* Update frameInformationGet to also return the tab ID
* Add tabId to Frontend
* Pass tabId/frameId to Display
* Pass ownership information using setContent
* Remove ownerFrameId for Popup classes
* Use frameId instead of ownerFrameId for screenshotting
* Use contentOrigin instead of owner
* Update _invokeContentOrigin implementation
* Improve styles for #content-scroll-focus
* Create new class to manage and control document focus
* Use new focus class
* Add a check to prevent redundant .blur calls
* Create member functions for ignoreElements and ignorePoint
* Create addFullscreenChangeEventListener utility
* Move popup creation management into Frontend
* Move getUrl implementation
* Remove old setup
* Remove try/catch block
* Error wrap
* Add prepare call to TextScanner
* Update depth when popup changes
* Refactor how Frontend gets PopupFactory and frameId
* Update popup preview to work
* Update popup preview frame to use the frontend's popup
* Update how nested popups are set up
* Error wrap
* Update how popups are set up on the search page
* Error wrap
* Error unwrap
* Add missing prepare
* Remove use of frontendInitializationData
* Catch and log errors
* Use new CrossFrameAPI for popup proxy communication
* Remove use of old cross-frame communication classes
* Remove use of old cross-frame communication files
* Make the crossFrame object a member of the api object
* Convert api.js into a class instance
* Use new api.* functions
* Fix missing binds
* Group functions with progress callbacks together
* Change style
* Fix API override not working
* Add API function to send a message to a specific frameId in a tab
* Update _windowMessageHandlers to support additional info per handler
* Remove message token
* Add new authorization check
* Set up new initialization handler
* Update initialization
* Remove message token
* Replace 'prepare' with 'configure'
* Create new prepare function
* Change configure guard
* Log errors in onMessage
* Improve popup initialize function
* Clear secret/token in _resetFrame
* Remove backend message token
* Clear src and srcdoc attributes before loading
* Don't treat about:blank unloads as load events
* Create new logging methods on yomichan object
* Use new yomichan.logError instead of global logError
* Remove old logError
* Handle unhandledrejection events
* Add addEventListener stub
* Update log function
* Update error conversion to support more types
* Add log event
* Add API log function
* Log errors to the backend
* Make error/warning logs update the badge
* Clear log error indicator on extension button click
* Log correct URL on the background page
* Fix incorrect error conversion
* Remove unhandledrejection handling
Firefox doesn't support it properly.
* Remove unused argument type from log function
* Improve function name
* Change console.warn to yomichan.logWarning
* Move log forwarding initialization into main scripts