2020-03-30 20:51:20 -04:00
/ *
* Copyright ( C ) 2020 Alex Yatskov < alex @ foosoft . net >
* Author : Alex Yatskov < alex @ foosoft . net >
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
/ * g l o b a l
* JSZip
* JsonSchema
* requestJson
* /
class DictionaryImporter {
constructor ( ) {
this . _schemas = new Map ( ) ;
async import ( database , archiveSource , onProgress , details ) {
if ( ! database ) {
throw new Error ( 'Invalid database' ) ;
if ( ! database . isPrepared ( ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'Database is not ready' ) ;
const hasOnProgress = ( typeof onProgress === 'function' ) ;
// Read archive
const archive = await JSZip . loadAsync ( archiveSource ) ;
// Read and validate index
const indexFileName = 'index.json' ;
const indexFile = archive . files [ indexFileName ] ;
if ( ! indexFile ) {
throw new Error ( 'No dictionary index found in archive' ) ;
const index = JSON . parse ( await indexFile . async ( 'string' ) ) ;
const indexSchema = await this . _getSchema ( '/bg/data/dictionary-index-schema.json' ) ;
this . _validateJsonSchema ( index , indexSchema , indexFileName ) ;
const dictionaryTitle = index . title ;
const version = index . format || index . version ;
if ( ! dictionaryTitle || ! index . revision ) {
throw new Error ( 'Unrecognized dictionary format' ) ;
// Verify database is not already imported
if ( await database . dictionaryExists ( dictionaryTitle ) ) {
throw new Error ( 'Dictionary is already imported' ) ;
// Data format converters
const convertTermBankEntry = ( entry ) => {
if ( version === 1 ) {
const [ expression , reading , definitionTags , rules , score , ... glossary ] = entry ;
return { expression , reading , definitionTags , rules , score , glossary } ;
} else {
const [ expression , reading , definitionTags , rules , score , glossary , sequence , termTags ] = entry ;
return { expression , reading , definitionTags , rules , score , glossary , sequence , termTags } ;
} ;
const convertTermMetaBankEntry = ( entry ) => {
const [ expression , mode , data ] = entry ;
return { expression , mode , data } ;
} ;
const convertKanjiBankEntry = ( entry ) => {
if ( version === 1 ) {
const [ character , onyomi , kunyomi , tags , ... meanings ] = entry ;
return { character , onyomi , kunyomi , tags , meanings } ;
} else {
const [ character , onyomi , kunyomi , tags , meanings , stats ] = entry ;
return { character , onyomi , kunyomi , tags , meanings , stats } ;
} ;
const convertKanjiMetaBankEntry = ( entry ) => {
const [ character , mode , data ] = entry ;
return { character , mode , data } ;
} ;
const convertTagBankEntry = ( entry ) => {
const [ name , category , order , notes , score ] = entry ;
return { name , category , order , notes , score } ;
} ;
// Archive file reading
const readFileSequence = async ( fileNameFormat , convertEntry , schema ) => {
const results = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 1 ; true ; ++ i ) {
const fileName = fileNameFormat . replace ( /\?/ , ` ${ i } ` ) ;
const file = archive . files [ fileName ] ;
if ( ! file ) { break ; }
const entries = JSON . parse ( await file . async ( 'string' ) ) ;
this . _validateJsonSchema ( entries , schema , fileName ) ;
for ( let entry of entries ) {
entry = convertEntry ( entry ) ;
entry . dictionary = dictionaryTitle ;
results . push ( entry ) ;
return results ;
} ;
// Load schemas
const dataBankSchemaPaths = this . _getDataBankSchemaPaths ( version ) ;
const dataBankSchemas = await Promise . all ( dataBankSchemaPaths . map ( ( path ) => this . _getSchema ( path ) ) ) ;
// Load data
const termList = await readFileSequence ( 'term_bank_?.json' , convertTermBankEntry , dataBankSchemas [ 0 ] ) ;
const termMetaList = await readFileSequence ( 'term_meta_bank_?.json' , convertTermMetaBankEntry , dataBankSchemas [ 1 ] ) ;
const kanjiList = await readFileSequence ( 'kanji_bank_?.json' , convertKanjiBankEntry , dataBankSchemas [ 2 ] ) ;
const kanjiMetaList = await readFileSequence ( 'kanji_meta_bank_?.json' , convertKanjiMetaBankEntry , dataBankSchemas [ 3 ] ) ;
const tagList = await readFileSequence ( 'tag_bank_?.json' , convertTagBankEntry , dataBankSchemas [ 4 ] ) ;
// Old tags
const indexTagMeta = index . tagMeta ;
if ( typeof indexTagMeta === 'object' && indexTagMeta !== null ) {
