If a term has a frequency tag, it should return higher in search results than a match which does not have a tag. For example, a search for 素性 should return すじょう rather than そせい, because the former has a "news" frequency tag.
275 lines
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275 lines
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package yomichan
import (
type headword struct {
Expression string
Reading string
TermTags []string
Index int
IsPriority bool
IsFrequent bool
IsIrregular bool
IsOutdated bool
IsRareKanji bool
IsSearchOnly bool
IsAteji bool
IsGikun bool
type hash uint64
func (h *headword) Hash() hash {
return hashText(h.Expression + "␞" + h.Reading)
func (h *headword) ExpHash() hash {
return hashText(h.Expression + "␞" + h.Expression)
func (h *headword) ReadingHash() hash {
return hashText(h.Reading + "␞" + h.Reading)
func hashText(s string) hash {
h := fnv.New64a()
return hash(h.Sum64())
func (h *headword) IsKanaOnly() bool {
if h.Expression != h.Reading {
return false
for _, char := range h.Expression {
if char >= 'ぁ' && char <= 'ヿ' {
// hiragana and katakana range
} else if char >= '・' && char <= '゚' {
// halfwidth katakana range
} else if char == '〜' {
} else {
return false
return true
func (h *headword) Score() int {
score := 0
if h.IsPriority {
score += 1
if h.IsFrequent {
score += 1
if h.IsIrregular {
score -= 5
if h.IsOutdated {
score -= 5
if h.IsRareKanji {
score -= 5
if h.IsSearchOnly {
score -= 5
return score
func (h *headword) ToInternalLink(includeReading bool) any {
if !includeReading || h.Expression == h.Reading {
return contentInternalLink(
contentAttr{lang: ISOtoHTML["jpn"]},
} else {
return contentSpan(
contentAttr{lang: ISOtoHTML["jpn"]},
contentInternalLink(contentAttr{}, h.Expression),
contentInternalLink(contentAttr{}, h.Reading),
func (h *headword) SetFlags(infoTags, freqTags []string) {
priorityTags := []string{"ichi1", "news1", "gai1", "spec1", "spec2"}
for _, priorityTag := range priorityTags {
if slices.Contains(freqTags, priorityTag) {
h.IsPriority = true
if len(freqTags) > 1 {
h.IsFrequent = true
for _, infoTag := range infoTags {
switch infoTag {
case "iK", "ik", "io":
h.IsIrregular = true
case "oK", "ok":
h.IsOutdated = true
case "sK", "sk":
h.IsSearchOnly = true
case "rK":
h.IsRareKanji = true
case "ateji":
h.IsAteji = true
case "gikun":
h.IsGikun = true
if h.IsOutdated && h.IsRareKanji {
h.IsRareKanji = false
func (h *headword) SetTermTags(freqTags []string) {
h.TermTags = []string{}
if h.IsPriority {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, priorityTagName)
for _, tag := range freqTags {
isNewsFreqTag, _ := regexp.MatchString(`nf\d\d`, tag)
if isNewsFreqTag {
// nf tags are divided into ranks of 500
// (nf01 to nf48), but it will be easier
// for the user to read 1k, 2k, etc.
var i int
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(tag, "nf%2d", &i); err == nil {
i = (i + (i % 2)) / 2
newsTag := "news" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "k"
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, newsTag)
} else if tag == "news1" || tag == "news2" {
} else {
tagWithoutTheNumber := tag[:len(tag)-1] // "ichi", "gai", or "spec"
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, tagWithoutTheNumber)
if h.IsIrregular {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, irregularTagName)
if h.IsOutdated {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, outdatedTagName)
if h.IsRareKanji {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, rareKanjiTagName)
if h.IsAteji {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, atejiTagName)
if h.IsGikun {
h.TermTags = append(h.TermTags, gikunTagName)
func newHeadword(kanji *jmdict.JmdictKanji, reading *jmdict.JmdictReading) headword {
h := headword{}
infoTags := []string{}
freqTags := []string{}
if kanji == nil {
h.Expression = reading.Reading
h.Reading = reading.Reading
infoTags = reading.Information
freqTags = reading.Priorities
} else if reading == nil {
// should only apply to search-only kanji terms
h.Expression = kanji.Expression
h.Reading = ""
infoTags = kanji.Information
freqTags = kanji.Priorities
} else {
h.Expression = kanji.Expression
h.Reading = reading.Reading
infoTags = union(kanji.Information, reading.Information)
freqTags = intersection(kanji.Priorities, reading.Priorities)
h.SetFlags(infoTags, freqTags)
return h
func areAllKanjiIrregular(allKanji []jmdict.JmdictKanji) bool {
// If every kanji form is rare or irregular, then we'll make
// kana-only headwords for each kana form.
if len(allKanji) == 0 {
return false
for _, kanji := range allKanji {
h := newHeadword(&kanji, nil)
kanjiIsIrregular := h.IsRareKanji || h.IsIrregular || h.IsOutdated || h.IsSearchOnly
if !kanjiIsIrregular {
return false
return true
func extractHeadwords(entry jmdict.JmdictEntry) []headword {
headwords := []headword{}
allKanjiAreIrregular := areAllKanjiIrregular(entry.Kanji)
if allKanjiAreIrregular {
// Adding the reading-only terms before kanji+reading
// terms here for the sake of the Index property,
// which affects the yomichan term ranking.
for _, reading := range entry.Readings {
h := newHeadword(nil, &reading)
h.Index = len(headwords)
headwords = append(headwords, h)
for _, kanji := range entry.Kanji {
if slices.Contains(kanji.Information, "sK") {
// Search-only kanji forms do not have associated readings.
h := newHeadword(&kanji, nil)
h.Index = len(headwords)
headwords = append(headwords, h)
for _, reading := range entry.Readings {
if reading.NoKanji != nil {
} else if slices.Contains(reading.Information, "sk") {
// Search-only kana forms do not have associated kanji forms.
} else if reading.Restrictions != nil && !slices.Contains(reading.Restrictions, kanji.Expression) {
} else {
h := newHeadword(&kanji, &reading)
h.Index = len(headwords)
headwords = append(headwords, h)
if !allKanjiAreIrregular {
noKanjiInEntry := (len(entry.Kanji) == 0)
for _, reading := range entry.Readings {
if reading.NoKanji != nil || noKanjiInEntry || slices.Contains(reading.Information, "sk") {
h := newHeadword(nil, &reading)
h.Index = len(headwords)
headwords = append(headwords, h)
return headwords