# Copyright 2016-2020 Alex Yatskov # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import base64 import hashlib import inspect import json import os import os.path import random import re import string import time import unicodedata from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox import anki import anki.lang import aqt from . import web, util # # AnkiConnect # class AnkiConnect: def __init__(self): self.log = None logPath = util.setting('apiLogPath') if logPath is not None: self.log = open(logPath, 'w') try: self.server = web.WebServer(self.handler) self.server.listen() self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advance) self.timer.start(util.setting('apiPollInterval')) except: QMessageBox.critical( self.window(), 'AnkiConnect', 'Failed to listen on port {}.\nMake sure it is available and is not in use.'.format(util.setting('webBindPort')) ) def logEvent(self, name, data): if self.log is not None: self.log.write('[{}]\n'.format(name)) json.dump(data, self.log, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.log.write('\n\n') self.log.flush() def advance(self): self.server.advance() def handler(self, request): self.logEvent('request', request) name = request.get('action', '') version = request.get('version', 4) params = request.get('params', {}) key = request.get('key') reply = {'result': None, 'error': None} try: if key != util.setting('apiKey'): raise Exception('valid api key must be provided') method = None for methodName, methodInst in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod): apiVersionLast = 0 apiNameLast = None if getattr(methodInst, 'api', False): for apiVersion, apiName in getattr(methodInst, 'versions', []): if apiVersionLast < apiVersion <= version: apiVersionLast = apiVersion apiNameLast = apiName if apiNameLast is None and apiVersionLast == 0: apiNameLast = methodName if apiNameLast is not None and apiNameLast == name: method = methodInst break if method is None: raise Exception('unsupported action') else: reply['result'] = methodInst(**params) if version <= 4: reply = reply['result'] except Exception as e: reply['error'] = str(e) self.logEvent('reply', reply) return reply def window(self): return aqt.mw def reviewer(self): reviewer = self.window().reviewer if reviewer is None: raise Exception('reviewer is not available') else: return reviewer def collection(self): collection = self.window().col if collection is None: raise Exception('collection is not available') else: return collection def decks(self): decks = self.collection().decks if decks is None: raise Exception('decks are not available') else: return decks def scheduler(self): scheduler = self.collection().sched if scheduler is None: raise Exception('scheduler is not available') else: return scheduler def database(self): database = self.collection().db if database is None: raise Exception('database is not available') else: return database def media(self): media = self.collection().media if media is None: raise Exception('media is not available') else: return media def startEditing(self): self.window().requireReset() def stopEditing(self): if self.collection() is not None: self.window().maybeReset() def createNote(self, note): collection = self.collection() model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName']) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName'])) deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName']) if deck is None: raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName'])) ankiNote = anki.notes.Note(collection, model) ankiNote.model()['did'] = deck['id'] ankiNote.tags = note['tags'] for name, value in note['fields'].items(): if name in ankiNote: ankiNote[name] = value allowDuplicate = False if 'options' in note: if 'allowDuplicate' in note['options']: allowDuplicate = note['options']['allowDuplicate'] if type(allowDuplicate) is not bool: raise Exception('option parameter \'allowDuplicate\' must be boolean') duplicateOrEmpty = self.isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInDeck(ankiNote, deck) if duplicateOrEmpty == 1: raise Exception('cannot create note because it is empty') elif duplicateOrEmpty == 2: if not allowDuplicate: raise Exception('cannot create note because it is a duplicate') else: return ankiNote elif duplicateOrEmpty == False: return ankiNote else: raise Exception('cannot create note for unknown reason') def isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInDeck(self, note, deck): "1 if first is empty; 2 if first is a duplicate, False otherwise." result = note.dupeOrEmpty() if result != 2: return result # dupeOrEmpty returns if a note is a global duplicate # the rest of the function checks to see if the note is a duplicate in the deck val = note.fields[0].strip() did = deck['id'] csum = anki.utils.fieldChecksum(val) for noteId in note.col.db.list( "select id from notes where csum = ? and id != ? and mid = ?", csum, note.id