Welcome to Yomichan!

Here are some basics to get started

Clicking the Yomichan icon in the browser bar will open the quick-actions popup.
The cog button will open the settings page.
The magnifying glass button will open a search page, enabling text and terms to be looked up using the installed dictionaries. This can even be used in offline mode!
The question mark button will open a page with some general information about Yomichan.
Yomichan requires one or more dictionaries to be installed in order to look up terms, kanji, and other information. Several downloadable dictionaries can be found on the Yomichan homepage, allowing you to choose the dictionaries most relevant for you. Dictionaries can be configured using the button below, or later from the the Settings page.
Install or remove dictionaries…
After dictionaries have been installed, webpage text can be scanned by moving the cursor while holding the scanning modifier key. The default key is Shift, which can be configured below.
Clicking the speaker icon of an entry in the popup search results will play an audio clip of a term's pronunciation using an online dictionary, if available.
Clicking on a kanji character in a term's definition will show additional information about that character. (Requires a kanji dictionary to be installed.)
This startup notification can be turned off using the options below, or later from the Settings page.

Basic customization

Show this welcome guide on browser startup
Scan modifier key
Hold a key while moving the cursor to scan text.
Scan using middle mouse button
Hold the middle mouse button while moving the cursor to scan text.
Auto-hide search popup
When no definitions are found after scanning text, the popup will automatically hide.
Scan delay (in milliseconds)
Change the delay before scanning occurs when no modifier key is required.
Adjust the style of the popup.
View more settings on the Settings page