add epwing support for meikyo

This commit is contained in:
Austin Liew 2017-02-17 04:02:05 -05:00
parent 816e9e605e
commit 318c76dbec
2 changed files with 783 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ func epwingExportDb(inputPath, outputDir, title string, stride int, pretty bool)
epwingExtractors := map[string]epwingExtractor{
"三省堂 スーパー大辞林": makeDaijirinExtractor(),
"大辞泉": makeDaijisenExtractor(),
"明鏡国語辞典": makeMeikyoExtractor(),
var (

meikyo.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
package main
import (
type meikyoExtractor struct {
partsExp *regexp.Regexp
expForeignMetaExp *regexp.Regexp
expShapesExp *regexp.Regexp
expBracketedExp *regexp.Regexp
expTermsExp *regexp.Regexp
readGroupExp *regexp.Regexp
metaExp *regexp.Regexp
func makeMeikyoExtractor() epwingExtractor {
var foreignMeta = []string{
return &meikyoExtractor{
partsExp: regexp.MustCompile(`([^(【〖[]+)(?:【(.*)】)?(?:\[(.*)\])?(?:(.*))?`),
expForeignMetaExp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(foreignMeta, "|")),
expShapesExp: regexp.MustCompile(`[▼▽]+`),
expBracketedExp: regexp.MustCompile(`(?:[〈《])([^〉》]*)(?:[〉》])`),
expTermsExp: regexp.MustCompile(`([^]*)?(?:(.*))?`),
metaExp: regexp.MustCompile(`〘([^〙]*)〙`),
readGroupExp: regexp.MustCompile(`[‐・]+`),
func (e *meikyoExtractor) extractTerms(entry epwingEntry) []dbTerm {
matches := e.partsExp.FindStringSubmatch(entry.Heading)
if matches == nil {
return nil
var expressions, readings []string
if expression := matches[2]; len(expression) > 0 {
expression = e.expShapesExp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(expression, "")
expression = e.expBracketedExp.ReplaceAllString(expression, "$1")
if termsMatches := e.expTermsExp.FindStringSubmatch(expression); termsMatches != nil {
termsMatches = termsMatches[1:]
for _, terms := range termsMatches {
if len(terms) > 0 {
for _, split := range strings.Split(terms, "・") {
expressions = append(expressions, split)
if expression := matches[3]; len(expression) > 0 {
expression = e.expForeignMetaExp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(expression, "")
expression = strings.Replace(expression, "", " ", -1)
for _, split := range strings.Split(expression, "・") {
expressions = append(expressions, split)
if reading := matches[1]; len(reading) > 0 {
reading = e.readGroupExp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(reading, "")
readings = append(readings, reading)
var tags []string
for _, split := range strings.Split(entry.Text, "\n") {
if matches := e.metaExp.FindStringSubmatch(split); matches != nil {
for _, tag := range strings.Split(matches[1], "・") {
tags = append(tags, tag)
var terms []dbTerm
if len(expressions) == 0 {
for _, reading := range readings {
term := dbTerm{
Expression: reading,
Glossary: []string{entry.Text},
e.exportRules(&term, tags)