or 0, note.mid, ): if note.col.db.scalar( "select id from cards where nid = ? and did = ?", noteId, did ): return 2 return False # # Miscellaneous # @util.api() def version(self): return util.setting('apiVersion') @util.api() def loadProfile(self, name): if name not in self.window().pm.profiles(): return False if not self.window().isVisible(): self.window().pm.load(name) self.window().loadProfile() self.window().profileDiag.closeWithoutQuitting() else: cur_profile = self.window().pm.name if cur_profile != name: self.window().unloadProfileAndShowProfileManager() self.loadProfile(name) return True @util.api() def sync(self): self.window().onSync() @util.api() def multi(self, actions): return list(map(self.handler, actions)) # # Decks # @util.api() def deckNames(self): return self.decks().allNames() @util.api() def deckNamesAndIds(self): decks = {} for deck in self.deckNames(): decks[deck] = self.decks().id(deck) return decks @util.api() def getDecks(self, cards): decks = {} for card in cards: did = self.database().scalar('select did from cards where id=?', card) deck = self.decks().get(did)['name'] if deck in decks: decks[deck].append(card) else: decks[deck] = [card] return decks @util.api() def createDeck(self, deck): try: self.startEditing() did = self.decks().id(deck) finally: self.stopEditing() return did @util.api() def changeDeck(self, cards, deck): self.startEditing() did = self.collection().decks.id(deck) mod = anki.utils.intTime() usn = self.collection().usn() # normal cards scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards) # remove any cards from filtered deck first self.collection().sched.remFromDyn(cards) # then move into new deck self.collection().db.execute('update cards set usn=?, mod=?, did=? where id in ' + scids, usn, mod, did) self.stopEditing() @util.api() def deleteDecks(self, decks, cardsToo=False): try: self.startEditing() decks = filter(lambda d: d in self.deckNames(), decks) for deck in decks: did = self.decks().id(deck) self.decks().rem(did, cardsToo) finally: self.stopEditing() @util.api() def getDeckConfig(self, deck): if not deck in self.deckNames(): return False collection = self.collection() did = collection.decks.id(deck) return collection.decks.confForDid(did) @util.api() def saveDeckConfig(self, config): collection = self.collection() config['id'] = str(config['id']) config['mod'] = anki.utils.intTime() config['usn'] = collection.usn() if not config['id'] in collection.decks.dconf: return False collection.decks.dconf[config['id']] = config collection.decks.changed = True return True @util.api() def setDeckConfigId(self, decks, configId): configId = str(configId) for deck in decks: if not deck in self.deckNames(): return False collection = self.collection() if not configId in collection.decks.dconf: return False for deck in decks: did = str(collection.decks.id(deck)) aqt.mw.col.decks.decks[did]['conf'] = configId return True @util.api() def cloneDeckConfigId(self, name, cloneFrom='1'): configId = str(cloneFrom) if not configId in self.collection().decks.dconf: return False config = self.collection().decks.getConf(configId) return self.collection().decks.confId(name, config) @util.api() def removeDeckConfigId(self, configId): configId = str(configId) collection = self.collection() if configId == 1 or not configId in collection.decks.dconf: return False collection.decks.remConf(configId) return True @util.api() def storeMediaFile(self, filename, data): self.deleteMediaFile(filename) self.media().writeData(filename, base64.b64decode(data)) @util.api() def retrieveMediaFile(self, filename): filename = os.path.basename(filename) filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', filename) filename = self.media().stripIllegal(filename) path = os.path.join(self.media().dir(), filename) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: return base64.b64encode(file.read()).decode('ascii') return False @util.api() def deleteMediaFile(self, filename): self.media().syncDelete(filename) @util.api() def addNote(self, note): ankiNote = self.createNote(note) audio = note.get('audio') if audio is not None and len(audio['fields']) > 0: try: data = util.download(audio['url']) skipHash = audio.get('skipHash') if skipHash is None: skip = False else: m = hashlib.md5() m.update(data) skip = skipHash == m.hexdigest() if not skip: audioFilename = self.media().writeData(audio['filename'], data) for field in audio['fields']: if field in ankiNote: ankiNote[field] += u'[sound:{}]'.format(audioFilename) except Exception as e: errorMessage = str(e).replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") for field in audio['fields']: if field in ankiNote: ankiNote[field] += errorMessage collection = self.collection() self.startEditing() nCardsAdded = collection.addNote(ankiNote) if nCardsAdded < 1: raise Exception('The field values you have provided would make an empty question on all