Updating README

This commit is contained in:
Alex Yatskov 2015-07-06 15:39:30 +09:00
parent 1ba41be529
commit a06990b5bd

View File

@ -67,3 +67,148 @@ version: 4 time: 2015-06-24 12:41:43 +0900 JST
non-zero value (zero indicates most recent version) will make the mount read-only. Explicit read-only mounting is non-zero value (zero indicates most recent version) will make the mount read-only. Explicit read-only mounting is
also possible by setting the `-readonly` switch. also possible by setting the `-readonly` switch.
3. When you are finished using the volume, unmount it via the `fusermount -u mountpoint_dir` command. 3. When you are finished using the volume, unmount it via the `fusermount -u mountpoint_dir` command.
## Walkthrough ##
When you execute VFS for the first time, you will probably neither have a version database nor a mount point. Since an
empty directory is a valid empty version database and mount points should by always be empty, let's create two new
directories (`db` for the database and `mp` for the mount point).
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> mkdir db mp; ls
db/ mp/
Now let's mount the empty database directory `db` onto our mount point `mp` (note that you have to be in the `fuse`
group or `root` in order for this to work):
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> vfs db mp
Using a new terminal window, let's create some files and directories:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> echo hello > mp/greeting.txt; mkdir mp/pizza; touch mp/pizza/pepperoni mp/pizza/cheese; ls -R mp
greeting.txt pizza/
cheese pepperoni
Now that we are finished working with this version, let's unmount it:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> fusermount -u mp
Let's take a look at the version structure that VFS has created in the database directory:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> ls -R db
meta.json root/
greeting.txt pizza/
cheese pepperoni
Some points of interest about this structure:
* Database directory contains the new version; the value `00000000559a17e4` is the creation time stamp in hex.
* The `meta.json` file contains information about deletions; it is empty for now.
* The `root` directory contains the files that were created or modified in this version.
Let's continue our walkthrough by mounting the now non-empty database once more:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> vfs db mp
Now let's make a couple of changes to the files and directory structure:
echo こんにちは > mp/greeting.txt; rm mp/pizza/pepperoni; touch mp/pizza/bacon
...and verify that everything is as it should be; looks good so far!
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> cat mp/greeting.txt; ls -R mp
greeting.txt pizza/
bacon cheese
Now let's unmount and examine at the contents of the database directory:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> fusermount -u mp; ls -l db
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 alex alex 4096 Jul 6 14:58 ver_00000000559a17e4/
drwxr-xr-x 3 alex alex 4096 Jul 6 15:08 ver_00000000559a19b4/
Cool, we have a new version! Let's take a closer look at its structure:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> ls -R db/ver_00000000559a19b4/
meta.json root/
greeting.txt pizza/
We can see that `greeting.txt` and `bacon` show up; this reflects the fact that these files were modified and created,
respectively. Notice that `cheese` is not listed; we didn't make any changes to this file so the data from the previous
version is used. If we look at the contents of `meta.json`, we will see that the `pepperoni` file was deleted:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> cat db/ver_00000000559a19b4/meta.json
Now let's examine the database from VFS tool directly:
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> vfs db
version: 1 time: 2015-07-06 14:53:40 +0900 JST
version: 2 time: 2015-07-06 15:01:24 +0900 JST
Finally, let's mount the version that we created in the beginning of this walkthrough by specifying its index with the
`version` parameter...
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> vfs -version=1 db mp
...and in a different terminal verify its contents; they are identical to the first version!
alex@wintermute ~/vfs> cat mp/greeting.txt; ls -R mp
greeting.txt pizza/
cheese pepperoni
Hopefully this brief walkthrough of the system helped illustrate the basic concepts behind how VFS works. At its core,
it is a fundamentally simple system, the workings of which can be examined with any file browser and text editor. I
encourage those interested in this utility to follow this walkthrough and to ask me any questions they may have.