import aqt import aqt.editor import aqt.browser.previewer from aqt import gui_hooks from aqt.qt import Qt, QKeySequence, QShortcut, QCloseEvent, QMainWindow from aqt.utils import restoreGeom, saveGeom, tooltip from anki.errors import NotFoundError from anki.consts import QUEUE_TYPE_SUSPENDED from anki.utils import ids2str from . import anki_version # Edit dialog. Like Edit Current, but: # * has a Preview button to preview the cards for the note # * has Previous/Back buttons to navigate the history of the dialog # * has a Browse button to open the history in the Browser # * has no bar with the Close button # # To register in Anki's dialog system: # > from .edit import Edit # > Edit.register_with_anki() # # To (re)open (note_id is an integer): # > Edit.open_dialog_and_show_note_with_id(note_id) DOMAIN_PREFIX = "foosoft.ankiconnect." def get_note_by_note_id(note_id): return def is_card_suspended(card): return card.queue == QUEUE_TYPE_SUSPENDED def filter_valid_note_ids(note_ids): return "select id from notes where id in " + ids2str(note_ids) ) ############################################################################## class DecentPreviewer(aqt.browser.previewer.MultiCardPreviewer): class Adapter: def get_current_card(self): raise NotImplementedError def can_select_previous_card(self): raise NotImplementedError def can_select_next_card(self): raise NotImplementedError def select_previous_card(self): raise NotImplementedError def select_next_card(self): raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self, adapter: Adapter): super().__init__(parent=None,, on_close=lambda: None) # noqa self.adapter = adapter self.last_card_id = 0 def card(self): return self.adapter.get_current_card() def card_changed(self): current_card_id = self.adapter.get_current_card().id changed = self.last_card_id != current_card_id self.last_card_id = current_card_id return changed # the check if we can select next/previous card is needed because # the buttons sometimes get disabled a tad too late # and can still be pressed by user. # this is likely due to Anki sometimes delaying rendering of cards # in order to avoid rendering them too fast? def _on_prev_card(self): if self.adapter.can_select_previous_card(): self.adapter.select_previous_card() self.render_card() def _on_next_card(self): if self.adapter.can_select_next_card(): self.adapter.select_next_card() self.render_card() def _should_enable_prev(self): return self.showing_answer_and_can_show_question() or \ self.adapter.can_select_previous_card() def _should_enable_next(self): return self.showing_question_and_can_show_answer() or \ self.adapter.can_select_next_card() def _render_scheduled(self): super()._render_scheduled() # noqa self._updateButtons() def showing_answer_and_can_show_question(self): return self._state == "answer" and not self._show_both_sides def showing_question_and_can_show_answer(self): return self._state == "question" class ReadyCardsAdapter(DecentPreviewer.Adapter): def __init__(self, cards): = cards self.current = 0 def get_current_card(self): return[self.current] def can_select_previous_card(self): return self.current > 0 def can_select_next_card(self): return self.current < len( - 1 def select_previous_card(self): self.current -= 1 def select_next_card(self): self.current += 1 ############################################################################## # store note ids instead of notes, as note objects don't implement __eq__ etc class History: number_of_notes_to_keep_in_history = 25 def __init__(self): self.note_ids = [] def append(self, note): if in self.note_ids: self.note_ids.remove( self.note_ids.append( self.note_ids = self.note_ids[-self.number_of_notes_to_keep_in_history:] def has_note_to_left_of(self, note): return in self.note_ids and != self.note_ids[0] def has_note_to_right_of(self, note): return in self.note_ids and != self.note_ids[-1] def get_note_to_left_of(self, note): note_id = self.note_ids[self.note_ids.index( - 1] return get_note_by_note_id(note_id) def get_note_to_right_of(self, note): note_id = self.note_ids[self.note_ids.index( + 1] return get_note_by_note_id(note_id) def get_last_note(self): # throws IndexError if history empty return get_note_by_note_id(self.note_ids[-1]) def remove_invalid_notes(self): self.note_ids = filter_valid_note_ids(self.note_ids) history = History() # see method `find_cards` of `` def trigger_search_for_dialog_history_notes(search_context, use_history_order): = " or ".join( f"nid:{note_id}" for note_id in history.note_ids ) if use_history_order: search_context.order = f"""case c.nid { " ".join( f"when {note_id} then {n}" for (n, note_id) in enumerate(reversed(history.note_ids)) ) } end asc""" ############################################################################## # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit class Edit(aqt.editcurrent.EditCurrent): dialog_geometry_tag = DOMAIN_PREFIX + "edit" dialog_registry_tag = DOMAIN_PREFIX + "Edit" dialog_search_tag = DOMAIN_PREFIX + "edit.history" # depending on whether the dialog already exists, # upon a request to open the dialog via ``, # the manager will call either the constructor or the `reopen` method def __init__(self, note): QMainWindow.