cards.') collection.autosave() self.stopEditing() return ankiNote.id @util.api() def canAddNote(self, note): try: return bool(self.createNote(note)) except: return False @util.api() def updateNoteFields(self, note): ankiNote = self.collection().getNote(note['id']) if ankiNote is None: raise Exception('note was not found: {}'.format(note['id'])) for name, value in note['fields'].items(): if name in ankiNote: ankiNote[name] = value ankiNote.flush() @util.api() def addTags(self, notes, tags, add=True): self.startEditing() self.collection().tags.bulkAdd(notes, tags, add) self.stopEditing() @util.api() def removeTags(self, notes, tags): return self.addTags(notes, tags, False) @util.api() def getTags(self): return self.collection().tags.all() @util.api() def suspend(self, cards, suspend=True): for card in cards: if self.suspended(card) == suspend: cards.remove(card) if len(cards) == 0: return False scheduler = self.scheduler() self.startEditing() if suspend: scheduler.suspendCards(cards) else: scheduler.unsuspendCards(cards) self.stopEditing() return True @util.api() def unsuspend(self, cards): self.suspend(cards, False) @util.api() def suspended(self, card): card = self.collection().getCard(card) return card.queue == -1 @util.api() def areSuspended(self, cards): suspended = [] for card in cards: suspended.append(self.suspended(card)) return suspended @util.api() def areDue(self, cards): due = [] for card in cards: if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)): due.append(True) else: date, ivl = self.collection().db.all('select id/1000.0, ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card)[-1] if ivl >= -1200: due.append(bool(self.findCards('cid:{} is:due'.format(card)))) else: due.append(date - ivl <= time.time()) return due @util.api() def getIntervals(self, cards, complete=False): intervals = [] for card in cards: if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)): intervals.append(0) else: interval = self.collection().db.list('select ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card) if not complete: interval = interval[-1] intervals.append(interval) return intervals @util.api() def modelNames(self): return self.collection().models.allNames() @util.api() def createModel(self, modelName, inOrderFields, cardTemplates, css = None): # https://github.com/dae/anki/blob/b06b70f7214fb1f2ce33ba06d2b095384b81f874/anki/stdmodels.py if (len(inOrderFields) == 0): raise Exception('Must provide at least one field for inOrderFields') if (len(cardTemplates) == 0): raise Exception('Must provide at least one card for cardTemplates') if (modelName in self.collection().models.allNames()): raise Exception('Model name already exists') collection = self.collection() mm = collection.models # Generate new Note m = mm.new(anki.lang._(modelName)) # Create fields and add them to Note for field in inOrderFields: fm = mm.newField(anki.lang._(field)) mm.addField(m, fm) # Add shared css to model if exists. Use default otherwise if (css is not None): m['css'] = css # Generate new card template(s) cardCount = 1 for card in cardTemplates: t = mm.newTemplate(anki.lang._('Card ' + str(cardCount))) cardCount += 1 t['qfmt'] = card['Front'] t['afmt'] = card['Back'] mm.addTemplate(m, t) mm.add(m) return m @util.api() def modelNamesAndIds(self): models = {} for model in self.modelNames(): models[model] = int(self.collection().models.byName(model)['id']) return models @util.api() def modelNameFromId(self, modelId): model = self.collection().models.get(modelId) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelId)) else: return model['name'] @util.api() def modelFieldNames(self, modelName): model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName)) else: return [field['name'] for field in model['flds']] @util.api() def modelFieldsOnTemplates(self, modelName): model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName)) templates = {} for template in model['tmpls']: fields = [] for side in ['qfmt', 'afmt']: fieldsForSide = [] # based on _fieldsOnTemplate from aqt/clayout.py matches = re.findall('{{[^#/}]+?}}', template[side]) for match in matches: # remove braces and modifiers match = re.sub(r'[{}]', '', match) match = match.split(':')[-1] # for the answer side, ignore fields present on the question side + the FrontSide field if match == 'FrontSide' or side == 'afmt' and match in fields[0]: continue fieldsForSide.append(match) fields.append(fieldsForSide) templates[template['name']] = fields return templates @util.api() def modelTemplates(self, modelName): model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName)) templates = {} for template in model['tmpls']: templates[template['name']] = {'Front': template['qfmt'], 'Back': template['afmt']} return templates @util.api() def modelStyling(self, modelName): model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName)) return {'css': model['css']} @util.api() def