Require `-language=english_extra` to produce the complete version of the new JMdict dictionary file. If and when we determine that the all the new features are ready to be included the dictionary by default, we can remove this logic.
266 lines
6.2 KiB
266 lines
6.2 KiB
package yomichan
import (
func kata2hira(word string) string {
charMap := func(character rune) rune {
if (character >= 'ァ' && character <= 'ヶ') || (character >= 'ヽ' && character <= 'ヾ') {
return character - 0x60
} else {
return character
return strings.Map(charMap, word)
func (h *headword) InfoSymbols() string {
infoSymbols := []string{}
if h.IsPriority {
infoSymbols = append(infoSymbols, prioritySymbol)
if h.IsRareKanji {
infoSymbols = append(infoSymbols, rareKanjiSymbol)
if h.IsIrregular {
infoSymbols = append(infoSymbols, irregularSymbol)
if h.IsOutdated {
infoSymbols = append(infoSymbols, outdatedSymbol)
return strings.Join(infoSymbols[:], " | ")
func (h *headword) GlossText() string {
gloss := h.Expression
if h.IsAteji {
gloss = "〈" + gloss + "〉"
symbolText := h.InfoSymbols()
if symbolText != "" {
gloss += "(" + symbolText + ")"
return gloss
func (h *headword) TableColHeaderText() string {
text := h.KanjiForm()
if h.IsAteji {
text = "〈" + text + "〉"
return text
func (h *headword) TableRowHeaderText() string {
text := h.Reading
if h.IsGikun {
text = "〈" + text + "〉"
return text
func (h *headword) TableCellText() string {
text := h.InfoSymbols()
if text == "" {
return defaultSymbol
} else {
return text
func (h *headword) KanjiForm() string {
if h.IsKanaOnly() {
return "∅"
} else {
return h.Expression
func needsFormTable(headwords []headword) bool {
// Does the entry contain more than 1 distinct reading?
// E.g. バカがい and ばかがい are not distinct.
uniqueReading := ""
for _, h := range headwords {
if h.IsGikun {
return true
} else if h.IsSearchOnly {
} else if h.IsKanaOnly() {
} else if uniqueReading == "" {
uniqueReading = kata2hira(h.Reading)
} else if uniqueReading != kata2hira(h.Reading) {
return true
return false
type formTableData struct {
kanjiForms []string
readings []string
colHeaderText map[string]string
rowHeaderText map[string]string
cellText map[string]map[string]string
func tableData(headwords []headword) formTableData {
d := formTableData{
kanjiForms: []string{},
readings: []string{},
colHeaderText: make(map[string]string),
rowHeaderText: make(map[string]string),
cellText: make(map[string]map[string]string),
for _, h := range headwords {
if h.IsSearchOnly {
kanjiForm := h.KanjiForm()
if !slices.Contains(d.kanjiForms, kanjiForm) {
d.kanjiForms = append(d.kanjiForms, kanjiForm)
d.colHeaderText[kanjiForm] = h.TableColHeaderText()
reading := h.Reading
if !slices.Contains(d.readings, reading) {
d.readings = append(d.readings, reading)
d.rowHeaderText[reading] = h.TableRowHeaderText()
d.cellText[reading] = make(map[string]string)
d.cellText[reading][kanjiForm] = h.TableCellText()
return d
func formsTableGlossary(headwords []headword) []any {
d := tableData(headwords)
attr := contentAttr{}
centeredAttr := contentAttr{textAlign: "center"}
leftAttr := contentAttr{textAlign: "left"}
cornerCell := contentTableHeadCell(attr, "") // empty cell in upper left corner
headRowCells := []any{cornerCell}
for _, kanjiForm := range d.kanjiForms {
content := d.colHeaderText[kanjiForm]
cell := contentTableHeadCell(centeredAttr, content)
headRowCells = append(headRowCells, cell)
headRow := contentTableRow(attr, headRowCells...)
tableRows := []any{headRow}
for _, reading := range d.readings {
rowHeadCellText := d.rowHeaderText[reading]
rowHeadCell := contentTableHeadCell(leftAttr, rowHeadCellText)
rowCells := []any{rowHeadCell}
for _, kanjiForm := range d.kanjiForms {
text := d.cellText[reading][kanjiForm]
rowCell := contentTableCell(centeredAttr, text)
rowCells = append(rowCells, rowCell)
tableRow := contentTableRow(attr, rowCells...)
tableRows = append(tableRows, tableRow)
tableAttr := contentAttr{data: map[string]string{"content": "formsTable"}}
contentTable := contentTable(tableAttr, tableRows...)
content := contentStructure(contentTable)
return []any{content}
func formsGlossary(headwords []headword) []any {
glossary := []any{}
for _, h := range headwords {
if h.IsSearchOnly {
text := h.GlossText()
glossary = append(glossary, text)
return glossary
func baseFormsTerm(entry jmdict.JmdictEntry) dbTerm {
term := dbTerm{Sequence: entry.Sequence}
headwords := extractHeadwords(entry)
if needsFormTable(headwords) {
term.Glossary = formsTableGlossary(headwords)
} else {
term.Glossary = formsGlossary(headwords)
for _, sense := range entry.Sense {
rules := grammarRules(sense.PartsOfSpeech)
return term
func formsExportDb(inputPath, outputPath, languageName, title string, stride int, pretty bool) error {
reader, err := os.Open(inputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer reader.Close()
dictionary, entities, err := jmdict.LoadJmdictNoTransform(reader)
if err != nil {
return err
meta := newJmdictMetadata(dictionary, "")
terms := dbTermList{}
for _, entry := range dictionary.Entries {
baseTerm := baseFormsTerm(entry)
headwords := extractHeadwords(entry)
for _, h := range headwords {
if h.IsSearchOnly {
if term, ok := createSearchTerm(h, entry, meta); ok {
terms = append(terms, term)
term := baseTerm
term.Expression = h.Expression
term.Reading = h.Reading
term.Score = calculateTermScore(1, 0, h)
terms = append(terms, term)
tags := dbTagList{}
tags = append(tags, entityTags(entities)...)
tags = append(tags, newsFrequencyTags()...)
tags = append(tags, customDbTags()...)
if title == "" {
title = "JMdict Forms"
recordData := map[string]dbRecordList{
"term": terms.crush(),
"tag": tags.crush(),
jmdictDate := jmdictPublicationDate(dictionary)
index := dbIndex{
Title: title,
Revision: "JMdict." + jmdictDate,
Sequenced: true,
Attribution: edrdgAttribution,
return writeDb(