
692 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2021 Yomichan Authors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* global
* AudioSystem
* PopupMenu
class DisplayAudio {
constructor(display) {
this._display = display;
this._audioPlaying = null;
this._audioSystem = new AudioSystem();
this._autoPlayAudioTimer = null;
this._autoPlayAudioDelay = 400;
this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection();
this._cache = new Map();
this._menuContainer = document.querySelector('#popup-menus');
this._entriesToken = {};
this._openMenus = new Set();
get autoPlayAudioDelay() {
return this._autoPlayAudioDelay;
set autoPlayAudioDelay(value) {
this._autoPlayAudioDelay = value;
prepare() {
updateOptions(options) {
const data = document.documentElement.dataset;
data.audioEnabled = `${options.audio.enabled && options.audio.sources.length > 0}`;
cleanupEntries() {
this._entriesToken = {};
setupEntry(entry, dictionaryEntryIndex) {
for (const button of entry.querySelectorAll('.action-play-audio')) {
const headwordIndex = this._getAudioPlayButtonHeadwordIndex(button);
this._eventListeners.addEventListener(button, 'click', this._onAudioPlayButtonClick.bind(this, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex), false);
this._eventListeners.addEventListener(button, 'contextmenu', this._onAudioPlayButtonContextMenu.bind(this, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex), false);
this._eventListeners.addEventListener(button, 'menuClose', this._onAudioPlayMenuCloseClick.bind(this, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex), false);
setupEntriesComplete() {
const audioOptions = this._getAudioOptions();
if (!audioOptions.enabled || !audioOptions.autoPlay) { return; }
const {dictionaryEntries} = this._display;
if (dictionaryEntries.length === 0) { return; }
const firstDictionaryEntries = dictionaryEntries[0];
if (firstDictionaryEntries.type === 'kanji') { return; }
const callback = () => {
this._autoPlayAudioTimer = null;
this.playAudio(0, 0);
if (this._autoPlayAudioDelay > 0) {
this._autoPlayAudioTimer = setTimeout(callback, this._autoPlayAudioDelay);
} else {
clearAutoPlayTimer() {
if (this._autoPlayAudioTimer === null) { return; }
this._autoPlayAudioTimer = null;
stopAudio() {
if (this._audioPlaying === null) { return; }
this._audioPlaying = null;
async playAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, sources=null, sourceDetailsMap=null) {
const headword = this._getHeadword(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
if (headword === null) {
return {audio: null, source: null, valid: false};
const buttons = this._getAudioPlayButtons(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
const {term, reading} = headword;
const audioOptions = this._getAudioOptions();
const {textToSpeechVoice, customSourceUrl, volume} = audioOptions;
if (!Array.isArray(sources)) {
({sources} = audioOptions);
if (!(sourceDetailsMap instanceof Map)) {
sourceDetailsMap = null;
const progressIndicatorVisible = this._display.progressIndicatorVisible;
const overrideToken = progressIndicatorVisible.setOverride(true);
try {
// Create audio
let audio;
let title;
let source = null;
const info = await this._createTermAudio(sources, sourceDetailsMap, term, reading, {textToSpeechVoice, customSourceUrl});
const valid = (info !== null);
if (valid) {
({audio, source} = info);
const sourceIndex = sources.indexOf(source);
title = `From source ${1 + sourceIndex}: ${source}`;
} else {
audio = this._audioSystem.getFallbackAudio();
title = 'Could not find audio';
// Stop any currently playing audio
// Update details
const potentialAvailableAudioCount = this._getPotentialAvailableAudioCount(term, reading);
for (const button of buttons) {
const titleDefault = button.dataset.titleDefault || '';
button.title = `${titleDefault}\n${title}`;
this._updateAudioPlayButtonBadge(button, potentialAvailableAudioCount);
// Play
audio.currentTime = 0;
audio.volume = Number.isFinite(volume) ? Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, volume / 100.0)) : 1.0;
const playPromise = audio.play();
this._audioPlaying = audio;
if (typeof playPromise !== 'undefined') {
try {
await playPromise;
} catch (e) {
// NOP
return {audio, source, valid};
} finally {
getPrimaryCardAudio(term, reading) {
const cacheEntry = this._getCacheItem(term, reading, false);
const primaryCardAudio = typeof cacheEntry !== 'undefined' ? cacheEntry.primaryCardAudio : null;
return primaryCardAudio;
// Private
_onAudioPlayButtonClick(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
this._showAudioMenu(e.currentTarget, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