for ( const name of Object . keys ( indexTagMeta ) ) {
const { category , order , notes , score } = indexTagMeta [ name ] ;
tagList . push ( { name , category , order , notes , score } ) ;
// Prefix wildcard support
const prefixWildcardsSupported = ! ! details . prefixWildcardsSupported ;
if ( prefixWildcardsSupported ) {
for ( const entry of termList ) {
entry . expressionReverse = stringReverse ( entry . expression ) ;
entry . readingReverse = stringReverse ( entry . reading ) ;
// Add dictionary
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const summary = this . _createSummary ( dictionaryTitle , version , index , { prefixWildcardsSupported } ) ;
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database . bulkAdd ( 'dictionaries' , [ summary ] , 0 , 1 ) ;
// Add data
const errors = [ ] ;
const total = (
termList . length +
termMetaList . length +
kanjiList . length +
kanjiMetaList . length +
tagList . length
) ;
let loadedCount = 0 ;
const maxTransactionLength = 1000 ;
const bulkAdd = async ( objectStoreName , entries ) => {
const ii = entries . length ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ii ; i += maxTransactionLength ) {
const count = Math . min ( maxTransactionLength , ii - i ) ;
try {
await database . bulkAdd ( objectStoreName , entries , i , count ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
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errors . push ( errorToJson ( e ) ) ;
2020-03-30 20:51:20 -04:00
loadedCount += count ;
if ( hasOnProgress ) {
onProgress ( total , loadedCount ) ;
} ;
await bulkAdd ( 'terms' , termList ) ;
await bulkAdd ( 'termMeta' , termMetaList ) ;
await bulkAdd ( 'kanji' , kanjiList ) ;
await bulkAdd ( 'kanjiMeta' , kanjiMetaList ) ;
await bulkAdd ( 'tagMeta' , tagList ) ;
return { result : summary , errors } ;
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_createSummary ( dictionaryTitle , version , index , details ) {
const summary = {
title : dictionaryTitle ,
revision : index . revision ,
sequenced : index . sequenced ,
} ;
const { author , url , description , attribution } = index ;
if ( typeof author === 'string' ) { summary . author = author ; }
if ( typeof url === 'string' ) { summary . url = url ; }
if ( typeof description === 'string' ) { summary . description = description ; }
if ( typeof attribution === 'string' ) { summary . attribution = attribution ; }
Object . assign ( summary , details ) ;
return summary ;
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async _getSchema ( fileName ) {
let schemaPromise = this . _schemas . get ( fileName ) ;
if ( typeof schemaPromise !== 'undefined' ) {
return schemaPromise ;
schemaPromise = requestJson ( chrome . runtime . getURL ( fileName ) , 'GET' ) ;
this . _schemas . set ( fileName , schemaPromise ) ;
return schemaPromise ;
_validateJsonSchema ( value , schema , fileName ) {
try {
JsonSchema . validate ( value , schema ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
throw this . _formatSchemaError ( e , fileName ) ;
_formatSchemaError ( e , fileName ) {
const valuePathString = this . _getSchemaErrorPathString ( e . info . valuePath , 'dictionary' ) ;
const schemaPathString = this . _getSchemaErrorPathString ( e . info . schemaPath , 'schema' ) ;
const e2 = new Error ( ` Dictionary has invalid data in ' ${ fileName } ' for value ' ${ valuePathString } ', validated against ' ${ schemaPathString } ': ${ e . message } ` ) ;
e2 . data = e ;
return e2 ;
_getSchemaErrorPathString ( infoList , base = '' ) {
let result = base ;
for ( const [ part ] of infoList ) {
switch ( typeof part ) {
case 'string' :
if ( result . length > 0 ) {
result += '.' ;
result += part ;
break ;
case 'number' :
result += ` [ ${ part } ] ` ;
break ;
return result ;
_getDataBankSchemaPaths ( version ) {
const termBank = (
version === 1 ?
'/bg/data/dictionary-term-bank-v1-schema.json' :
) ;
const termMetaBank = '/bg/data/dictionary-term-meta-bank-v3-schema.json' ;
const kanjiBank = (
version === 1 ?
'/bg/data/dictionary-kanji-bank-v1-schema.json' :
) ;
const kanjiMetaBank = '/bg/data/dictionary-kanji-meta-bank-v3-schema.json' ;
const tagBank = '/bg/data/dictionary-tag-bank-v3-schema.json' ;
return [ termBank , termMetaBank , kanjiBank , kanjiMetaBank , tagBank ] ;