__init__(self, None, Qt.WindowType.Window) self.form = aqt.forms.editcurrent.Ui_Dialog() self.form.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle("Edit") self.setMinimumWidth(250) self.setMinimumHeight(400) restoreGeom(self, self.dialog_geometry_tag) self.form.buttonBox.setVisible(False) # hides the Close button bar self.setup_editor_buttons() self.bring_to_foreground() history.remove_invalid_notes() history.append(note) self.show_note(note) gui_hooks.operation_did_execute.append(self.on_operation_did_execute) gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note.append(self.editor_did_load_note) def reopen(self, note): history.append(note) self.show_note(note) self.bring_to_foreground() def cleanup(self): gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note.remove(self.editor_did_load_note) gui_hooks.operation_did_execute.remove(self.on_operation_did_execute) self.editor.cleanup() saveGeom(self, self.dialog_geometry_tag) aqt.dialogs.markClosed(self.dialog_registry_tag) def closeEvent(self, evt: QCloseEvent) -> None: self.editor.call_after_note_saved(self.cleanup) # This method (mostly) solves (at least on my Windows 10 machine) three issues # with window activation. Without this not even too hacky a fix, # * When dialog is opened from Yomichan *for the first time* since app start, # the dialog opens in background (just like Browser does), # but does not flash in taskbar (unlike Browser); # * When dialog is opened, closed, *then main window is focused by clicking in it*, # then dialog is opened from Yomichan again, same issue as above arises; # * When dialog is restored from minimized state *and main window isn't minimized*, # opening the dialog from Yomichan does not reliably focus it; # sometimes it opens in foreground, sometimes in background. # With this fix, windows nearly always appear in foreground in all three cases. # In the case of the first two issues, strictly speaking, the fix is not ideal: # the window appears in background first, and then quickly pops into foreground. # It is not *too* unsightly, probably, no-one will notice this; # still, a better solution must be possible. TODO find one! # # Note that operation systems, notably Windows, and desktop managers, may restrict # background applications from raising windows to prevent them from interrupting # what the user is currently doing. For details, see: # # # def bring_to_foreground(self): self.activateWindow() self.raise_() #################################### hooks enabled during dialog lifecycle def on_operation_did_execute(self, changes, handler): if changes.note_text and handler is not self.editor: self.reload_notes_after_user_action_elsewhere() def editor_did_load_note(self, _editor): self.enable_disable_next_and_previous_buttons() ###################################################### load & reload notes # setting editor.card is required for the "Cards…" button to work properly def show_note(self, note): self.note = note cards = self.editor.set_note(note) self.editor.card = cards[0] if cards else None if any(is_card_suspended(card) for card in cards): tooltip("Some of the cards associated with this note " "have been suspended", parent=self) def reload_notes_after_user_action_elsewhere(self): history.remove_invalid_notes() try: self.note.load() # this also updates the fields except NotFoundError: try: self.note = history.get_last_note() except IndexError: self.cleanup() return self.show_note(self.note) ################################################################## actions # search two times, one is to select the current note or its cards, # and another to show the whole history, while keeping the above selection # set sort column to our search tag, which: # * prevents the column sort indicator from being shown # * serves as a hint for us to show notes or cards in history order # (user can then click on any of the column names # to show history cards in the order of their choosing) def show_browser(self, *_): def search_input_select_all(hook_browser, *_): hook_browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().selectAll() gui_hooks.browser_did_change_row.remove(search_input_select_all) gui_hooks.browser_did_change_row.append(search_input_select_all) browser ="Browser", browser.table._state.sort_column = self.dialog_search_tag # noqa browser.table._set_sort_indicator() # noqa browser.search_for(f"nid:{}") browser.table.select_all() browser.search_for(self.dialog_search_tag) def show_preview(self, *_): if cards := previewer = DecentPreviewer(ReadyCardsAdapter(cards)) return previewer else: tooltip("No cards found", parent=self) return None def show_previous(self, *_): if history.has_note_to_left_of(self.note): self.show_note(history.get_note_to_left_of(self.note)) def show_next(self, *_): if history.has_note_to_right_of(self.note): self.show_note(history.get_note_to_right_of(self.note)) ################################################## button and hotkey setup def setup_editor_buttons(self): gui_hooks.editor_did_init.append(self.add_preview_button) gui_hooks.editor_did_init_buttons.append(self.add_right_hand_side_buttons) # on Anki 2.1.50, browser mode makes the Preview button visible extra_kwargs = {} if anki_version < (2, 1, 50) else { "editor_mode": aqt.editor.EditorMode.BROWSER } self.editor = aqt.editor.Editor(, self.form.fieldsArea, self, **extra_kwargs) gui_hooks.editor_did_init_buttons.remove(self.add_right_hand_side_buttons) gui_hooks.editor_did_init.remove(self.add_preview_button) # * on Anki < 2.1.50, make the button via js (`setupEditor` of; # also, make a copy of _links so that opening Anki's browser does not # screw them up as they are apparently shared between instances?! # the last part seems to have been fixed in Anki 2.1.50 # * on Anki 2.1.50, the button is created by setting editor mode, # see above; so we only need to add the link. def add_preview_button(self, editor): QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+P"), self, self.show_preview) if anki_version < (2, 1, 50): editor._links = editor._links.copy() editor.web.eval(""" $editorToolbar.then(({notetypeButtons}) => notetypeButtons.appendButton( {component: editorToolbar.PreviewButton, id: 'preview'} ) ); """) editor._links["preview"] = lambda _editor: self.show_preview() and None # * on Anki < 2.1.50, button style is okay-ish from get-go, # except when disabled; adding class `btn` fixes that; # * on Anki 2.1.50, buttons have weird font size and are square'; # the style below makes them in line with left-hand side buttons def add_right_hand_side_buttons(self, buttons, editor): if anki_version < (2, 1, 50): extra_button_class = "btn" else: extra_button_class = "anki-connect-button" editor.web.eval(""" (function(){ const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` .anki-connect-button { white-space: nowrap; width: auto; padding: 0 2px; font-size: var(--base-font-size); } .anki-connect-button:disabled { pointer-events: none; opacity: .4; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); })(); """) def add(cmd, function, label, tip, keys): button_html = editor.addButton( icon=None, cmd=DOMAIN_PREFIX + cmd, id=DOMAIN_PREFIX + cmd, func=function, label=f"  {label}  ", tip=f"{tip} ({keys})", keys=keys, ) button_html = button_html.replace('class="', f'class="{extra_button_class} ') buttons.append(button_html) add("browse", self.show_browser, "Browse", "Browse", "Ctrl+F") add("previous", self.show_previous, "<", "Previous", "Alt+Left") add("next", self.show_next, ">", "Next", "Alt+Right") def run_javascript_after_toolbar_ready(self, js): js = f"setTimeout(function() {{ {js} }}, 1)" if anki_version < (2, 1, 50): js = f'$editorToolbar.then(({{ toolbar }}) => {js})' else: js = f'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() => {js})' self.editor.web.eval(js) def enable_disable_next_and_previous_buttons(self): def to_js(boolean): return "true" if boolean else "false" disable_previous = not(history.has_note_to_left_of(self.note)) disable_next = not(history.has_note_to_right_of(self.note)) self.run_javascript_after_toolbar_ready(f""" document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}previous") .disabled = {to_js(disable_previous)}; document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}next") .disabled = {to_js(disable_next)}; """) ########################################################################## @classmethod def browser_will_search(cls, search_context): if == cls.dialog_search_tag: trigger_search_for_dialog_history_notes( search_context=search_context, use_history_order=cls.dialog_search_tag == search_context.browser.table._state.sort_column # noqa ) @classmethod def register_with_anki(cls): if cls.dialog_registry_tag not in aqt.dialogs._dialogs: # noqa aqt.dialogs.register_dialog(cls.dialog_registry_tag, cls) gui_hooks.browser_will_search.append(cls.browser_will_search) @classmethod def open_dialog_and_show_note_with_id(cls, note_id): # raises NotFoundError note = get_note_by_note_id(note_id) return, note)