
197 lines
6.6 KiB

import json
import multiprocessing
import time
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
import pytest
from pytest_anki._launch import anki_running # noqa
from pytest_anki._util import find_free_port # noqa
from plugin import AnkiConnect
from tests.conftest import wait_until, \
empty_anki_session_started, \
anki_connect_config_loaded, \
def function_running_in_a_process(context, function):
process = context.Process(target=function)
yield process
# todo stop the server?
def anki_connect_web_server_started():
plugin = AnkiConnect()
yield plugin
class Client:
port: int
def make_request(action, **params):
return {"action": action, "params": params, "version": 6}
def send_request(self, action, **params):
request_data = self.make_request(action, **params)
json_bytes = json.dumps(request_data).encode("utf-8")
return json.loads(self.send_bytes(json_bytes))
def send_bytes(self, bytes, headers={}): # noqa
request_url = f"http://localhost:{self.port}"
request = urllib.request.Request(request_url, bytes, headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request).read()
return response
def wait_for_web_server_to_come_live(self, at_most_seconds=30):
deadline = time.time() + at_most_seconds
while time.time() < deadline:
except urllib.error.URLError:
raise Exception(f"Anki-Connect web server did not come live "
f"in {at_most_seconds} seconds")
# spawning requires a top-level function for pickling
def external_anki_entry_function(web_bind_port, exit_event):
with empty_anki_session_started() as session:
with anki_connect_config_loaded(session, web_bind_port):
with anki_connect_web_server_started():
with profile_created_and_loaded(session):
def external_anki_running(process_run_method):
context = multiprocessing.get_context(process_run_method)
exit_event = context.Event()
web_bind_port = find_free_port()
function = partial(external_anki_entry_function, web_bind_port, exit_event)
with function_running_in_a_process(context, function) as process:
client = Client(port=web_bind_port)
yield client
assert process.exitcode == 0
# if a Qt app was already launched in current process,
# launching a new Qt app, even from grounds up, fails or hangs.
# of course, this includes forked processes. therefore,
# * if launching without --forked, use the `spawn` process run method;
# * otherwise, use the `fork` method, as it is significantly faster.
# with --forked, each test has its fixtures assembled inside the fork,
# which means that when the test begins, Qt was never started in the fork.
def external_anki(request):
Runs Anki in an external process, with the plugin loaded and started.
On exit, neatly ends the process and makes sure its exit code is 0.
Yields a client that can send web request to the external process.
with external_anki_running(
"fork" if request.config.option.forked else "spawn"
) as client:
yield client
def test_successful_request(external_anki):
response = external_anki.send_request("version")
assert response == {"error": None, "result": 6}
def test_can_handle_multiple_requests(external_anki):
assert external_anki.send_request("version") == {"error": None, "result": 6}
assert external_anki.send_request("version") == {"error": None, "result": 6}
def test_multi_request(external_anki):
version_request = Client.make_request("version")
response = external_anki.send_request("multi", actions=[version_request] * 3)
assert response == {
"error": None,
"result": [{"error": None, "result": 6}] * 3
def test_request_with_empty_body_returns_version_banner(external_anki):
response = external_anki.send_bytes(b"")
assert response == b"AnkiConnect v.6"
def test_failing_request_due_to_bad_arguments(external_anki):
response = external_anki.send_request("addNote", bad="request")
assert response["result"] is None
assert "unexpected keyword argument" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_anki_raising_exception(external_anki):
response = external_anki.send_request("suspend", cards=[-123])
assert response["result"] is None
assert "Card was not found" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_bad_encoding(external_anki):
response = json.loads(external_anki.send_bytes(b"\xe7\x8c"))
assert response["result"] is None
assert "can't decode" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_bad_json(external_anki):
response = json.loads(external_anki.send_bytes(b'{1: 2}'))
assert response["result"] is None
assert "in double quotes" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_json_root_not_being_an_object(external_anki):
response = json.loads(external_anki.send_bytes(b"1.2"))
assert response["result"] is None
assert "is not of type 'object'" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_json_missing_wanted_properties(external_anki):
response = json.loads(external_anki.send_bytes(b"{}"))
assert response["result"] is None
assert "'action' is a required property" in response["error"]
def test_failing_request_due_to_json_properties_being_of_wrong_types(external_anki):
response = json.loads(external_anki.send_bytes(b'{"action": 1}'))
assert response["result"] is None
assert "1 is not of type 'string'" in response["error"]
def test_403_in_case_of_disallowed_origin(external_anki):
with pytest.raises(urllib.error.HTTPError, match="403"): # good request/json
json_bytes = json.dumps(Client.make_request("version")).encode("utf-8")
external_anki.send_bytes(json_bytes, headers={b"origin": b"foo"})
with pytest.raises(urllib.error.HTTPError, match="403"): # bad json
external_anki.send_bytes(b'{1: 2}', headers={b"origin": b"foo"})