From f271c83d77c1e304925c094ec0e13761b28d6705 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: toasted-nutbread Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2020 16:24:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add documentation about template helper functions (#703) --- docs/ | 577 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 577 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c9081d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ +# Templates + +## Helpers + +Yomichan supports several custom Handlebars helpers for rendering templates. +The source code for these templates can be found [here](../ext/bg/js/template-renderer.js). + + +### `dumpObject` + +Converts an object to a pretty-printed JSON string. +This function can be helpful for debugging values when creating templates. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#dumpObject}}<object>{{/dumpObject}} + + * _`object`_
+ The object to convert. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars +
+ ``` + + Output: + ```html +
+      "key": "value"
+  }
+ ``` + + Preview: + ```html + { + "key": "value" + } + ``` +
+ + +### `furigana` + +Converts a definition to its furigana representation. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#furigana}}<definition>{{/furigana}} + + * _`definition`_
+ The definition to convert. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#furigana}}{{.}}{{/furigana}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + む + ``` + + Preview +
+ + +### `furiganaPlain` + +Converts a definition to its simplified furigana representation. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#furiganaPlain}}<definition>{{/furigana}} + + * _`definition`_
+ The definition to convert. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{~#furiganaPlain~}}{{.}}{{~/furiganaPlain~}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + 読[よ]む + ``` +
+ + +### `multiLine` + +Replaces newline characters with a forced HTML line break `
`. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#multiLine}}text with multiple lines{{/multiLine}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#kanjiLinks~}} + some + multiline + text + {{~/kanjiLinks}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + some
text + ``` + + Preview: +
+ + +### `regexReplace` + +Uses a [regular expression]( to replace a pattern with the specified text. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#regexReplace regex replacement [flags]}}text-to-modify{{/regexReplace}} + + * _`regex`_
+ The raw string used to create the regular expression. This value is passed to the [`RegExp`]( constructor. + * _`replacement`_
+ The text used to replace pattern matches. This supports the standard [special capture group replacements]( as supported by the web browser. + * _`flags`_ _(optional)_
+ Optional flags to pass to the [`RegExp`]( constructor. + * _`text-to-modify`_
+ The text that the regular expression is applied to. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#regexReplace "\(([^)]*)\)" "$1" "g"~}}Here is (some) (text) (in) (parentheses){{~/regexReplace}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + Here is some text in parentheses + ``` +
+ + +### `regexMatch` + +Uses a [regular expression]( to return only the content that matches the pattern. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#regexMatch regex [flags]}}text-to-modify{{/regexMatch}} + + * _`regex`_
+ The raw string used to create the regular expression. This value is passed to the [`RegExp`]( constructor. + * _`flags`_ _(optional)_
+ Optional flags to pass to the [`RegExp`]( constructor. + * _`text-to-modify`_
+ The text that the regular expression is applied to. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#regexMatch "\(([^)]*)\)" "g"~}}Here is (some) (text) (in) (parentheses){{~/regexMatch}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + (some)(text)(in)(parentheses) + ``` +
+ + +### `mergeTags` + +Creates a set of all unique tags for the definition and returns a text representation of the tags separated by commas. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#mergeTags definition isGroupMode isMergeMode}}{{/mergeTags}} + + * _`definition`_
+ The root definition object. + * _`isGroupMode`_ _(optional)_
+ Whether or not the display mode is the 'group' mode. + * _`isMergeMode`_
+ Whether or not the display mode is the 'merge' mode. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{~#mergeTags definition group merge}}{{/mergeTags~}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + v5m, vt, JMdict (English) + ``` +
+ + +### `eachUpTo` + +Similar to the built-in `each` function, but iterates up to a maximum count. +If the iterable is falsy or empty, the `else` condition will be used. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#eachUpTo iterable maxCount}}(modification){{else}}(else-modification){{/eachUpTo}} + + * _`iterable`_
+ The object that should be looped over. A JavaScript [`for...of`]( loop is used, so the object only needs to be iterable. + * _`maxCount`_ _(optional)_
+ The maximum number of entries to loop over. + * _`modification`_
+ The template used to modify the value. The context is changed to the current item of iteration. + * _`else-modification`_
+ The template used in case the iterable is falsy or empty. The context is unchanged. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{~#eachUpTo someArray 5}}{{{.}}}
{{else}}Empty{{/mergeTags~}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + someArray[0]
+ ``` + + Preview: +
+ + +### `spread` + +Uses the JavaScript [spread]( operator to convert one or more iterables into a single array. +This allows it to be used similar to an [`Array.concat`]( operation. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#spread iterable1 iterable2 ... iterableN}}{{/spread}} + + * _`iterableN`_
