General Options

Scanning Options


Yomichan can utilize both bundled and custom (see the Yomichan Import page for details) dictionaries. You can disable dictionaries that you no longer wish to use, or you can simply purge the database to delete everything. Please make sure to wait for import and delete operations to complete before closing this page.

Dictionary data is being purged, please be patient...
Warning: No dictionaries found, use the importer below to install packaged and external dictionaries
Dictionary data is being imported, please be patient...

Anki Options

Yomichan features automatic flashcard creation for Anki, a free application designed to help you retain knowledge. While the AnkiConnect plugin offers the best experience, it is also possible to create flashcards through AnkiWeb, provided you already have an account.


Support Development

If you find Yomichan useful, please consider making a small donation as a way to show your appreciation for the countless hours that I have devoted to this extension. Seeing that people care about my work is great motivation for continuing to improve Yomichan!
