diff --git a/plugin/__init__.py b/plugin/__init__.py
index 3c602ac..e4fea20 100644
--- a/plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/plugin/__init__.py
@@ -13,41 +13,47 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-import base64
-import glob
-import hashlib
-import inspect
-import json
-import os
-import os.path
-import random
-import re
-import string
-import time
-import unicodedata
+from . import api
+from . import host
+from . import settings
-from PyQt5 import QtCore
-from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
+# import api.gui
-import anki
-import anki.exporting
-import anki.storage
-import aqt
-from anki.cards import Card
-from anki.consts import MODEL_CLOZE
+# import base64
+# import glob
+# import hashlib
+# import inspect
+# import json
+# import os
+# import os.path
+# import random
+# import re
+# import string
+# import time
+# import unicodedata
+# from PyQt5 import QtCore
+# from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
+# from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
+# import anki
+# import anki.exporting
+# import anki.storage
+# import aqt
+# from anki.cards import Card
+# from anki.consts import MODEL_CLOZE
+# from anki.exporting import AnkiPackageExporter
+# from anki.importing import AnkiPackageImporter
+# from anki.notes import Note
+# # from anki.utils import joinFields, intTime, guid64, fieldChecksum
+# try:
+# from anki.rsbackend import NotFoundError
+# except:
+# NotFoundError = Exception
-from anki.exporting import AnkiPackageExporter
-from anki.importing import AnkiPackageImporter
-from anki.notes import Note
-from anki.utils import joinFields, intTime, guid64, fieldChecksum
- from anki.rsbackend import NotFoundError
- NotFoundError = Exception
-from . import web, util
+# from . import web, util
@@ -55,1595 +61,1605 @@ from . import web, util
class AnkiConnect:
- def __init__(self):
- try:
- self.server = web.WebServer(self.handler)
- self.server.listen()
- self.timer = QTimer()
- self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advance)
- self.timer.start(util.setting('apiPollInterval'))
- except:
- QMessageBox.critical(
- self.window(),
- 'AnkiConnect',
- 'Failed to listen on port {}.\nMake sure it is available and is not in use.'.format(util.setting('webBindPort'))
- )
- def advance(self):
- self.server.advance()
- def handler(self, request):
- name = request.get('action', '')
- version = request.get('version', 4)
- params = request.get('params', {})
- key = request.get('key')
- reply = {'result': None, 'error': None}
- try:
- if key != util.setting('apiKey') and name != 'requestPermission':
- raise Exception('valid api key must be provided')
- method = None
- for methodName, methodInst in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod):
- apiVersionLast = 0
- apiNameLast = None
- if getattr(methodInst, 'api', False):
- for apiVersion, apiName in getattr(methodInst, 'versions', []):
- if apiVersionLast < apiVersion <= version:
- apiVersionLast = apiVersion
- apiNameLast = apiName
- if apiNameLast is None and apiVersionLast == 0:
- apiNameLast = methodName
- if apiNameLast is not None and apiNameLast == name:
- method = methodInst
- break
- if method is None:
- raise Exception('unsupported action')
- else:
- reply['result'] = methodInst(**params)
- if version <= 4:
- reply = reply['result']
- except Exception as e:
- reply['error'] = str(e)
- return reply
- def window(self):
- return aqt.mw
- def reviewer(self):
- reviewer = self.window().reviewer
- if reviewer is None:
- raise Exception('reviewer is not available')
- return reviewer
- def collection(self):
- collection = self.window().col
- if collection is None:
- raise Exception('collection is not available')
- return collection
- def decks(self):
- decks = self.collection().decks
- if decks is None:
- raise Exception('decks are not available')
- return decks
- def scheduler(self):
- scheduler = self.collection().sched
- if scheduler is None:
- raise Exception('scheduler is not available')
- return scheduler
- def database(self):
- database = self.collection().db
- if database is None:
- raise Exception('database is not available')
- return database
- def media(self):
- media = self.collection().media
- if media is None:
- raise Exception('media is not available')
- return media
- def startEditing(self):
- self.window().requireReset()
- def stopEditing(self):
- if self.collection() is not None:
- self.window().maybeReset()
- def createNote(self, note):
- collection = self.collection()
- model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName'])
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName']))
- deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName'])
- if deck is None:
- raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName']))
- ankiNote = anki.notes.Note(collection, model)
- ankiNote.model()['did'] = deck['id']
- if 'tags' in note:
- ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
- for name, value in note['fields'].items():
- for ankiName in ankiNote.keys():
- if name.lower() == ankiName.lower():
- ankiNote[ankiName] = value
- break
- allowDuplicate = False
- duplicateScope = None
- duplicateScopeDeckName = None
- duplicateScopeCheckChildren = False
- duplicateScopeCheckAllModels = False
- if 'options' in note:
- options = note['options']
- if 'allowDuplicate' in options:
- allowDuplicate = options['allowDuplicate']
- if type(allowDuplicate) is not bool:
- raise Exception('option parameter "allowDuplicate" must be boolean')
- if 'duplicateScope' in options:
- duplicateScope = options['duplicateScope']
- if 'duplicateScopeOptions' in options:
- duplicateScopeOptions = options['duplicateScopeOptions']
- if 'deckName' in duplicateScopeOptions:
- duplicateScopeDeckName = duplicateScopeOptions['deckName']
- if 'checkChildren' in duplicateScopeOptions:
- duplicateScopeCheckChildren = duplicateScopeOptions['checkChildren']
- if type(duplicateScopeCheckChildren) is not bool:
- raise Exception('option parameter "duplicateScopeOptions.checkChildren" must be boolean')
- if 'checkAllModels' in duplicateScopeOptions:
- duplicateScopeCheckAllModels = duplicateScopeOptions['checkAllModels']
- if type(duplicateScopeCheckAllModels) is not bool:
- raise Exception('option parameter "duplicateScopeOptions.checkAllModels" must be boolean')
- duplicateOrEmpty = self.isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInScope(
- ankiNote,
- deck,
- collection,
- duplicateScope,
- duplicateScopeDeckName,
- duplicateScopeCheckChildren,
- duplicateScopeCheckAllModels
- )
- if duplicateOrEmpty == 1:
- raise Exception('cannot create note because it is empty')
- elif duplicateOrEmpty == 2:
- if allowDuplicate:
- return ankiNote
- raise Exception('cannot create note because it is a duplicate')
- elif duplicateOrEmpty == 0:
- return ankiNote
- else:
- raise Exception('cannot create note for unknown reason')
- def isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInScope(
- self,
- note,
- deck,
- collection,
- duplicateScope,
- duplicateScopeDeckName,
- duplicateScopeCheckChildren,
- duplicateScopeCheckAllModels
- ):
- # Returns: 1 if first is empty, 2 if first is a duplicate, 0 otherwise.
- # note.dupeOrEmpty returns if a note is a global duplicate with the specific model.
- # This is used as the default check, and the rest of this function is manually
- # checking if the note is a duplicate with additional options.
- if duplicateScope != 'deck' and not duplicateScopeCheckAllModels:
- return note.dupeOrEmpty() or 0
- # Primary field for uniqueness
- val = note.fields[0]
- if not val.strip():
- return 1
- csum = anki.utils.fieldChecksum(val)
- # Create dictionary of deck ids
- dids = None
- if duplicateScope == 'deck':
- did = deck['id']
- if duplicateScopeDeckName is not None:
- deck2 = collection.decks.byName(duplicateScopeDeckName)
- if deck2 is None:
- # Invalid deck, so cannot be duplicate
- return 0
- did = deck2['id']
- dids = {did: True}
- if duplicateScopeCheckChildren:
- for kv in collection.decks.children(did):
- dids[kv[1]] = True
- # Build query
- query = 'select id from notes where csum=?'
- queryArgs = [csum]
- if note.id:
- query += ' and id!=?'
- queryArgs.append(note.id)
- if not duplicateScopeCheckAllModels:
- query += ' and mid=?'
