This commit is contained in:
Alex Yatskov 2016-03-20 20:34:50 -07:00
parent 1ed2e70c6f
commit f784462c4d

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@ -51,63 +51,52 @@ class Translator {
findTerm(text) {
const groups = {}
const groups = {};
for (let i = text.length; i >= 0; --i) {
const term = text.slice(0, i);
const deinflections = this.deinflector.deinflect(term, this.validator);
if (deinflections === null) {
const dfs = this.deinflector.deinflect(term, this.validator);
if (dfs === null) {
this.processTerm(groups, term);
} else {
for (const deinflection of deinflections) {
//this.processTerm(groups, **deinflection);
for (const df of dfs) {
this.processTerm(groups, df.source, df.rules, df.root);
const results =
const results = formatResults(groups).sort(resultSorter);
let length = 0;
for (const result of results) {
length = Math.max(length, result.source.length);
return {results: results, length: length};
// text = util.sanitize(text, wildcards=wildcards)
// groups = dict()
// for i in xrange(len(text), 0, -1):
// term = text[:i]
// deinflections = self.deinflector.deinflect(term, self.validator)
// if deinflections is None:
// self.processTerm(groups, term, wildcards=wildcards)
// else:
// for deinflection in deinflections:
// self.processTerm(groups, **deinflection)
// results = map(self.formatResult, groups.items())
// results = filter(operator.truth, results)
// results = sorted(results, key=lambda d: (len(d['source']), 'P' in d['tags'], -len(d['rules'])), reverse=True)
// length = 0
// for result in results:
// length = max(length, len(result['source']))
// return results, length
findKanji(text) {
// text = util.sanitize(text, kana=False)
// results = list()
let results = [];
// processed = dict()
// for c in text:
// if c not in processed:
// match = self.dictionary.findCharacter(c)
// if match is not None:
// results.append(match)
// processed[c] = match
const processed = {};
for (const c of text) {
if (!processed.has(c)) {
results = results.concat(this.dictionary.findKanji(c));
processed[c] = true;
// return results
return results;
processTerm(groups, source, rules=[], root='') {
root = root || source;
// for (const entry of this.dictionary.findTerm(root)) {
// const key =
// }
// root = root or source
// for entry in self.dictionary.findTerm(root, wildcards):
@ -117,12 +106,53 @@ class Translator {
formatResult(group) {
// root = root or source
const results = [];
for (const [key, value] of groups) {
[expression, reading, glossary] = key;
[tags, source, rules] = group;
// for entry in self.dictionary.findTerm(root, wildcards):
// key = entry['expression'], entry['reading'], entry['glossary']
// if key not in groups:
// groups[key] = entry['tags'], source, rules
expression: expression,
reading: reading,
glossary: glossary,
rules: rules,
source: source,
tags: tags
return results;
resultSorter(v1, v2) {
const sl1 = v1.source.length;
const sl2 = v2.source.length;
if (sl1 > sl2) {
return -1;
} else if (sl1 > sl2) {
return 1;
const p1 = v1.tags.indexOf('P') >= 0;
const p2 = v2.tags.indexOf('P') >= 0;
if (p1 && !p2) {
return -1;
} else if (!p1 && p2) {
return 1;
const rl1 = v1.rules.length;
const rl2 = v2.rules.length;
if (rl1 < rl2) {
return -1;
} else if (rl2 > rl1) {
return 1;
return 0;
validator(term) {