import aqt import pytest from conftest import ac, wait, wait_until, \ close_all_dialogs_and_wait_for_them_to_run_closing_callbacks def test_guiBrowse(setup): ac.guiBrowse() def test_guiDeckBrowser(setup): ac.guiDeckBrowser() # todo executing this test without running background tasks on main thread # rarely causes media server (`aqt.mediasrv`) to fail: # its `run` method raises OSError: invalid file descriptor. # this can cause other tests to fail to tear down; # particularly, any dialogs with editor may fail to close # due to their trying to save the note first, which is done via web view, # which fails to complete due to corrupt media server. investigate? def test_guiCheckDatabase(setup, run_background_tasks_on_main_thread): ac.guiCheckDatabase() def test_guiDeckOverview(setup): assert ac.guiDeckOverview(name="test_deck") is True class TestAddCards: note = { "deckName": "test_deck", "modelName": "Basic", "fields": {"Front": "new front1", "Back": "new back1"}, "tags": ["tag1"] } options_closeAfterAdding = { "options": { "closeAfterAdding": True } } # an actual small image, you can see it if you run the test with GUI # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection base64_gif = "R0lGODlhBQAEAHAAACwAAAAABQAEAIH///8AAAAAAAAAAAACB0QMqZcXDwoAOw==" picture = { "picture": [ { "data": base64_gif, "filename": "smiley.gif", "fields": ["Front"], } ] } @staticmethod def click_on_add_card_dialog_save_button(dialog_name="AddCards"): dialog = aqt.dialogs._dialogs[dialog_name][1] # todo previously, these tests were verifying # that the return value of `guiAddCards` is `int`. # while it is indeed `int`, on modern Anki it is also always a `0`, # so we consider it useless. update documentation? def test_without_note(self, setup): ac.guiAddCards() def test_with_note(self, setup): ac.guiAddCards(note=self.note) self.click_on_add_card_dialog_save_button() close_all_dialogs_and_wait_for_them_to_run_closing_callbacks() assert len(ac.findCards(query="new")) == 1 def test_with_note_and_a_picture(self, setup): ac.guiAddCards(note={**self.note, **self.picture}) self.click_on_add_card_dialog_save_button() close_all_dialogs_and_wait_for_them_to_run_closing_callbacks() assert len(ac.findCards(query="new")) == 1 assert ac.retrieveMediaFile(filename="smiley.gif") == self.base64_gif # todo the tested method, when called with option `closeAfterAdding=True`, # is broken for the following reasons: # * it uses the note that comes with dialog's Editor. # this note might be of a different model than the proposed note, # and field values from the proposed note can't be put into it. # * most crucially, `AddCardsAndClose` is trying to override the method # `_addCards` that is no longer present or called by the superclass. # also, it creates and registers a new class each time it is called. # todo fix the method, or ignore/disallow the option `closeAfterAdding`? @pytest.mark.skip("API method `guiAddCards` is broken " "when called with note option `closeAfterAdding=True`") def test_with_note_and_closeAfterAdding(self, setup): def find_AddCardsAndClose_dialog_registered_name(): for name in aqt.dialogs._dialogs.keys(): if name.startswith("AddCardsAndClose"): return name def dialog_is_open(name): return aqt.dialogs._dialogs[name][1] is not None ac.guiAddCards(note={**self.note, **self.options_closeAfterAdding}) dialog_name = find_AddCardsAndClose_dialog_registered_name() assert dialog_is_open(dialog_name) self.click_on_add_card_dialog_save_button(dialog_name) wait_until(aqt.dialogs.allClosed) class TestReviewActions: @pytest.fixture def reviewing_started(self, setup): assert ac.guiDeckReview(name="test_deck") is True def test_startCardTimer(self, reviewing_started): assert ac.guiStartCardTimer() is True def test_guiShowQuestion(self, reviewing_started): assert ac.guiShowQuestion() is True assert ac.reviewer().state == "question" def test_guiShowAnswer(self, reviewing_started): assert ac.guiShowAnswer() is True assert ac.reviewer().state == "answer" def test_guiAnswerCard(self, reviewing_started): ac.guiShowAnswer() reviews_before = ac.cardReviews(deck="test_deck", startID=0) assert ac.guiAnswerCard(ease=4) is True reviews_after = ac.cardReviews(deck="test_deck", startID=0) assert len(reviews_after) == len(reviews_before) + 1 class TestSelectedNotes: def test_with_valid_deck_query(self, setup): ac.guiBrowse(query="deck:test_deck") wait_until(ac.guiSelectedNotes) assert ac.guiSelectedNotes()[0] in {setup.note1_id, setup.note2_id} def test_with_invalid_deck_query(self, setup): ac.guiBrowse(query="deck:test_deck") wait_until(ac.guiSelectedNotes) ac.guiBrowse(query="deck:invalid") wait_until(lambda: not ac.guiSelectedNotes())