import concurrent.futures import time from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass import aqt.operations.note import pytest import anki.collection from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch # noqa from pytest_anki._launch import anki_running, temporary_user # noqa from waitress import wasyncore from plugin import AnkiConnect, anki_version from plugin.edit import Edit from plugin.util import DEFAULT_CONFIG try: from PyQt6 import QtTest except ImportError: from PyQt5 import QtTest ac = AnkiConnect() # wait for n seconds, while events are being processed def wait(seconds): milliseconds = int(seconds * 1000) QtTest.QTest.qWait(milliseconds) # noqa def wait_until(booleanish_function, at_most_seconds=30): deadline = time.time() + at_most_seconds while time.time() < deadline: if booleanish_function(): return wait(0.01) raise Exception(f"Function {booleanish_function} never once returned " f"a positive value in {at_most_seconds} seconds") def delete_model(model_name): model = ac.collection().models.byName(model_name) ac.collection().models.remove(model["id"]) def close_all_dialogs_and_wait_for_them_to_run_closing_callbacks(): aqt.dialogs.closeAll(onsuccess=lambda: None) wait_until(aqt.dialogs.allClosed) def get_dialog_instance(name): return aqt.dialogs._dialogs[name][1] # noqa # waitress is a WSGI server that Anki starts to serve css etc to its web views. # it seems to have a race condition issue; # the main loop thread is trying to `` the sockets # which a worker thread is closing because of a dead connection. # this is especially pronounced in tests, # as we open and close windows rapidly--and so web views and their connections. # this small patch makes waitress skip actually closing the sockets # (unless the server is shutting down--if it is, loop exceptions are ignored). # while the unclosed sockets might accumulate, # this should not pose an issue in test environment. # see @contextmanager def waitress_patched_to_prevent_it_from_dying(): original_close = wasyncore.dispatcher.close sockets_that_must_not_be_garbage_collected = [] # lists are thread-safe def close(self): if not sockets_that_must_not_be_garbage_collected.append(self.socket) self.socket = None original_close(self) with MonkeyPatch().context() as monkey: monkey.setattr(wasyncore.dispatcher, "close", close) yield @contextmanager def anki_patched_to_prevent_backups(): with MonkeyPatch().context() as monkey: if anki_version < (2, 1, 50): monkey.setitem(aqt.profiles.profileConf, "numBackups", 0) else: monkey.setattr(anki.collection.Collection, "create_backup", lambda *args, **kwargs: True) yield @contextmanager def empty_anki_session_started(): with waitress_patched_to_prevent_it_from_dying(): with anki_patched_to_prevent_backups(): with anki_running( qtbot=None, # noqa enable_web_debugging=False, profile_name="test_user", ) as session: yield session @contextmanager def profile_created_and_loaded(session): with temporary_user(session.base, "test_user", "en_US"): with session.profile_loaded(): yield session @contextmanager def anki_connect_config_loaded(session, web_bind_port): with session.addon_config_created( package_name="plugin", default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, user_config={**DEFAULT_CONFIG, "webBindPort": web_bind_port} ): yield @contextmanager def current_decks_and_models_etc_preserved(): deck_names_before = ac.deckNames() model_names_before = ac.modelNames() try: yield finally: deck_names_after = ac.deckNames() model_names_after = ac.modelNames() deck_names_to_delete = {*deck_names_after} - {*deck_names_before} model_names_to_delete = {*model_names_after} - {*model_names_before} ac.deleteDecks(decks=deck_names_to_delete, cardsToo=True) for model_name in model_names_to_delete: delete_model(model_name) ac.guiDeckBrowser() @dataclass class Setup: deck_id: int note1_id: int note2_id: int note1_card_ids: "list[int]" note2_card_ids: "list[int]" card_ids: "list[int]" def set_up_test_deck_and_test_model_and_two_notes(): ac.createModel( modelName="test_model", inOrderFields=["field1", "field2"], cardTemplates=[ {"Front": "{{field1}}", "Back": "{{field2}}"}, {"Front": "{{field2}}", "Back": "{{field1}}"} ], css="* {}", ) deck_id = ac.createDeck("test_deck") note1_id = ac.addNote(dict( deckName="test_deck", modelName="test_model", fields={"field1": "note1 field1", "field2": "note1 field2"}, tags={"tag1"}, )) note2_id = ac.addNote(dict( deckName="test_deck", modelName="test_model", fields={"field1": "note2 field1", "field2": "note2 field2"}, tags={"tag2"}, )) note1_card_ids = ac.findCards(query=f"nid:{note1_id}") note2_card_ids = ac.findCards(query=f"nid:{note2_id}") card_ids = ac.findCards(query="deck:test_deck") return Setup( deck_id=deck_id, note1_id=note1_id, note2_id=note2_id, note1_card_ids=note1_card_ids, note2_card_ids=note2_card_ids, card_ids=card_ids, ) ############################################################################# def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--tear-down-profile-after-each-test", action="store_true", default=True) parser.addoption("--no-tear-down-profile-after-each-test", "-T", action="store_false", dest="tear_down_profile_after_each_test") def pytest_report_header(config): if config.option.forked: return "test isolation: perfect; each test is run in a separate process" if config.option.tear_down_profile_after_each_test: return "test isolation: good; user profile is torn down after each test" else: return "test isolation: poor; only newly created decks and models " \ "are cleaned up between tests" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_background_tasks_on_main_thread(request, monkeypatch): # noqa """ Makes background operations such as card deletion execute on main thread and execute the callback immediately """ def run_in_background(task, on_done=None, kwargs=None): future = concurrent.futures.Future() try: future.set_result(task(**kwargs if kwargs is not None else {})) except BaseException as e: future.set_exception(e) if on_done is not None: on_done(future) monkeypatch.setattr(, "run_in_background", run_in_background) # don't use run_background_tasks_on_main_thread for tests that don't run Anki def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if ( run_background_tasks_on_main_thread.__name__ in metafunc.fixturenames and session_scope_empty_session.__name__ not in metafunc.fixturenames ): metafunc.fixturenames.remove(run_background_tasks_on_main_thread.__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def session_scope_empty_session(): with empty_anki_session_started() as session: yield session @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def session_scope_session_with_profile_loaded(session_scope_empty_session): with profile_created_and_loaded(session_scope_empty_session): yield session_scope_empty_session @pytest.fixture def session_with_profile_loaded(session_scope_empty_session, request): """ Like anki_session fixture from pytest-anki, but: * Default profile is loaded * It's relying on session-wide app instance so that it can be used without forking every test; this can be useful to speed up tests and also to examine Anki's stdout/stderr, which is not visible with forking. * If command line option --no-tear-down-profile-after-each-test is passed, only the newly created decks and models are deleted. Otherwise, the profile is completely torn down after each test. Tearing down the profile is significantly slower. """ if request.config.option.tear_down_profile_after_each_test: with profile_created_and_loaded(session_scope_empty_session): yield session_scope_empty_session else: session = request.getfixturevalue( session_scope_session_with_profile_loaded.__name__ ) with current_decks_and_models_etc_preserved(): yield session @pytest.fixture def setup(session_with_profile_loaded): """ Like session_with_profile_loaded, but also: * Added are: * A deck `test_deck` * A model `test_model` with fields `filed1` and `field2` and two cards per note * Two notes with two valid cards each using the above deck and model * Edit dialog is registered with dialog manager * Any dialogs, if open, are safely closed on exit """ Edit.register_with_anki() yield set_up_test_deck_and_test_model_and_two_notes() close_all_dialogs_and_wait_for_them_to_run_closing_callbacks()