} else {
this.playAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
_onAudioPlayButtonContextMenu(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, e) {
this._showAudioMenu(e.currentTarget, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
_onAudioPlayMenuCloseClick(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, e) {
const {detail: {action, item, menu, shiftKey}} = e;
switch (action) {
case 'playAudioFromSource':
if (shiftKey) {
this._playAudioFromSource(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, item);
case 'setPrimaryAudio':
this._setPrimaryAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, item, menu, true);
_getCacheItem(term, reading, create) {
const key = this._getTermReadingKey(term, reading);
let cacheEntry = this._cache.get(key);
if (typeof cacheEntry === 'undefined' && create) {
cacheEntry = {
sourceMap: new Map(),
primaryCardAudio: null
this._cache.set(key, cacheEntry);
return cacheEntry;
_getMenuItemSourceInfo(item) {
const group = item.closest('.popup-menu-item-group');
if (group === null) { return null; }
let {source, index} = group.dataset;
if (typeof index !== 'undefined') {
index = Number.parseInt(index, 10);
const hasIndex = (Number.isFinite(index) && Math.floor(index) === index);
if (!hasIndex) {
index = 0;
return {source, index, hasIndex};
async _playAudioFromSource(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, item) {
const sourceInfo = this._getMenuItemSourceInfo(item);
if (sourceInfo === null) { return; }
const {source, index, hasIndex} = sourceInfo;
const sourceDetailsMap = hasIndex ? new Map([[source, {start: index, end: index + 1}]]) : null;
try {
const token = this._entriesToken;
const {valid} = await this.playAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, [source], sourceDetailsMap);
if (valid && token === this._entriesToken) {
this._setPrimaryAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, item, null, false);
} catch (e) {
// NOP
_setPrimaryAudio(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex, item, menu, canToggleOff) {
const sourceInfo = this._getMenuItemSourceInfo(item);
if (sourceInfo === null) { return; }
const {source, index} = sourceInfo;
if (!this._sourceIsDownloadable(source)) { return; }
const headword = this._getHeadword(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
if (headword === null) { return; }
const {term, reading} = headword;
const cacheEntry = this._getCacheItem(term, reading, true);
let {primaryCardAudio} = cacheEntry;
primaryCardAudio = (!canToggleOff || primaryCardAudio === null || primaryCardAudio.source !== source || primaryCardAudio.index !== index) ? {source, index} : null;
cacheEntry.primaryCardAudio = primaryCardAudio;
if (menu !== null) {
this._updateMenuPrimaryCardAudio(menu.bodyNode, term, reading);
_getAudioPlayButtonHeadwordIndex(button) {
const headwordNode = button.closest('.headword');
if (headwordNode !== null) {
const headwordIndex = parseInt(headwordNode.dataset.index, 10);
if (Number.isFinite(headwordIndex)) { return headwordIndex; }
return 0;
_getAudioPlayButtons(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex) {
const results = [];
const {dictionaryEntryNodes} = this._display;
if (dictionaryEntryIndex >= 0 && dictionaryEntryIndex < dictionaryEntryNodes.length) {
const node = dictionaryEntryNodes[dictionaryEntryIndex];
const button1 = (headwordIndex === 0 ? node.querySelector('.action-play-audio') : null);
const button2 = node.querySelector(`.headword:nth-of-type(${headwordIndex + 1}) .action-play-audio`);
if (button1 !== null) { results.push(button1); }
if (button2 !== null) { results.push(button2); }
return results;
async _createTermAudio(sources, sourceDetailsMap, term, reading, details) {
const {sourceMap} = this._getCacheItem(term, reading, true);
for (let i = 0, ii = sources.length; i < ii; ++i) {
const source = sources[i];
let cacheUpdated = false;
let infoListPromise;
let sourceInfo = sourceMap.get(source);
if (typeof sourceInfo === 'undefined') {
infoListPromise = this._getTermAudioInfoList(source, term, reading, details);
sourceInfo = {infoListPromise, infoList: null};
sourceMap.set(source, sourceInfo);
cacheUpdated = true;
let {infoList} = sourceInfo;
if (infoList === null) {
infoList = await infoListPromise;
sourceInfo.infoList = infoList;
let start = 0;
let end = infoList.length;
if (sourceDetailsMap !== null) {
const sourceDetails = sourceDetailsMap.get(source);
if (typeof sourceDetails !== 'undefined') {
const {start: start2, end: end2} = sourceDetails;
if (this._isInteger(start2)) { start = this._clamp(start2, start, end); }
