/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * Display * FrameEndpoint * api */ class DisplayFloat extends Display { constructor() { super(); this._nestedPopupsPrepared = false; this._frameEndpoint = new FrameEndpoint(); this._windowMessageHandlers = new Map([ ['extensionUnloaded', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageExtensionUnloaded.bind(this)}] ]); this._browser = null; this._copyTextarea = null; this.registerActions([ ['copyHostSelection', () => this._copySelection()] ]); this.registerHotkeys([ {key: 'C', modifiers: ['ctrl'], action: 'copyHostSelection'} ]); this.autoPlayAudioDelay = 400; } async prepare() { await super.prepare(); const {browser} = await api.getEnvironmentInfo(); this._browser = browser; this.registerDirectMessageHandlers([ ['configure', {async: true, handler: this._onMessageConfigure.bind(this)}], ['setContentScale', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageSetContentScale.bind(this)}] ]); window.addEventListener('message', this._onWindowMessage.bind(this), false); document.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseUp.bind(this), false); document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this), false); document.documentElement.addEventListener('auxclick', this._onClick.bind(this), false); this.initializeState(); this._frameEndpoint.signal(); } onEscape() { this._invokeOwner('closePopup'); } async getDocumentTitle() { try { const targetFrameId = 0; const {title} = await api.crossFrame.invoke(targetFrameId, 'getDocumentInformation'); return title; } catch (e) { return ''; } } authenticateMessageData(data) { if (!this._frameEndpoint.authenticate(data)) { throw new Error('Invalid authentication'); } return data.data; } // Message handling _onWindowMessage(e) { const data = e.data; if (!this._frameEndpoint.authenticate(data)) { return; } const {action, params} = data.data; const messageHandler = this._windowMessageHandlers.get(action); if (typeof messageHandler === 'undefined') { return; } const callback = () => {}; // NOP yomichan.invokeMessageHandler(messageHandler, params, callback); } async _onMessageConfigure({frameId, ownerFrameId, popupId, optionsContext, childrenSupported, scale}) { this.ownerFrameId = ownerFrameId; await this.setOptionsContext(optionsContext); if (childrenSupported && !this._nestedPopupsPrepared) { const {depth} = optionsContext; this._prepareNestedPopups(depth + 1, popupId, frameId); this._nestedPopupsPrepared = true; } this._setContentScale(scale); } _onMessageSetContentScale({scale}) { this._setContentScale(scale); } _onMessageExtensionUnloaded() { if (yomichan.isExtensionUnloaded) { return; } yomichan.triggerExtensionUnloaded(); } // Private _onMouseUp(e) { switch (e.button) { case 3: // Back if (this._history.hasPrevious()) { e.preventDefault(); } break; case 4: // Forward if (this._history.hasNext()) { e.preventDefault(); } break; } } _onClick(e) { switch (e.button) { case 3: // Back if (this._history.hasPrevious()) { e.preventDefault(); this._history.back(); } break; case 4: // Forward if (this._history.hasNext()) { e.preventDefault(); this._history.forward(); } break; } } _copySelection() { if (window.getSelection().toString()) { return false; } this._copyHostSelection(); return true; } async _copyHostSelection() { switch (this._browser) { case 'firefox': case 'firefox-mobile': { let text; try { text = await this._invokeOwner('getSelectionText'); } catch (e) { break; } this._copyText(text); } break; default: this._invokeOwner('copySelection'); break; } } _copyText(text) { const parent = document.body; if (parent === null) { return; } let textarea = this._copyTextarea; if (textarea === null) { textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); this._copyTextarea = textarea; } textarea.value = text; parent.appendChild(textarea); textarea.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); parent.removeChild(textarea); } _setContentScale(scale) { const body = document.body; if (body === null) { return; } body.style.fontSize = `${scale}em`; } async _prepareNestedPopups(depth, parentPopupId, parentFrameId) { let complete = false; const onOptionsUpdated = async () => { const optionsContext = this.getOptionsContext(); const options = await api.optionsGet(optionsContext); const maxPopupDepthExceeded = !(typeof depth === 'number' && depth <= options.scanning.popupNestingMaxDepth); if (maxPopupDepthExceeded || complete) { return; } complete = true; yomichan.off('optionsUpdated', onOptionsUpdated); try { await this.setupNestedPopups({ depth, parentPopupId, parentFrameId, useProxyPopup: true, pageType: 'popup' }); } catch (e) { yomichan.logError(e); } }; yomichan.on('optionsUpdated', onOptionsUpdated); await onOptionsUpdated(); } _invokeOwner(action, params={}) { return api.crossFrame.invoke(this.ownerFrameId, action, params); } }