Replaces newline characters with a forced HTML line break `<br>`.
<code>{{#multiLine}}<i>text with multiple lines</i>{{/multiLine}}</code>
### `regexReplace`
Uses a [regular expression]( to replace a pattern with the specified text.
The raw string used to create the regular expression. This value is passed to the [`RegExp`]( constructor.
* _`replacement`_ <br>
The text used to replace pattern matches. This supports the standard [special capture group replacements]( as supported by the web browser.
* _`flags`_ _(optional)_<br>
Optional flags to pass to the [`RegExp`]( constructor.
* _`text-to-modify`_ <br>
The text that the regular expression is applied to.
{{#regexReplace "\(([^)]*)\)" "$1" "g"~}}Here is (some) (text) (in) (parentheses){{~/regexReplace}}
Here is some text in parentheses
### `regexMatch`
Uses a [regular expression]( to return only the content that matches the pattern.
The raw string used to create the regular expression. This value is passed to the [`RegExp`]( constructor.
* _`flags`_ _(optional)_<br>
Optional flags to pass to the [`RegExp`]( constructor.
* _`text-to-modify`_ <br>
The text that the regular expression is applied to.
{{#regexMatch "\(([^)]*)\)" "g"~}}Here is (some) (text) (in) (parentheses){{~/regexMatch}}
### `mergeTags`
Creates a set of all unique tags for the definition and returns a text representation of the tags separated by commas.
The object that should be looped over. A JavaScript [`for...of`]( loop is used, so the object only needs to be iterable.
* _`maxCount`_ _(optional)_<br>
The maximum number of entries to loop over.
* _`modification`_ <br>
The template used to modify the value. The context is changed to the current item of iteration.
* _`else-modification`_ <br>
The template used in case the iterable is falsy or empty. The context is unchanged.
Uses the JavaScript [spread]( operator to convert one or more iterables into a single array.
This allows it to be used similar to an [`Array.concat`]( operation.