if (this._isInteger(end2)) { end = this._clamp(end2, start, end); }
const {result, cacheUpdated: cacheUpdated2} = await this._createAudioFromInfoList(source, infoList, start, end);
if (cacheUpdated || cacheUpdated2) { this._updateOpenMenu(); }
if (result !== null) { return result; }
return null;
async _createAudioFromInfoList(source, infoList, start, end) {
let result = null;
let cacheUpdated = false;
for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
const item = infoList[i];
let {audio, audioResolved} = item;
if (!audioResolved) {
let {audioPromise} = item;
if (audioPromise === null) {
audioPromise = this._createAudioFromInfo(item.info, source);
item.audioPromise = audioPromise;
cacheUpdated = true;
try {
audio = await audioPromise;
} catch (e) {
} finally {
item.audioResolved = true;
item.audio = audio;
if (audio !== null) {
result = {audio, source, infoListIndex: i};
return {result, cacheUpdated};
async _createAudioFromInfo(info, source) {
switch (info.type) {
case 'url':
return await this._audioSystem.createAudio(info.url, source);
case 'tts':
return this._audioSystem.createTextToSpeechAudio(info.text, info.voice);
throw new Error(`Unsupported type: ${info.type}`);
async _getTermAudioInfoList(source, term, reading, details) {
const infoList = await yomichan.api.getTermAudioInfoList(source, term, reading, details);
return infoList.map((info) => ({info, audioPromise: null, audioResolved: false, audio: null}));
_getHeadword(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex) {
const {dictionaryEntries} = this._display;
if (dictionaryEntryIndex < 0 || dictionaryEntryIndex >= dictionaryEntries.length) { return null; }
const dictionaryEntry = dictionaryEntries[dictionaryEntryIndex];
if (dictionaryEntry.type === 'kanji') { return null; }
const {headwords} = dictionaryEntry;
if (headwordIndex < 0 || headwordIndex >= headwords.length) { return null; }
return headwords[headwordIndex];
_getTermReadingKey(term, reading) {
return JSON.stringify([term, reading]);
_getAudioOptions() {
return this._display.getOptions().audio;
_isInteger(value) {
return (
typeof value === 'number' &&
Number.isFinite(value) &&
Math.floor(value) === value
_clamp(value, min, max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
_updateAudioPlayButtonBadge(button, potentialAvailableAudioCount) {
if (potentialAvailableAudioCount === null) {
delete button.dataset.potentialAvailableAudioCount;
} else {
button.dataset.potentialAvailableAudioCount = `${potentialAvailableAudioCount}`;
const badge = button.querySelector('.action-button-badge');
if (badge === null) { return; }
const badgeData = badge.dataset;
switch (potentialAvailableAudioCount) {
case 0:
badgeData.icon = 'cross';
badgeData.hidden = false;
case 1:
case null:
delete badgeData.icon;
badgeData.hidden = true;
badgeData.icon = 'plus-thick';
badgeData.hidden = false;
_getPotentialAvailableAudioCount(term, reading) {
const cacheEntry = this._getCacheItem(term, reading, false);
if (typeof cacheEntry === 'undefined') { return null; }
const {sourceMap} = cacheEntry;
let count = 0;
for (const {infoList} of sourceMap.values()) {
if (infoList === null) { continue; }
for (const {audio, audioResolved} of infoList) {
if (!audioResolved || audio !== null) {
return count;
_showAudioMenu(button, dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex) {
const headword = this._getHeadword(dictionaryEntryIndex, headwordIndex);
if (headword === null) { return; }
const {term, reading} = headword;
const popupMenu = this._createMenu(button, term, reading);
popupMenu.on('close', this._onPopupMenuClose.bind(this));
_onPopupMenuClose({menu}) {
_sourceIsDownloadable(source) {
switch (source) {
case 'text-to-speech':
case 'text-to-speech-reading':
return false;
return true;
_getAudioSources(audioOptions) {
const {sources, textToSpeechVoice, customSourceUrl} = audioOptions;
const ttsSupported = (textToSpeechVoice.length > 0);
const customSupported = (customSourceUrl.length > 0);
const sourceIndexMap = new Map();
const optionsSourcesCount = sources.length;
for (let i = 0; i < optionsSourcesCount; ++i) {
sourceIndexMap.set(sources[i], i);
const rawSources = [
['jpod101', 'JapanesePod101', true],
['jpod101-alternate', 'JapanesePod101 (Alternate)', true],
['jisho', 'Jisho.org', true],
['text-to-speech', 'Text-to-speech', ttsSupported],
['text-to-speech-reading', 'Text-to-speech (Kana reading)', ttsSupported],
['custom', 'Custom URL', customSupported],
['custom-json', 'Custom URL (JSON)', customSupported]
const results = [];
for (const [source, displayName, supported] of rawSources) {
if (!supported) { continue; }