- queryArgs.append(note.mid)
- # Search
- for noteId in note.col.db.list(query, *queryArgs):
- if dids is None:
- # Duplicate note exists in the collection
- return 2
- # Validate that a card exists in one of the specified decks
- for cardDeckId in note.col.db.list('select did from cards where nid=?', noteId):
- if cardDeckId in dids:
- return 2
- # Not a duplicate
- return 0
- def getCard(self, card_id: int) -> Card:
- try:
- return self.collection().getCard(card_id)
- except NotFoundError:
- raise NotFoundError('Card was not found: {}'.format(card_id))
- def getNote(self, note_id: int) -> Note:
- try:
- return self.collection().getNote(note_id)
- except NotFoundError:
- raise NotFoundError('Note was not found: {}'.format(note_id))
+ pass
+ # def __init__(self):
+ # try:
+ # self.server = web.WebServer(self.handler)
+ # self.server.listen()
- # Miscellaneous
+ # self.timer = QTimer()
+ # self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advance)
+ # self.timer.start(util.setting('apiPollInterval'))
+ # except:
+ # QMessageBox.critical(
+ # self.window(),
+ # 'AnkiConnect',
+ # 'Failed to listen on port {}.\nMake sure it is available and is not in use.'.format(util.setting('webBindPort'))
+ # )
- @util.api()
- def version(self):
- return util.setting('apiVersion')
- @util.api()
- def requestPermission(self, origin, allowed):
- if allowed:
- return {
- "permission": "granted",
- "requireApikey": bool(util.setting('apiKey')),
- "version": util.setting('apiVersion')
- }
- if origin in util.setting('ignoreOriginList') :
- return {
- "permission": "denied",
- }
- msg = QMessageBox(None)
- msg.setWindowTitle("A website want to access to Anki")
- msg.setText(origin + " request permission to use Anki through AnkiConnect.\nDo you want to give it access ?")
- msg.setInformativeText("By giving permission, the website will be able to do actions on anki, including destructives actions like deck deletion.")
- msg.setWindowIcon(self.window().windowIcon())
- msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question)
- msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.Ignore|QMessageBox.No)
- msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No)
- msg.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
- pressedButton = msg.exec_()
- if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Yes:
- config = aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__)
- config["webCorsOriginList"] = util.setting('webCorsOriginList')
- config["webCorsOriginList"].append(origin)
- aqt.mw.addonManager.writeConfig(__name__, config)
- if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Ignore:
- config = aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__)
- config["ignoreOriginList"] = util.setting('ignoreOriginList')
- config["ignoreOriginList"].append(origin)
- aqt.mw.addonManager.writeConfig(__name__, config)
- if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Yes:
- results = {
- "permission": "granted",
- "requireApikey": bool(util.setting('apiKey')),
- "version": util.setting('apiVersion')
- }
- else :
- results = {
- "permission": "denied",
- }
- return results
- @util.api()
- def getProfiles(self):
- return self.window().pm.profiles()
- @util.api()
- def loadProfile(self, name):
- if name not in self.window().pm.profiles():
- return False
- if self.window().isVisible():
- cur_profile = self.window().pm.name
- if cur_profile != name:
- self.window().unloadProfileAndShowProfileManager()
- def waiter():
- # This function waits until main window is closed
- # It's needed cause sync can take quite some time
- # And if we call loadProfile until sync is ended things will go wrong
- if self.window().isVisible():
- QTimer.singleShot(1000, waiter)
- else:
- self.loadProfile(name)
- waiter()
- else:
- self.window().pm.load(name)
- self.window().loadProfile()
- self.window().profileDiag.closeWithoutQuitting()
- return True
- @util.api()
- def sync(self):
- self.window().onSync()
- @util.api()
- def multi(self, actions):
- return list(map(self.handler, actions))
- @util.api()
- def getNumCardsReviewedToday(self):
- return self.database().scalar('select count() from revlog where id > ?', (self.scheduler().dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
- @util.api()
- def getNumCardsReviewedByDay(self):
- return self.database().all('select date(id/1000 - ?, "unixepoch", "localtime") as day, count() from revlog group by day order by day desc',
- int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime(self.scheduler().dayCutoff))) * 3600)
- @util.api()
- def getCollectionStatsHTML(self, wholeCollection=True):
- stats = self.collection().stats()
- stats.wholeCollection = wholeCollection
- return stats.report()
- # Decks
+ # def advance(self):
+ # self.server.advance()
+ #
+ # def handler(self, request):
+ # name = request.get('action', '')
+ # version = request.get('version', 4)
+ # params = request.get('params', {})
+ # key = request.get('key')
+ # reply = {'result': None, 'error': None}
+ #
+ # try:
+ # if key != util.setting('apiKey') and name != 'requestPermission':
