# Mex Mex is a tool for repacking manga archives into a sane directory structure for consumptions by viewers like [Komga](https://komga.org/), [Kavita](https://www.kavitareader.com/), and many others. ![](img/mex.png) ## Requirements You must have both `7za` / `7z` and `unrar` installed on your system and included in your system `PATH`. ## Features * Process most compressed formats, including nested archives 🌮 * Detect best quality volumes in the presence of duplicates 🌶️ * Rename volumes and pages using templates for consistency 🫔 * Exclude any irrelevant garbage files present in your archives 🥑 * Output loose images, CBZ archives, or a combination of both 🌯 ## Usage To process an archive just pass it on the command line to Mex: ``` mex my_manga_archive.rar ``` Additional options can be viewed by running with the `-help` flag: ``` Usage: mex [] -label-book string book name template (default "{{.Name}}") -label-page string page name template (default "page_{{.Index}}{{.Ext}}") -label-volume string volume name template (default "vol_{{.Index}}") -workers int number of simultaneous workers (default 4) -zip-book compress book as a cbz archive -zip-volume compress volumes as cbz archives (default true) Templates: {{.Index}} - index of current volume or page {{.Name}} - original filename and extension {{.Ext}} - original extension only ```