terms = append(terms, term)
} else {
for _, expression := range expressions {
for _, reading := range readings {
term := dbTerm{
Expression: expression,
Reading: reading,
Glossary: []string{entry.Text},
e.exportRules(&term, tags)
terms = append(terms, term)
return terms
func (e *meikyoExtractor) extractKanji(entry epwingEntry) []dbKanji {
return nil
func (e *meikyoExtractor) exportRules(term *dbTerm, tags []string) {
for _, tag := range tags {
if tag == "名" {
} else if tag == "代" {
} else if tag == "連体" {
} else if tag == "副" {
} else if tag == "副ト" || tag == "副トニ" || tag == "トニ" {
} else if tag == "副助" {
} else if tag == "格助" || tag == "終助" {
} else if tag == "接" {
} else if tag == "接助" {
} else if tag == "接尾" {
} else if tag == "接頭" {
} else if tag == "補形" {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "助動") || strings.HasPrefix(tag, "補動") {
} else if tag == "形動トタル" {
} else if tag == "形" {
} else if tag == "形動" {
if strings.Contains(tag, "他") {
if strings.Contains(tag, "自") {
if strings.Contains(tag, "一") {
} else if strings.ContainsAny(tag, "二四五") && tag != "二" && tag != " トニ" {
} else if strings.Contains(tag, "サ変") && (strings.HasSuffix(term.Expression, "する") || strings.HasSuffix(term.Expression, "為る")) {
} else if term.Expression == "来る" {
func (*meikyoExtractor) getRevision() string {
return "meikyo1"
func (*meikyoExtractor) getFontNarrow() map[int]string {
return map[int]string{
41249: " ",
41250: "¡",
41251: "¢",
41252: "£",
41253: "¤",
41254: "¥",
41255: "¦",
41256: "§",
41257: "¨",
41258: "©",
41259: "ª",
41260: "«",
41261: "¬",
41262: "­",
41263: "®",
41264: "¯",
41265: "°",
41266: "±",
41267: "²",
41268: "³",
41269: "´",
41270: "µ",
41271: "¶",
41272: "·",
41273: "¸",
41274: "¹",
41275: "º",
41276: "»",
41277: "¼",
41278: "½",
41279: "¾",
41280: "¿",
41281: "À",
41282: "Á",
41283: "Â",
41284: "Ã",
41285: "Ä",
41286: "Å",
41287: "Æ",
41288: "Ç",
41289: "È",
41290: "É",
41291: "Ê",
41292: "Ë",
41293: "Ì",
41294: "Í",
41295: "Î",
41296: "Ï",
41297: "Ð",
41298: "Ñ",
41299: "Ò",
41300: "Ó",
41301: "Ô",
41302: "Õ",
41303: "Ö",
41304: "×",
41305: "Ø",
41306: "Ù",
41307: "Ú",
41308: "Û",
41309: "Ü",
41310: "Ý",
41311: "Þ",
41312: "ß",
41313: "à",
41314: "á",
41315: "â",
41316: "ã",
41317: "ä",
41318: "å",
41319: "æ",
41320: "ç",
41321: "è",
41322: "é",
41323: "ê",
41324: "ë",
41325: "ì",
41326: "í",
41327: "î",
41328: "ï",
41329: "ð",
41330: "ñ",
41331: "ò",
41332: "ó",
41333: "ô",
41334: "õ",
41335: "ö",
41336: "÷",
41337: "ø",
41338: "ù",
41339: "ú",
41340: "û",
41341: "ü",
41342: "ý",
41505: "þ",
41506: "ÿ",
41507: "Ā",
41508: "ā",
41509: "Ă",
41510: "ă",
41511: "Ą",
41512: "ą",
41513: "Ć",
41514: "ć",
41515: "Ĉ",
41516: "ĉ",
41517: "Ċ",
41518: "ċ",
41519: "Č",
41520: "č",
41521: "Ď",
41522: "ď",
41523: "Đ",
41524: "đ",
41525: "Ē",