updateModelTemplates(self, model): models = self.collection().models ankiModel = models.byName(model['name']) if ankiModel is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name'])) templates = model['templates'] for ankiTemplate in ankiModel['tmpls']: template = templates.get(ankiTemplate['name']) if template: qfmt = template.get('Front') if qfmt: ankiTemplate['qfmt'] = qfmt afmt = template.get('Back') if afmt: ankiTemplate['afmt'] = afmt models.save(ankiModel, True) models.flush() @util.api() def updateModelStyling(self, model): models = self.collection().models ankiModel = models.byName(model['name']) if ankiModel is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name'])) ankiModel['css'] = model['css'] models.save(ankiModel, True) models.flush() @util.api() def deckNameFromId(self, deckId): deck = self.collection().decks.get(deckId) if deck is None: raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(deckId)) else: return deck['name'] @util.api() def findNotes(self, query=None): if query is None: return [] else: return self.collection().findNotes(query) @util.api() def findCards(self, query=None): if query is None: return [] else: return self.collection().findCards(query) @util.api() def cardsInfo(self, cards): result = [] for cid in cards: try: card = self.collection().getCard(cid) model = card.model() note = card.note() fields = {} for info in model['flds']: order = info['ord'] name = info['name'] fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order} result.append({ 'cardId': card.id, 'fields': fields, 'fieldOrder': card.ord, 'question': card._getQA()['q'], 'answer': card._getQA()['a'], 'modelName': model['name'], 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did), 'css': model['css'], 'factor': card.factor, #This factor is 10 times the ease percentage, # so an ease of 310% would be reported as 3100 'interval': card.ivl, 'note': card.nid }) except TypeError as e: # Anki will give a TypeError if the card ID does not exist. # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the # returned result, so that the items of the input and return # lists correspond. result.append({}) return result @util.api() def notesInfo(self, notes): result = [] for nid in notes: try: note = self.collection().getNote(nid) model = note.model() fields = {} for info in model['flds']: order = info['ord'] name = info['name'] fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order} result.append({ 'noteId': note.id, 'tags' : note.tags, 'fields': fields, 'modelName': model['name'], 'cards': self.collection().db.list('select id from cards where nid = ? order by ord', note.id) }) except TypeError as e: # Anki will give a TypeError if the note ID does not exist. # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the # returned result, so that the items of the input and return # lists correspond. result.append({}) return result @util.api() def deleteNotes(self, notes): try: self.collection().remNotes(notes) finally: self.stopEditing() @util.api() def cardsToNotes(self, cards): return self.collection().db.list('select distinct nid from cards where id in ' + anki.utils.ids2str(cards)) @util.api() def guiBrowse(self, query=None): browser = aqt.dialogs.open('Browser', self.window()) browser.activateWindow() if query is not None: browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText(query) if hasattr(browser, 'onSearch'): browser.onSearch() else: browser.onSearchActivated() return browser.model.cards @util.api() def guiAddCards(self, note=None): if note is not None: collection = self.collection() deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName']) if deck is None: raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName'])) self.collection().decks.select(deck['id']) savedMid = deck.pop('mid', None) model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName']) if model is None: raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName'])) self.collection().models.setCurrent(model) self.collection().models.update(model) closeAfterAdding = False if note is not None and 'options' in note: if 'closeAfterAdding' in note['options']: closeAfterAdding = note['options']['closeAfterAdding'] if type(closeAfterAdding) is not bool: raise Exception('option parameter \'closeAfterAdding\' must be boolean') addCards = None if closeAfterAdding: randomString = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)) windowName = 'AddCardsAndClose' + randomString class AddCardsAndClose(aqt.addcards.AddCards): def __init__(self, mw): # the window must only reset if # * function `onModelChange` has been called prior # * window was newly opened self.modelHasChanged = True super().__init__(mw) self.addButton.setText("Add and Close") self.addButton.setShortcut(aqt.qt.