/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class Display { constructor(spinner, container) { this.spinner = spinner; this.container = container; this.definitions = []; this.audioCache = {}; this.resultCache = {}; this.sequence = 0; } definitionAdd(definition, mode) { throw 'override me'; } definitionsAddable(definitions, modes) { throw 'override me'; } templateRender(template, data) { throw 'override me'; } kanjiFind(character) { throw 'override me'; } handleError(error) { throw 'override me'; } showTermDefs(definitions, options, context) { this.spinner.hide(); this.definitions = definitions; const sequence = ++this.sequence; const params = { definitions, addable: options.anki.enable, grouped: options.general.groupResults, playback: options.general.audioPlayback }; if (context) { for (const definition of definitions) { definition.sentence = context.sentence || ''; definition.url = context.url || ''; } } this.templateRender('terms.html', params).then(content => { this.container.html(content); let offset = 0; if (context && context.hasOwnProperty('index') && context.index < definitions.length) { const entry = $('.entry').eq(context.index); offset = entry.offset().top; } window.scrollTo(0, offset); $('.action-add-note').click(this.onActionAddNote.bind(this)); $('.action-play-audio').click(e => { e.preventDefault(); const index = Display.entryIndexFind($(e.currentTarget)); this.audioPlay(this.definitions[index]); }); $('.kanji-link').click(e => { e.preventDefault(); const link = $(e.target); context = context || {}; context.source = { definitions, index: Display.entryIndexFind(link) }; this.kanjiFind(link.text()).then(kanjiDefs => { this.showKanjiDefs(kanjiDefs, options, context); }).catch(this.handleError.bind(this)); }); return this.adderButtonsUpdate(['term-kanji', 'term-kana'], sequence); }).catch(this.handleError.bind(this)); } showKanjiDefs(definitions, options, context) { this.spinner.hide(); this.definitions = definitions; const sequence = ++this.sequence; const params = { definitions, source: context && context.source, addable: options.anki.enable }; if (context) { for (const definition of definitions) { definition.sentence = context.sentence || ''; definition.url = context.url || ''; } } this.templateRender('kanji.html', params).then(content => { this.container.html(content); window.scrollTo(0, 0); $('.action-add-note').click(this.onActionAddNote.bind(this)); $('.source-term').click(e => { e.preventDefault(); if (context && context.source) { context.index = context.source.index; this.showTermDefs(context.source.definitions, options, context); } }); return this.adderButtonsUpdate(['kanji'], sequence); }).catch(this.handleError.bind(this)); } adderButtonsUpdate(modes, sequence) { return this.definitionsAddable(this.definitions, modes).then(states => { if (states === null || sequence !== this.sequence) { return; } states.forEach((state, index) => { for (const mode in state) { const button = Display.adderButtonFind(index, mode); if (state[mode]) { button.removeClass('disabled'); } else { button.addClass('disabled'); } button.removeClass('pending'); } }); }); } onActionAddNote(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.spinner.show(); const link = $(e.currentTarget); const mode = link.data('mode'); const index = Display.entryIndexFind(link); const definition = this.definitions[index]; if (mode !== 'kanji') { const url = Display.audioBuildUrlOld(definition); const filename = Display.audioBuildFilename(definition); if (url && filename) { definition.audio = {url, filename}; } } this.definitionAdd(definition, mode).then(success => { if (success) { Display.adderButtonFind(index, mode).addClass('disabled'); } else { this.handleError('note could not be added'); } }).catch(this.handleError.bind(this)).then(() => this.spinner.hide()); } audioPlay(definition) { this.spinner.show(); for (const key in this.audioCache) { const audio = this.audioCache[key]; if (audio !== null) { audio.pause(); } } this.audioBuildUrl(definition).then(url => { let audio = this.audioCache[url]; if (audio) { audio.currentTime = 0; audio.play(); } else { audio = new Audio(url); audio.onloadeddata = () => { if (audio.duration === 5.694694 || audio.duration === 5.720718) { audio = new Audio('/mixed/mp3/button.mp3'); } this.audioCache[url] = audio; audio.play(); }; } }).catch(this.handleError.bind(this)).then(() => this.spinner.hide()); } audioBuildUrl(definition) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const response = this.resultCache[definition.expression]; if (response) { resolve(response); return; } const data = { post: 'dictionary_reference', match_type: 'exact', search_query: definition.expression }; const params = []; for (const key in data) { params.push(`${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(data[key])}`); } const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.japanesepod101.com/learningcenter/reference/dictionary_post'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.addEventListener('error', () => reject('failed to execute network request')); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { this.resultCache[definition.expression] = xhr.responseText; resolve(xhr.responseText); }); xhr.send(params.join('&')); }).then(response => { const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/html'); const entries = []; for (const row of dom.getElementsByClassName('dc-result-row')) { try { const url = row.getElementsByClassName('ill-onebuttonplayer').item(0).getAttribute('data-url'); const expression = dom.getElementsByClassName('dc-vocab').item(0).innerText; const reading = dom.getElementsByClassName('dc-vocab_kana').item(0).innerText; if (url && expression && reading) { entries.push({url, expression, reading}); } } catch (e) { // NOP } } return entries; }).then(entries => { for (const entry of entries) { if (!definition.reading || definition.reading === entry.reading) { return entry.url; } } return '/mixed/mp3/button.mp3'; }); } static audioBuildFilename(definition) { if (!definition.reading && !definition.expression) { return null; } let filename = 'yomichan'; if (definition.reading) { filename += `_${definition.reading}`; } if (definition.expression) { filename += `_${definition.expression}`; } return filename += '.mp3'; } static entryIndexFind(element) { return $('.entry').index(element.closest('.entry')); } static adderButtonFind(index, mode) { return $('.entry').eq(index).find(`.action-add-note[data-mode="${mode}"]`); } }