/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class Dictionary { constructor() { this.db = null; this.entities = null; } existsDb() { return Dexie.exists('dict'); } loadDb() { this.db = null; this.entities = null; return this.initDb().open(); } initDb() { this.db = new Dexie('dict'); this.db.version(1).stores({ terms: '++id,expression,reading', entities: '++,name', kanji: '++,character' }); return this.db; } importKanjiDict(dict) { return this.db.kanji.bulkAdd(dict.d); } fetchEntities() { if (this.entities !== null) { return Promise.resolve(this.entities); } return this.db.entities.toArray((rows) => { this.entities = {}; for (const row of rows) { this.entities[row.name] = row.value; } }).then(() => { return Promise.resolve(this.entities); }); } findTerm(term) { const results = []; return this.db.terms.where('expression').equals(term).or('reading').equals(term).each((row) => { results.push({ expression: row.expression, reading: row.reading, tags: row.tags.split(' '), glossary: row.glossary, entities: this.entities, id: row.id }); }).then(() => { return Promise.resolve(results); }); } findKanji(kanji) { const results = []; return this.db.kanji.where('c').equals(kanji).each((row) => { results.push({ character: row.c, onyomi: row.o.split(' '), kunyomi: row.k.split(' '), tags: row.t.split(' '), glossary: row.m }); }); } // importTermDict(dict) { // return this.db.terms.bulkAdd(dict.d).then(() => { // this.entities = {}; // for (const name in dict.e) { // this.entities[name] = dict.e[name]; // } // return this.db.entities.bulkAdd(dict.e); // }); // } importTermDict(indexUrl) { return Dictionary.loadJson(indexUrl).then((index) => { const entities = []; for (const [name, value] of index.ents) { entities.push({name, value}); } return this.db.entities.bulkAdd(entities).then(() => { if (this.entities === null) { this.entities = {}; } for (const entity of entities) { this.entities[entity.name] = entity.value; } }).then(() => { const loaders = []; const indexDir = indexUrl.slice(0, indexUrl.lastIndexOf('/')); for (let i = 0; i < index.refs; ++i) { const refUrl = `${indexDir}/ref_${i}.json`; loaders.push(() => { return Dictionary.loadJson(refUrl).then((refs) => { const rows = []; for (const [expression, reading, tags, ...glossary] of refs) { rows.push({expression, reading, tags, glossary}); } return this.db.terms.bulkAdd(rows); }); }); } let chain = Promise.resolve(); for (const loader of loaders) { chain = chain.then(loader); } return chain; }); }); } static loadJson(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText))); xhr.open('GET', chrome.extension.getURL(url), true); xhr.send(); }); } }