149 lines
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149 lines
5.4 KiB
function! s:extractCursorPositionForUnwrappedArguments(range, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:cursorColumn = col('.')
let l:lineText = getline(a:range.lineStart)
let l:position = {}
let l:argumentNumber = 0
for argument in a:arguments
let l:argumentNumber += 1
let l:argumentStart = stridx(l:lineText, argument)
let l:argumentEnd = l:argumentStart + len(argument)
if l:cursorColumn <= l:argumentStart
let l:cursorColumn = l:argumentStart + 1
if l:argumentEnd < l:cursorColumn
if l:lineText[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^,' " Cursor on the separator
if !argwrap#getSetting('comma_first')
let l:cursorColumn = l:argumentEnd + 1
let l:position.argumentNumber = l:argumentNumber + 1
let l:position.column = -1
elseif l:lineText[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^\s+,' " Cursor before the separator
let l:cursorColumn = l:argumentEnd
if l:cursorColumn <= l:argumentEnd + 1
let l:position.argumentNumber = l:argumentNumber
let l:position.column = l:cursorColumn - l:argumentStart
" If the position was not found it's because the cursor is after the last
" argument
if empty(l:position)
let l:position.argumentNumber = l:argumentNumber
let l:position.column = l:argumentEnd - l:argumentStart
return l:position
endfunction " }}}
function! s:extractCursorPositionForWrappedArguments(range, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:position = {}
let l:isCommaFirst = argwrap#getSetting('comma_first')
let l:cursorColumn = col('.')
let l:cursorArgumentNumber = line('.') - a:range.lineStart
" In case the cursor is on the start line
let l:cursorArgumentNumber = min([len(a:arguments), l:cursorArgumentNumber])
" In case the cursor is on the end line
let l:cursorArgumentNumber = max([1, l:cursorArgumentNumber])
let l:argumentLine = getline('.')
let l:argumentText = a:arguments[l:cursorArgumentNumber - 1]
let l:argumentStart = stridx(l:argumentLine, l:argumentText)
let l:argumentEnd = l:argumentStart + len(l:argumentText)
let l:position.argumentNumber = l:cursorArgumentNumber
let l:position.column = l:cursorColumn - l:argumentStart
if l:cursorColumn <= l:argumentStart
let l:position.column = 1
if l:isCommaFirst
if l:argumentLine[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^,' " Cursor on the separator
" The cursor should be placed on the separtor
let l:position.argumentNumber -= 1
let l:position.column = len(a:arguments[l:position.argumentNumber - 1]) + 1
elseif l:argumentLine[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^\s+,' " Cursor before the separator
" The cursor should be placed on the end of the previous argument
let l:position.argumentNumber -= 1
let l:position.column = len(a:arguments[l:position.argumentNumber - 1])
if l:argumentEnd < l:cursorColumn
let l:position.column = len(l:argumentText)
if !l:isCommaFirst
if l:argumentLine[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^\s+,' " Cursor before the separator
" The cursor should be placed on the end of the current argument
elseif l:argumentLine[l:cursorColumn - 1:] =~ '\v^,' " Cursor on the separator
" The cursor should be placed on the separator
let l:position.column += 1
return l:position
endfunction " }}}
function! s:getCursorPositionForWrappedArguments(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:line = a:range.lineStart + a:container.cursor.argumentNumber
let l:argumentStart = stridx(getline(l:line), a:arguments[a:container.cursor.argumentNumber - 1])
let l:column = l:argumentStart + a:container.cursor.column
return {'line': l:line, 'column': l:column}
endfunction " }}}
function! s:getCursorPositionForUnwrappedArguments(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:line = a:range.lineStart
let l:column = a:range.colStart
" For each arguments before the one where the cursor must be positioned
for index in range(a:container.cursor.argumentNumber - 1)
" Add the length of the argument + 2 for the separator ', '
let l:column += len(a:arguments[index]) + 2
let l:column += a:container.cursor.column
return {'line': l:line, 'column': l:column}
endfunction " }}}
function! s:setCursorPosition(position) abort " {{{
let l:curpos = getcurpos()
let l:curpos[1] = a:position.line
let l:curpos[2] = a:position.column
call setpos('.', l:curpos)
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#000_curpos#pre_wrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let a:container.cursor = s:extractCursorPositionForUnwrappedArguments(a:range, a:arguments)
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#000_curpos#pre_unwrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let a:container.cursor = s:extractCursorPositionForWrappedArguments(a:range, a:arguments)
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#000_curpos#post_wrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:position = s:getCursorPositionForWrappedArguments(a:range, a:container, a:arguments)
call s:setCursorPosition(l:position)
endfunction " }}}
function! argwrap#hooks#000_curpos#post_unwrap(range, container, arguments) abort " {{{
let l:position = s:getCursorPositionForUnwrappedArguments(a:range, a:container, a:arguments)
call s:setCursorPosition(l:position)
endfunction " }}}
" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et fdm=marker