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Return")) def _addCards(self): super()._addCards() # if adding was successful it must mean it was added to the history of the window if len(self.history): self.reject() def onModelChange(self): if self.isActiveWindow(): super().onModelChange() self.modelHasChanged = True def onReset(self, model=None, keep=False): if self.isActiveWindow() or self.modelHasChanged: super().onReset(model, keep) self.modelHasChanged = False else: # modelchoosers text is changed by a reset hook # therefore we need to change it back manually self.modelChooser.models.setText(self.editor.note.model()['name']) self.modelHasChanged = False def _reject(self): savedMarkClosed = aqt.dialogs.markClosed aqt.dialogs.markClosed = lambda _: savedMarkClosed(windowName) super()._reject() aqt.dialogs.markClosed = savedMarkClosed aqt.dialogs._dialogs[windowName] = [AddCardsAndClose, None] addCards = aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window()) if savedMid: deck['mid'] = savedMid editor = addCards.editor ankiNote = editor.note if 'fields' in note: for name, value in note['fields'].items(): if name in ankiNote: ankiNote[name] = value editor.loadNote() if 'tags' in note: ankiNote.tags = note['tags'] editor.updateTags() # if Anki does not Focus, the window will not notice that the # fields are actually filled aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window()) addCards.setAndFocusNote(editor.note) return ankiNote.id elif note is not None: currentWindow = aqt.dialogs._dialogs['AddCards'][1] def openNewWindow(): addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window()) if savedMid: deck['mid'] = savedMid editor = addCards.editor ankiNote = editor.note # we have to fill out the card in the callback # otherwise we can't assure, the new window is open if 'fields' in note: for name, value in note['fields'].items(): if name in ankiNote: ankiNote[name] = value editor.loadNote() if 'tags' in note: ankiNote.tags = note['tags'] editor.updateTags() addCards.activateWindow() aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window()) addCards.setAndFocusNote(editor.note) if currentWindow is not None: currentWindow.closeWithCallback(openNewWindow) else: openNewWindow() return aqt.dialogs._dialogs['AddCards'][1].editor.note.id else: addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window()) addCards.activateWindow() return addCards.editor.note.id @util.api() def guiReviewActive(self): return self.reviewer().card is not None and self.window().state == 'review' @util.api() def guiCurrentCard(self): if not self.guiReviewActive(): raise Exception('Gui review is not currently active.') reviewer = self.reviewer() card = reviewer.card model = card.model() note = card.note() fields = {} for info in model['flds']: order = info['ord'] name = info['name'] fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order} if card is not None: buttonList = reviewer._answerButtonList() return { 'cardId': card.id, 'fields': fields, 'fieldOrder': card.ord, 'question': card._getQA()['q'], 'answer': card._getQA()['a'], 'buttons': [b[0] for b in buttonList], 'nextReviews': [reviewer.mw.col.sched.nextIvlStr(reviewer.card, b[0], True) for b in buttonList], 'modelName': model['name'], 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did), 'css': model['css'], 'template': card.template()['name'] } @util.api() def guiStartCardTimer(self): if not self.guiReviewActive(): return False card = self.reviewer().card if card is not None: card.startTimer() return True else: return False @util.api() def guiShowQuestion(self): if self.guiReviewActive(): self.reviewer()._showQuestion() return True else: return False @util.api() def guiShowAnswer(self): if self.guiReviewActive(): self.window().reviewer._showAnswer() return True else: return False @util.api() def guiAnswerCard(self, ease): if not self.guiReviewActive(): return False reviewer = self.reviewer() if reviewer.state != 'answer': return False if ease <= 0 or ease > self.scheduler().answerButtons(reviewer.card): return False reviewer._answerCard(ease) return True @util.api() def guiDeckOverview(self, name): collection = self.collection() if collection is not None: deck = collection.decks.byName(name) if deck is not None: collection.decks.select(deck['id']) self.window().onOverview() return True return False @util.api() def guiDeckBrowser(self): self.window().moveToState('deckBrowser') @util.api() def guiDeckReview(self, name): if self.guiDeckOverview(name): self.window().moveToState('review') return True else: return False @util.api() def guiExitAnki(self): timer = QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(self.window().close) timer.start(1000) # 1s should be enough to allow the response to be sent. @util.api() def addNotes(self, notes): results = [] for note in notes: try: results.append(self.addNote(note)) except Exception: results.append(None) return results @util.api() def canAddNotes(self, notes): results = [] for note in notes: results.append(self.canAddNote(note)) return results # # Entry # ac = AnkiConnect()