# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Yatskov # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from PyQt4 import QtGui import re def decodeContent(content): encodings = ['utf-8', 'shift_jis', 'euc-jp', 'utf-16'] errors = dict() for encoding in encodings: try: return content.decode(encoding), encoding except UnicodeDecodeError, e: errors[encoding] = e[2] encoding = sorted(errors, key=errors.get, reverse=True)[0] return content.decode(encoding, 'replace'), encoding def stripReadings(content): return re.sub(u'《[^》]+》', unicode(), content) def findSentence(content, position): quotesFwd = {u'「': u'」', u'『': u'』', u"'": u"'", u'"': u'"'} quotesBwd = {u'」': u'「', u'』': u'『', u"'": u"'", u'"': u'"'} terminators = u'。..??!!' quoteStack = list() start = 0 for i in xrange(position, start, -1): c = content[i] if not quoteStack and (c in terminators or c in quotesFwd or c == '\n'): start = i + 1 break if quoteStack and c == quoteStack[0]: quoteStack.pop() elif c in quotesBwd: quoteStack.insert(0, quotesBwd[c]) quoteStack = list() end = len(content) for i in xrange(position, end): c = content[i] if not quoteStack: if c in terminators: end = i + 1 break elif c in quotesBwd: end = i break if quoteStack and c == quoteStack[0]: quoteStack.pop() elif c in quotesFwd: quoteStack.insert(0, quotesFwd[c]) return content[start:end].strip() def formatFields(fields, markup): result = dict() for field, value in fields.items(): try: result[field] = value.format(**markup) except KeyError: pass return result def splitTags(tags): return filter(lambda tag: tag.strip(), re.split('[;,\s]', tags)) def markupVocabExp(definition): if definition['reading']: summary = u'{expression} [{reading}]'.format(**definition) else: summary = u'{expression}'.format(**definition) return { 'expression': definition['expression'], 'reading': definition['reading'] or unicode(), 'glossary': definition['glossary'], 'sentence': definition.get('sentence'), 'summary': summary } def markupVocabReading(definition): if definition['reading']: return { 'expression': definition['reading'], 'reading': unicode(), 'glossary': definition['glossary'], 'sentence': definition.get('sentence'), 'summary': definition['reading'] } def copyVocabDef(definition): if definition['reading']: result = u'{expression}\t{reading}\t{glossary}\n'.format(**definition) else: result = u'{expression}\t{glossary}\n'.format(**definition) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(result) def markupKanji(definition): return { 'character': definition['character'], 'onyomi': definition['onyomi'], 'kunyomi': definition['kunyomi'], 'glossary': definition['glossary'], 'summary': definition['character'] } def copyKanjiDef(definition): return QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(u'{character}\t{kunyomi}\t{onyomi}\t{glossary}'.format(**definition)) def buildDefHeader(): palette = QtGui.QApplication.palette() toolTipBg = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Window).name() toolTipFg = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.WindowText).name() return u""" """.format(toolTipBg, toolTipFg) def buildDefFooter(): return '' def buildEmpty(): return u"""

No definitions to display.

Mouse over text with the middle mouse button or shift key pressed to search.

You can also also input terms in the search box below.""" def buildVocabDef(definition, index, query): reading = unicode() if definition['reading']: reading = u'[{0}]
'.format(definition['reading']) rules = unicode() if len(definition['rules']) > 0: rules = ' < '.join(definition['rules']) rules = '({0})
'.format(rules) links = ''.format(index) if query is not None: if query('vocab', markupVocabExp(definition)): links += ''.format(index) if query('vocab', markupVocabReading(definition)): links += ''.format(index) html = u""" {0} {1}
{2} {3}
""".format(links, definition['expression'], reading, definition['glossary'], rules) return html def buildVocabDefs(definitions, query): html = buildDefHeader() if len(definitions) > 0: for i, definition in enumerate(definitions): html += buildVocabDef(definition, i, query) else: html += buildEmpty() return html + buildDefFooter() def buildKanjiDef(definition, index, query): links = ''.format(index) if query is not None and query('kanji', markupKanji(definition)): links += ''.format(index) readings = ', '.join([definition['kunyomi'], definition['onyomi']]) html = u""" {0} {1}

""".format(links, definition['character'], readings, definition['glossary']) return html def buildKanjiDefs(definitions, query): html = buildDefHeader() if len(definitions) > 0: for i, definition in enumerate(definitions): html += buildKanjiDef(definition, i, query) else: html += buildEmpty() return html + buildDefFooter()