# Yomichan Import # Yomichan Import allows users of the [Yomichan](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan) extension to import custom dictionary files. It currently supports the following formats: * [JMdict](http://www.edrdg.org/jmdict/edict_doc.html) * [JMnedict](http://www.edrdg.org/enamdict/enamdict_doc.html) * [KANJIDIC2](http://www.edrdg.org/kanjidic/kanjd2index.html) * [EPWING](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPWING) * [Daijirin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daijirin) (三省堂 スーパー大辞林) * [Daijisen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daijisen) (大辞泉) * [Kenkyusha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenky%C5%ABsha%27s_New_Japanese-English_Dictionary) (研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版) * [Kotowaza](http://www.web-nihongo.com/wn/dictionary/dic_21/d-index.html) (故事ことわざの辞典) * [Meikyou](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%8E%E9%8F%A1%E5%9B%BD%E8%AA%9E%E8%BE%9E%E5%85%B8) (明鏡国語辞典) Yomichan Import is being expanded to support other EPWING dictionaries based on user demand. This is a mostly non-technical (although laborious) process that requires writing regular expressions and creating font tables; volunteer contributions are welcome. ## Installation ## Builds of Yomichan Import are currently available for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. The required version of [Zero-EPWING](https://foosoft.net/projects/zero-epwing) is included for processing EPWING dictionaries. * [yomichan-import_linux.tar.gz](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/dl/yomichan-import_linux.tar.gz): (GTK+ 3 required for GUI) * [yomichan-import_darwin.tar.gz](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/dl/yomichan-import_darwin.tar.gz) * [yomichan-import_windows.zip](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/dl/yomichan-import_windows.zip) (64 bit Vista or above, no console output) ## Using the Graphical Interface ## In most cases, it is sufficient to run the application without command line arguments and use the graphical interface. Follow the steps below to import your dictionary into Yomichan: 1. Launch the `yomichan-import` executable. 2. Specify the path to the dictionary you wish to convert (path to `CATALOGS` file for EPWING dictionaries). 3. Specify a network port to use (the default port `9876` should be fine for most configurations). 4. Specify the dictionary format from the provided options. 5. Press the button labeled *Import dictionary...* and wait for processing to complete. 6. Once you the message `starting dictionary server on port 9876...`, the dictionary data is ready to be imported. 7. In Yomichan, open the options page and select the *Local dictionary* item in the dictionary importer drop-down menu. 8. When `http://localhost:9876/index.json` is displayed in the address text-box, press the *Import* button to begin import. 9. Wait for the import progress to complete (a progress bar is displayed during dictionary processing). 9. Close Yomichan Import once the import process has finished. [![Import window](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/img/import-thumb.png)](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/img/import.png) ## Using the Command Line ## Yomichan Import can be used as a command line application. When executed with the `--help` argument, usage instructions will be displayed (except on Windows). ``` Usage: yomichan-import [options] input-path [output-dir] https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan-import/ Parameters: -format string dictionary format [edict|enamdict|kanjidic|epwing] -port int port to serve dictionary JSON on (default 9876) -pretty output prettified dictionary JSON -serve serve dictionary JSON for extension -stride int dictionary bank stride (default 10000) -title string dictionary title ``` In most cases it is sufficient to simply provide the path to the dictionary resource you wish to process, without explicitly specifying a format. Yomichan Import will attempt to automatically determine the format of the dictionary based on the contents of the path: | Format | Resource | | ------------ | ------------------------------------ | | **edict** | file named `JMDict_e.xml` | | **enamdict** | file named `JMNedict.xml` | | **kanjidic** | file named `kanjidic2.xml` | | **epwing** | directory with file named `CATALOGS` | For example, if you wanted to process an EPWING dictionary titled Daijirin, you could do so with the following command (shown on Linux): ``` $ ./yomichan-import dict/Kokugo/Daijirin/ ``` Yomichan Import will now begin the conversion process, which can take a couple of minutes to complete. Once you see the message `starting dictionary server on port 9876...` output to your console, you can use Yomichan to import the processed dictionary data using the same steps as described in the *Using the Graphical Interface* section. ## License ## MIT