+ A variable amount of iterable objects to combine into a single array. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#each (spread array1 array2)}}{{{.}}}
{{/each}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + array1[0]
+ ``` + + Preview: +
+ + +### `op` + +Performs a simple operation on one, two, or three arguments. The operations available are: + +* Unary operators: `+`, `-`, `~`, `!` +* Binary operators: `+`, `-`, `/`, `*`, `%`, `**`, `==`, `!=`, `===`, `!==`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `<<`, `>>`, `>>>`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `&&`, `||` +* Ternary operators: `?:` + +If an unknown operator is specified, the `undefined` value is returned. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#op operator operand1 [operand2] [operand3]}}{{/op}} + + * _`operator`_
+ One of the unary, binary, or ternary operators. + * _`operand1`_
+ The first operand of the operation. + * _`operand2`_ _(Optional)_
+ The second operand of the operation. + * _`operand3`_ _(Optional)_
+ The third operand of the operation. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#if (op "===" value1 value2)}}Values are equal{{/op~}}
+ {{~#op "-" value1}}{{/op~}}
+ {{~#op "?:" value1 "a" "b"}}{{/op}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + Values are equal
a + ``` + + Preview: +
Values are equal
+ + +### `get` + +Gets a value from the custom state stack. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#get name}}{{/get}} + + * _`name`_
+ The name of the variable to get. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#get "some-text"}}{{/get}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + This is the value of some-text! + ``` +
+ + +### `set` + +Assigns a value to the custom state stack. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#set name}}value{{/get}}
+ {{#set name value}}{{/get}}
+ + * _`name`_
+ The name of the variable to assign. + * _`value`_
+ The value of the variable. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#set "some-text"}}This is the value of some-text!{{/set~}} + {{~#set "some-number" 32}}{{/set}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + ``` +
+ + +### `scope` + +Pushes a new variable scope to the custom state stack. +Variable assignments are applied to the most recent scope, +and variable lookups will start from the most recent scope and work backwards until a value is found. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#scope}}content{{/scope}} + + * _`name`_
+ The name of the variable to assign. + * _`value`_
+ The value of the variable. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{~#set "key" 32}}{{/set~}} + {{~#get "key"}}{{/get~}}, + {{~#scope~}} + {{~#get "key"}}{{/get~}}, + {{~#set "key" 64}}{{/set~}} + {{~#get "key"}}{{/get~}}, + {{~/scope~}} + {{~#get "key"}}{{/get~}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + 32,32,64,32 + ``` +
+ + +### `property` + +Repeatedly gets a property of an object. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#property object property1 property2 ... propertyN}}{{/property}} + + * _`object`_
+ The initial object to use. + * _`propertyN`_
+ A chain of property names to get on the object. +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{property someObject "field" 0 "toString"}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + function toString() { [native code] } + ``` +
+ + +### `noop` + +No-op. Returns the inner contents of the template. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#noop}}content{{/noop}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{noop}}Unchanged content{{/noop}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + Unchanged content + ``` +
+ + +### `isMoraPitchHigh` + +Returns whether or not a mora will have a high pitch, given the index of the mora and the position of the downstep. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#isMoraPitchHigh index position}}{{/isMoraPitchHigh}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#if (isMoraPitchHigh 1 2)}}High pitch{{else}}Low pitch{{/if}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + High pitch + ``` +
+ + +### `getKanaMorae` + +Returns an array of the mora for a kana string. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#getKanaMorae kana-string}}{{/getKanaMorae}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#each (getKanaMorae "よみちゃん")}}{{{.}}}
{{/each}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + よ


+ ``` + + Preview: +


+ + +## Legacy Helpers + +Yomichan has historically used Handlebars templates to generate the HTML used on the search page and results popup. +To simplify the and improve Yomichan's capabilities, the HTML elements are now generated directly using a different process. + +As such, there are several leftover Handlebars helpers that do not have much utility for Anki templates, but are kept for compatibility purposes. + + +### `kanjiLinks` + +Replaces kanji characters in the text with linkified versions. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#kanjiLinks}}text{{/kanjiLinks}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#kanjiLinks}}読む{{/kanjiLinks}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + む + ``` + + Preview: +
+ + +### `sanitizeCssClass` + +Sanitizes text so it can be used as a CSS class name. + +
+ Syntax: + + {{#sanitizeCssClass}}text{{/sanitizeCssClass}} +
+ Example: + + ```handlebars + {{#sanitizeCssClass}}some text with many types of characters !@#$%^ 読む{{/sanitizeCssClass}} + ``` + + Output: + ```html + some_text_with_many_types_of_characters________読む + ``` +