}px`; this._setVisible(true); if (this._child !== null) { this._child.hide(true); } } _setVisible(visible) { this._visible = visible; this._updateVisibility(); } _updateVisibility() { this._frame.style.setProperty('visibility', this.isVisibleSync() ? 'visible' : 'hidden', 'important'); } _focusParent() { if (this._parent !== null) { // Chrome doesn't like focusing iframe without contentWindow. const contentWindow = this._parent.getFrame().contentWindow; if (contentWindow !== null) { contentWindow.focus(); } } else { // Firefox doesn't like focusing window without first blurring the iframe. // this._frame.contentWindow.blur() doesn't work on Firefox for some reason. this._frame.blur(); // This is needed for Chrome. window.focus(); } } _getSiteColor() { const color = [255, 255, 255]; const {documentElement, body} = document; if (documentElement !== null) { this._addColor(color, window.getComputedStyle(documentElement).backgroundColor); } if (body !== null) { this._addColor(color, window.getComputedStyle(body).backgroundColor); } const dark = (color[0] < 128 && color[1] < 128 && color[2] < 128); return dark ? 'dark' : 'light'; } _invokeApi(action, params={}) { const contentWindow = this._frame.contentWindow; if (this._frameClient === null || !this._frameClient.isConnected() || contentWindow === null) { return; } const message = this._frameClient.createMessage({action, params}); contentWindow.postMessage(message, this._targetOrigin); } _getFrameParentElement() { const defaultParent = document.body; const fullscreenElement = DOM.getFullscreenElement(); if ( fullscreenElement === null || fullscreenElement.shadowRoot || fullscreenElement.openOrClosedShadowRoot // Available to Firefox 63+ for WebExtensions ) { return defaultParent; } switch (fullscreenElement.nodeName.toUpperCase()) { case 'IFRAME': case 'FRAME': return defaultParent; } return fullscreenElement; } _getPositionForHorizontalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral) { const preferBelow = (optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalTextPosition === 'below'); const horizontalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalOffset * offsetScale; const verticalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupVerticalOffset * offsetScale; const [x, w] = this._getConstrainedPosition( elementRect.right - horizontalOffset, elementRect.left + horizontalOffset, width, viewport.left, viewport.right, true ); const [y, h, below] = this._getConstrainedPositionBinary( elementRect.top - verticalOffset, elementRect.bottom + verticalOffset, height, viewport.top, viewport.bottom, preferBelow ); return [x, y, w, h, below]; } _getPositionForVerticalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral, writingMode) { const preferRight = this._isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition, writingMode); const horizontalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalOffset2 * offsetScale; const verticalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupVerticalOffset2 * offsetScale; const [x, w] = this._getConstrainedPositionBinary( elementRect.left - horizontalOffset, elementRect.right + horizontalOffset, width, viewport.left, viewport.right, preferRight ); const [y, h, below] = this._getConstrainedPosition( elementRect.bottom - verticalOffset, elementRect.top + verticalOffset, height, viewport.top, viewport.bottom, true ); return [x, y, w, h, below]; } _isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(positionPreference, writingMode) { switch (positionPreference) { case 'before': return !this._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode); case 'after': return this._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode); case 'left': return false; case 'right': return true; default: return false; } } _isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode) { switch (writingMode) { case 'vertical-lr': case 'sideways-lr': return true; default: return false; } } _getConstrainedPosition(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) { size = Math.min(size, maxLimit - minLimit); let position; if (after) { position = Math.max(minLimit, positionAfter); position = position - Math.max(0, (position + size) - maxLimit); } else { position = Math.min(maxLimit, positionBefore) - size; position = position + Math.max(0, minLimit - position); } return [position, size, after]; } _getConstrainedPositionBinary(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) { const overflowBefore = minLimit - (positionBefore - size); const overflowAfter = (positionAfter + size) - maxLimit; if (overflowAfter > 0 || overflowBefore > 0) { after = (overflowAfter < overflowBefore); } let position; if (after) { size -= Math.max(0, overflowAfter); position = Math.max(minLimit, positionAfter); } else { size -= Math.max(0, overflowBefore); position = Math.min(maxLimit, positionBefore) - size; } return [position, size, after]; } _addColor(target, cssColor) { if (typeof cssColor !== 'string') { return; } const color = this._getColorInfo(cssColor); if (color === null) { return; } const a = color[3]; if (a <= 0.0) { return; } const aInv = 1.0 - a; for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { target[i] = target[i] * aInv + color[i] * a; } } _getColorInfo(cssColor) { const m = /^\s*rgba?\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([\d.]+)\s*)?\)\s*$/.exec(cssColor); if (m === null) { return null; } const m4 = m[4]; return [ Number.parseInt(m[1], 10), Number.parseInt(m[2], 10), Number.parseInt(m[3], 10), m4 ? Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, Number.parseFloat(m4))) : 1.0 ]; } _getViewport(useVisualViewport) { const visualViewport = window.visualViewport; if (visualViewport !== null && typeof visualViewport === 'object') { const left = visualViewport.offsetLeft; const top = visualViewport.offsetTop; const width = visualViewport.width; const height = visualViewport.height; if (useVisualViewport) { return { left, top, right: left + width, bottom: top + height }; } else { const scale = visualViewport.scale; return { left: 0, top: 0, right: Math.max(left + width, width * scale), bottom: Math.max(top + height, height * scale) }; } } const body = document.body; return { left: 0, top: 0, right: (body !== null ? body.clientWidth : 0), bottom: window.innerHeight }; } static isFrameAboutBlank(frame) { try { const contentDocument = frame.contentDocument; if (contentDocument === null) { return false; } const url = contentDocument.location.href; return /^about:blank(?:[#?]|$)/.test(url); } catch (e) { return false; } } }