+ # raise Exception('valid api key must be provided')
+ #
+ # method = None
+ #
+ # for methodName, methodInst in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod):
+ # apiVersionLast = 0
+ # apiNameLast = None
+ #
+ # if getattr(methodInst, 'api', False):
+ # for apiVersion, apiName in getattr(methodInst, 'versions', []):
+ # if apiVersionLast < apiVersion <= version:
+ # apiVersionLast = apiVersion
+ # apiNameLast = apiName
+ #
+ # if apiNameLast is None and apiVersionLast == 0:
+ # apiNameLast = methodName
+ #
+ # if apiNameLast is not None and apiNameLast == name:
+ # method = methodInst
+ # break
+ #
+ # if method is None:
+ # raise Exception('unsupported action')
+ # else:
+ # reply['result'] = methodInst(**params)
+ #
+ # if version <= 4:
+ # reply = reply['result']
+ #
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # reply['error'] = str(e)
+ #
+ # return reply
+ #
+ #
+ # def window(self):
+ # return aqt.mw
+ #
+ #
+ # def reviewer(self):
+ # reviewer = self.window().reviewer
+ # if reviewer is None:
+ # raise Exception('reviewer is not available')
+ #
+ # return reviewer
+ #
+ #
+ # def collection(self):
+ # collection = self.window().col
+ # if collection is None:
+ # raise Exception('collection is not available')
+ #
+ # return collection
+ #
+ #
+ # def decks(self):
+ # decks = self.collection().decks
+ # if decks is None:
+ # raise Exception('decks are not available')
+ #
+ # return decks
+ #
+ #
+ # def scheduler(self):
+ # scheduler = self.collection().sched
+ # if scheduler is None:
+ # raise Exception('scheduler is not available')
+ #
+ # return scheduler
+ #
+ #
+ # def database(self):
+ # database = self.collection().db
+ # if database is None:
+ # raise Exception('database is not available')
+ #
+ # return database
+ #
+ #
+ # def media(self):
+ # media = self.collection().media
+ # if media is None:
+ # raise Exception('media is not available')
+ #
+ # return media
+ #
+ #
+ # def startEditing(self):
+ # self.window().requireReset()
+ #
+ #
+ # def stopEditing(self):
+ # if self.collection() is not None:
+ # self.window().maybeReset()
+ #
+ #
+ # def createNote(self, note):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ #
+ # model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName'])
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName']))
+ #
+ # deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName'])
+ # if deck is None:
+ # raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName']))
+ #
+ # ankiNote = anki.notes.Note(collection, model)
+ # ankiNote.model()['did'] = deck['id']
+ # if 'tags' in note:
+ # ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
+ #
+ # for name, value in note['fields'].items():
+ # for ankiName in ankiNote.keys():
+ # if name.lower() == ankiName.lower():
+ # ankiNote[ankiName] = value
+ # break
+ #
+ # allowDuplicate = False
+ # duplicateScope = None
+ # duplicateScopeDeckName = None
+ # duplicateScopeCheckChildren = False
+ # duplicateScopeCheckAllModels = False
+ #
+ # if 'options' in note:
+ # options = note['options']
+ # if 'allowDuplicate' in options:
+ # allowDuplicate = options['allowDuplicate']
+ # if type(allowDuplicate) is not bool:
+ # raise Exception('option parameter "allowDuplicate" must be boolean')
+ # if 'duplicateScope' in options:
+ # duplicateScope = options['duplicateScope']
+ # if 'duplicateScopeOptions' in options:
+ # duplicateScopeOptions = options['duplicateScopeOptions']
+ # if 'deckName' in duplicateScopeOptions:
+ # duplicateScopeDeckName = duplicateScopeOptions['deckName']
+ # if 'checkChildren' in duplicateScopeOptions:
+ # duplicateScopeCheckChildren = duplicateScopeOptions['checkChildren']
+ # if type(duplicateScopeCheckChildren) is not bool:
+ # raise Exception('option parameter "duplicateScopeOptions.checkChildren" must be boolean')
+ # if 'checkAllModels' in duplicateScopeOptions:
+ # duplicateScopeCheckAllModels = duplicateScopeOptions['checkAllModels']
+ # if type(duplicateScopeCheckAllModels) is not bool:
+ # raise Exception('option parameter "duplicateScopeOptions.checkAllModels" must be boolean')
+ #
+ # duplicateOrEmpty = self.isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInScope(
+ # ankiNote,
+ # deck,
+ # collection,
+ # duplicateScope,
+ # duplicateScopeDeckName,
+ # duplicateScopeCheckChildren,
+ # duplicateScopeCheckAllModels
+ # )
+ #
+ # if duplicateOrEmpty == 1:
+ # raise Exception('cannot create note because it is empty')
+ # elif duplicateOrEmpty == 2:
+ # if allowDuplicate:
+ # return ankiNote
+ # raise Exception('cannot create note because it is a duplicate')
+ # elif duplicateOrEmpty == 0:
+ # return ankiNote
+ # else:
+ # raise Exception('cannot create note for unknown reason')
+ #
+ #
+ # def isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInScope(
+ # self,
+ # note,
+ # deck,
+ # collection,
+ # duplicateScope,
+ # duplicateScopeDeckName,
+ # duplicateScopeCheckChildren,
+ # duplicateScopeCheckAllModels
+ # ):
+ # # Returns: 1 if first is empty, 2 if first is a duplicate, 0 otherwise.