const downloadable = this._sourceIsDownloadable(source);
let optionsIndex = sourceIndexMap.get(source);
const isInOptions = typeof optionsIndex !== 'undefined';
if (!isInOptions) {
optionsIndex = optionsSourcesCount;
index: results.length,
// Sort according to source order in options
results.sort((a, b) => {
const i = a.optionsIndex - b.optionsIndex;
return i !== 0 ? i : a.index - b.index;
return results;
_createMenu(sourceButton, term, reading) {
// Create menu
const menuContainerNode = this._display.displayGenerator.instantiateTemplate('audio-button-popup-menu');
const menuBodyNode = menuContainerNode.querySelector('.popup-menu-body');
menuContainerNode.dataset.term = term;
menuContainerNode.dataset.reading = reading;
// Set up items based on options and cache data
this._createMenuItems(menuContainerNode, menuBodyNode, term, reading);
// Update primary card audio display
this._updateMenuPrimaryCardAudio(menuBodyNode, term, reading);
// Create popup menu
return new PopupMenu(sourceButton, menuContainerNode);
_createMenuItems(menuContainerNode, menuItemContainer, term, reading) {
const sources = this._getAudioSources(this._getAudioOptions());
const {displayGenerator} = this._display;
let showIcons = false;
const currentItems = [...menuItemContainer.children];
for (const {source, displayName, isInOptions, downloadable} of sources) {
const entries = this._getMenuItemEntries(source, term, reading);
for (let i = 0, ii = entries.length; i < ii; ++i) {
const {valid, index, name} = entries[i];
let node = this._getOrCreateMenuItem(currentItems, source, index);
if (node === null) {
node = displayGenerator.instantiateTemplate('audio-button-popup-menu-item');
const labelNode = node.querySelector('.popup-menu-item-audio-button .popup-menu-item-label');
let label = displayName;
if (ii > 1) { label = `${label} ${i + 1}`; }
if (typeof name === 'string' && name.length > 0) { label += `: ${name}`; }
labelNode.textContent = label;
const cardButton = node.querySelector('.popup-menu-item-set-primary-audio-button');
cardButton.hidden = !downloadable;
if (valid !== null) {
const icon = node.querySelector('.popup-menu-item-audio-button .popup-menu-item-icon');
icon.dataset.icon = valid ? 'checkmark' : 'cross';
showIcons = true;
node.dataset.source = source;
if (index !== null) {
node.dataset.index = `${index}`;
node.dataset.valid = `${valid}`;
node.dataset.sourceInOptions = `${isInOptions}`;
node.dataset.downloadable = `${downloadable}`;
for (const node of currentItems) {
const {parentNode} = node;
if (parentNode === null) { continue; }
menuContainerNode.dataset.showIcons = `${showIcons}`;
_getOrCreateMenuItem(currentItems, source, index) {
if (index === null) { index = 0; }
index = `${index}`;
for (let i = 0, ii = currentItems.length; i < ii; ++i) {
const node = currentItems[i];
if (source !== node.dataset.source) { continue; }
let index2 = node.dataset.index;
if (typeof index2 === 'undefined') { index2 = '0'; }
if (index !== index2) { continue; }
currentItems.splice(i, 1);
return node;
return null;
_getMenuItemEntries(source, term, reading) {
const cacheEntry = this._getCacheItem(term, reading, false);
if (typeof cacheEntry !== 'undefined') {
const {sourceMap} = cacheEntry;
const sourceInfo = sourceMap.get(source);
if (typeof sourceInfo !== 'undefined') {
const {infoList} = sourceInfo;
if (infoList !== null) {
const ii = infoList.length;
if (ii === 0) {
return [{valid: false, index: null, name: null}];
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
const {audio, audioResolved, info: {name}} = infoList[i];
const valid = audioResolved ? (audio !== null) : null;
const entry = {valid, index: i, name};
return results;
return [{valid: null, index: null, name: null}];
_updateMenuPrimaryCardAudio(menuBodyNode, term, reading) {
const primaryCardAudio = this.getPrimaryCardAudio(term, reading);
const {source: primaryCardAudioSource, index: primaryCardAudioIndex} = (primaryCardAudio !== null ? primaryCardAudio : {source: null, index: -1});
const itemGroups = menuBodyNode.querySelectorAll('.popup-menu-item-group');
let sourceIndex = 0;
let sourcePre = null;
for (const node of itemGroups) {
const {source} = node.dataset;
if (source !== sourcePre) {
sourcePre = source;
sourceIndex = 0;
} else {
const isPrimaryCardAudio = (source === primaryCardAudioSource && sourceIndex === primaryCardAudioIndex);
node.dataset.isPrimaryCardAudio = `${isPrimaryCardAudio}`;
_updateOpenMenu() {
for (const menu of this._openMenus) {
const menuContainerNode = menu.containerNode;
const {term, reading} = menuContainerNode.dataset;
this._createMenuItems(menuContainerNode, menu.bodyNode, term, reading);