oakkitten 863cef5e64 Tests: use time machine to “pin” Anki dependencies
Packages anki and aqt do not pin their requirements,
which breaks anki <= 2.1.49 because of protobuf major version bump.

While it's possible to use requirements.txt as constraints,
it might not be the best idea:
  * requirements.txt can’t be used as constraints
    without some careful sed’ding to remove hashes and extras;
  * its location changes between versions;
  * you can’t get this file for a pre-release version of Anki
    since these don't get git tags;
  * it’s rarely updated anyway and hence won’t reliably
    produce the environment that actual Anki uses.

So use a pypi-timemachine, which prevents pip from using packages
that were uploaded after a specified date.
While the code is a tad complex, it feels slightly less hacky,
and is likely to be producing more accurate environments.
2022-06-08 19:29:45 +01:00

86 lines
2.2 KiB

# For testing, you will need:
# * PyQt5 dev tools
# * tox
# * X virtual framebuffer--to test without GUI
# Install these by running:
# $ sudo apt install pyqt5-dev-tools xvfb
# $ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade tox
# Then, to run tests against multiple anki versions:
# $ tox
# To run tests slightly less safely, but faster:
# $ tox -- --no-tear-down-profile-after-each-test
# To run tests more safely, but *much* slower:
# $ tox -- --forked
# Test tool cheat sheet:
# * Test several environments in parallel:
# $ tox -p auto
# * To activate one of the test environments:
# $ source .tox/py38-anki49/bin/activate
# * Stop on first failure:
# $ xvfb-run python -m pytest -x
# * See stdout/stderr (doesn't work with --forked!):
# $ xvfb-run python -m pytest -s
# * Run some specific tests:
# $ xvfb-run python -m pytest -k " or test_guiBrowse"
# * To run with visible GUI in WSL2
# (Make sure to disable access control in your X server, such as VcXsrv):
# $ DISPLAY=$(ip route list default | awk '{print $3}'):0 python -m pytest
# * Environmental variables of interest:
# Note: pypi packages anki and aqt do not pin their dependencies.
# To tests against historically accurate dependencies, we use a “time machine”
# that prevents pip from using packages that were uploaded after a specified date.
minversion = 3.24
skipsdist = true
skip_install = true
requires =
envlist =
install_command =
python -m pip install {packages}
install_command =
bash tox-install-command {envname} {toxworkdir} {packages}
commands =
env HOME={envtmpdir}/home xvfb-run python -m pytest {posargs}
setenv =
!qt{5,6}: AQT=aqt
qt5: AQT=aqt[qt5]
qt6: AQT=aqt[qt6]
allowlist_externals =
deps =
pytest-anki @ git+