41526: "ē",
41527: "Ĕ",
41528: "ĕ",
41529: "Ė",
41530: "ė",
41531: "Ę",
41532: "ę",
41533: "Ě",
41534: "ě",
41535: "Ĝ",
41536: "ĝ",
41537: "Ğ",
41538: "ğ",
41539: "Ġ",
41540: "ġ",
41541: "Ģ",
41542: "ģ",
41543: "Ĥ",
41544: "ĥ",
41545: "Ħ",
41546: "ħ",
41547: "Ĩ",
41548: "ĩ",
41549: "Ī",
41550: "ī",
41551: "Ĭ",
41552: "ĭ",
41553: "Į",
41554: "į",
41555: "İ",
41556: "ı",
41557: "IJ",
41558: "ij",
41559: "Ĵ",
41560: "ĵ",
41561: "Ķ",
41562: "ķ",
41563: "ĸ",
41564: "Ĺ",
41565: "ĺ",
41566: "Ļ",
41567: "ļ",
41568: "Ľ",
41569: "ľ",
41570: "Ŀ",
41571: "ŀ",
41572: "Ł",
41573: "ł",
41574: "Ń",
41575: "ń",
41576: "Ņ",
41577: "ņ",
41578: "Ň",
41579: "ň",
41580: "ʼn",
41581: "Ŋ",
41582: "ŋ",
41583: "Ō",
41584: "ō",
41585: "Ŏ",
41586: "ŏ",
41587: "Ő",
41588: "ő",
41589: "Œ",
41590: "œ",
41591: "Ŕ",
41592: "ŕ",
41593: "Ŗ",
41594: "ŗ",
41595: "Ř",
41596: "ř",
41597: "Ś",
41598: "ś",
41761: "Ŝ",
41762: "ŝ",
41763: "Ş",
41764: "ş",
41765: "Š",
41766: "š",
41767: "Ţ",
41768: "ţ",
41769: "Ť",
41770: "ť",
41771: "Ŧ",
41772: "ŧ",
41773: "Ũ",
41774: "ũ",
41775: "Ū",
41776: "ū",
41777: "Ŭ",
41778: "ŭ",
41779: "Ů",
41780: "ů",
41781: "Ű",
41782: "ű",
41783: "Ų",
41784: "ų",
41785: "Ŵ",
41786: "ŵ",
41787: "Ŷ",
41788: "ŷ",
41789: "Ÿ",
41790: "Ź",
41791: "ź",
41792: "Ż",
41793: "ż",
41794: "Ž",
41795: "ž",
41796: "ſ",
41797: "Ǎ",
41798: "ǎ",
41799: "Ǐ",
41800: "ǐ",
41801: "Ǒ",
41802: "ǒ",
41803: "Ǔ",
41804: "ǔ",
41805: "ƒ",
41806: "ˆ",
41807: "˜",
41808: "ɔ",
41809: "ɔ̀",
41810: "ɔ́",
41811: "ǝ",
41812: "ǝ̀",
41813: "ǝ́",
41814: "ʌ",
41815: "ʌ̀",
41816: "ʌ́",
41817: "",
41818: "ɑ",
41819: "ɑ̀",
41820: "ɑ́",
41821: "ʃ",
41822: "ʊ",
41823: "θ",
41824: "ʒ",
41825: "ɒ",
41826: "ǽ",
41827: "ɚ",
41828: "ɡ",
41829: "ʤ",
41830: "ʧ",
41831: "-",
41832: ".",
41833: "¯",
41834: "℉",
41835: "",
41836: "Ⅱ",
41837: "Ⅲ",
41838: "Ⅳ",
41839: "",
41840: "",
41841: "↕",
41842: "■",
41843: "°",
41844: "∛",
41845: "∜",
41846: "∥",
41847: "〻",
41848: "≣",
41849: "≺",
41850: "≻",
41851: "∧",
41852: "",
41853: "♠",
41854: "♣",
42017: "♥",
42018: "♦",
42019: "♩",
42020: "♮",
42021: "√",
func (*meikyoExtractor) getFontWide() map[int]string {
return map[int]string{
45089: "鄧",
45090: "疒",
45091: "©",
45092: "æ",
45093: "æ̀",
45094: "ǽ",
45095: "①",
45096: "➁",
45097: "③",
45098: "④",
45099: "⑤",
45100: "⑥",
45101: "⑦",
45102: "⑧",
45103: "⑨",
45104: "⑩",
45105: "⑪",
45106: "⑫",
45107: "⑬",
45108: "⑭",
45109: "⑮",
45110: "⑯",
45111: "⑰",
45112: "⑱",
45113: "⑲",
45114: "⑳",
45115: "⑴",
45116: "⑵",
45117: "⑶",
45118: "〘",
45119: "〙",
45120: "",
45121: "",
45122: "㋐",
45123: "㋑",
45124: "㋒",
45125: "㋓",
45126: "㋔",
45127: "㋕",
45128: "㋖",
45129: "㋗",
45130: "㋘",
45131: "㋙",
45132: "㋚",
45133: "㋛",
45134: "㋜",
45135: "㋝",
45136: "㋞",
45137: "㋟",
45138: "㋠",
45139: "㋡",
45140: "㋢",
45141: "㋣",
45142: "丰",
45143: "仐",
45144: "你",
