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remove remaining spaces at the end of the line after unwrapping

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Camille Dejoye 2020-11-21 10:25:27 +01:00
parent 2c997ed781
commit 8585d3f256
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ function! s:fixMethodOpeningBraceAfterUnwrap(range, container, arguments) abort
execute printf("undojoin | normal! %dG$F{i\<CR>", a:range.lineStart)
execute printf("undojoin | normal! %dG$F{gelct{\<CR>", a:range.lineStart)
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#filetype#php#200_smart_brace#pre_wrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
" Do nothing but prevent the file to be loaded more than once
" When calling an autoload function that is not define the script that
" When calling an autoload function that is not define, the script that
" should contain it is sourced every time the function is called
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#filetype#php#200_smart_brace#pre_unwrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
" Do nothing but prevent the file to be loaded more than once
" When calling an autoload function that is not define the script that
" When calling an autoload function that is not define, the script that
" should contain it is sourced every time the function is called
endfunction " }}}