45145: "俏",
45146: "俠",
45147: "偓",
45148: "儈",
45149: "",
45150: "厴",
45151: "呍",
45152: "啞",
45153: "嘻",
45154: "噦",
45155: "噯",
45156: "嚙",
45157: "嚢",
45158: "埵",
45159: "塡",
45160: "增",
45161: "壔",
45162: "妤",
45163: "婟",
45164: "孒",
45165: "尩",
45166: "屢",
45167: "弴",
45168: "彽",
45169: "德",
45170: "憍",
45171: "扌",
45172: "挍",
45173: "挘",
45174: "挵",
45175: "捥",
45176: "搔",
45177: "摑",
45178: "撿",
45179: "擊",
45180: "擤",
45181: "攙",
45182: "攩",
45345: "昻",
45346: "晳",
45347: "枘",
45348: "栱",
45349: "桛",
45350: "梂",
45351: "梘",
45352: "梣",
45353: "梲",
45354: "梻",
45355: "棰",
45356: "楉",
45357: "楤",
45358: "榨",
45359: "樏",
45360: "樝",
45361: "橅",
45362: "橐",
45363: "橫",
45364: "檝",
45365: "檞",
45366: "櫧",
45367: "氵",
45368: "洄",
45369: "湑",
45370: "潑",
45371: "濹",
45372: "瀆",
45373: "瀨",
45374: "灬",
45375: "炷",
45376: "炻",
45377: "焰",
45378: "煆",
45379: "煠",
45380: "熅",
45381: "牓",
45382: "玕",
45383: "瑇",
45384: "疒",
45385: "痀",
45386: "痎",
45387: "痹",
45388: "瘙",
45389: "瘦",
45390: "瘭",
45391: "癤",
45392: "皂",
45393: "盬",
45394: "眴",
45395: "眶",
45396: "睺",
45397: "矠",
45398: "矻",
45399: "硨",
45400: "磲",
45401: "祆",
45402: "禱",
45403: "稭",
45404: "穇",
45405: "窠",
45406: "笧",
45407: "筕",
45408: "篊",
45409: "篖",
45410: "簎",
45411: "簶",
45412: "籡",
45413: "籹",
45414: "粑",
45415: "糈",
45416: "糗",
45417: "糝",
45418: "絇",
45419: "綠",
45420: "緖",
45421: "縕",
45422: "繇",
45423: "繡",
45424: "繫",
45425: "胳",
45426: "腭",
45427: "舢",
45428: "苆",
45429: "萁",
45430: "萊",
45431: "蒴",
45432: "蔞",
45433: "蔣",
45434: "蔲",
45435: "蕺",
45436: "薰",
45437: "蘞",
45438: "蘩",
45601: "虯",
45602: "蛽",
45603: "蜱",
45604: "蜾",
45605: "蝲",
45606: "螈",
45607: "蟎",
45608: "蟖",
45609: "蠃",
45610: "蠆",
45611: "蠊",
45612: "蠟",
45613: "袘",
45614: "袪",
45615: "裑",
45616: "襬",
45617: "豇",
45618: "賴",
45619: "跆",
45620: "跑",
45621: "踠",
45622: "軀",
45623: "辨",
45624: "邌",
45625: "醞",
45626: "醱",
45627: "鈸",
45628: "鎺",
45629: "雞",
45630: "韛",
45631: "頰",
45632: "顖",
45633: "顚",
45634: "顬",
45635: "飥",
45636: "餺",
45637: "駃",
45638: "騠",
45639: "驎",
45640: "骶",
45641: "魬",
45642: "魳",
45643: "鮄",
45644: "鮧",
45645: "鮬",
45646: "鮸",
45647: "鯁",
45648: "鯎",
45649: "鯥",
45650: "鯧",
45651: "鰙",
45652: "鰶",
45653: "鱁",
45654: "鱏",
45655: "鱓",
45656: "鱝",
45657: "鱩",
45658: "鱪",
45659: "鱮",
45660: "鱰",
45661: "鱲",
45662: "鱵",
45663: "鵇",
45664: "鵼",
45665: "鶀",
45666: "鷉",
45667: "鷗",
45668: "鸊",
45669: "鹼",
45670: "麨",
45671: "麬",
45672: "麴",
45673: "黑",
45674: "鼯",
45675: "鼹",
45676: "爛",
45677: "朗",
45678: "塚",
45679: "神",
45680: "祥",
45681: "福",
45682: "﨟",
45683: "諸",
45684: "都",
45685: "-",
45686: "~",
45687: "¢",
45688: "£",
45689: "〓",
45690: "〰",
45691: "㊀",
45692: "㊁",
45693: "㊂",
45694: "㊃",
45857: "㊙",
45858: "㋤",
45859: "懀",
45860: "杮",
45861: "〓",
45862: "",
45863: "○",
45864: "",