+ #
+ # # note.dupeOrEmpty returns if a note is a global duplicate with the specific model.
+ # # This is used as the default check, and the rest of this function is manually
+ # # checking if the note is a duplicate with additional options.
+ # if duplicateScope != 'deck' and not duplicateScopeCheckAllModels:
+ # return note.dupeOrEmpty() or 0
+ #
+ # # Primary field for uniqueness
+ # val = note.fields[0]
+ # if not val.strip():
+ # return 1
+ # csum = anki.utils.fieldChecksum(val)
+ #
+ # # Create dictionary of deck ids
+ # dids = None
+ # if duplicateScope == 'deck':
+ # did = deck['id']
+ # if duplicateScopeDeckName is not None:
+ # deck2 = collection.decks.byName(duplicateScopeDeckName)
+ # if deck2 is None:
+ # # Invalid deck, so cannot be duplicate
+ # return 0
+ # did = deck2['id']
+ #
+ # dids = {did: True}
+ # if duplicateScopeCheckChildren:
+ # for kv in collection.decks.children(did):
+ # dids[kv[1]] = True
+ #
+ # # Build query
+ # query = 'select id from notes where csum=?'
+ # queryArgs = [csum]
+ # if note.id:
+ # query += ' and id!=?'
+ # queryArgs.append(note.id)
+ # if not duplicateScopeCheckAllModels:
+ # query += ' and mid=?'
+ # queryArgs.append(note.mid)
+ #
+ # # Search
+ # for noteId in note.col.db.list(query, *queryArgs):
+ # if dids is None:
+ # # Duplicate note exists in the collection
+ # return 2
+ # # Validate that a card exists in one of the specified decks
+ # for cardDeckId in note.col.db.list('select did from cards where nid=?', noteId):
+ # if cardDeckId in dids:
+ # return 2
+ #
+ # # Not a duplicate
+ # return 0
+ #
+ # def getCard(self, card_id: int) -> Card:
+ # try:
+ # return self.collection().getCard(card_id)
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # raise NotFoundError('Card was not found: {}'.format(card_id))
+ #
+ # def getNote(self, note_id: int) -> Note:
+ # try:
+ # return self.collection().getNote(note_id)
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # raise NotFoundError('Note was not found: {}'.format(note_id))
+ #
+ # #
+ # # Miscellaneous
+ # #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def version(self):
+ # return util.setting('apiVersion')
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def requestPermission(self, origin, allowed):
+ # if allowed:
+ # return {
+ # "permission": "granted",
+ # "requireApikey": bool(util.setting('apiKey')),
+ # "version": util.setting('apiVersion')
+ # }
+ #
+ # if origin in util.setting('ignoreOriginList') :
+ # return {
+ # "permission": "denied",
+ # }
+ #
+ # msg = QMessageBox(None)
+ # msg.setWindowTitle("A website want to access to Anki")
+ # msg.setText(origin + " request permission to use Anki through AnkiConnect.\nDo you want to give it access ?")
+ # msg.setInformativeText("By giving permission, the website will be able to do actions on anki, including destructives actions like deck deletion.")
+ # msg.setWindowIcon(self.window().windowIcon())
+ # msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question)
+ # msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.Ignore|QMessageBox.No)
+ # msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No)
+ # msg.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
+ # pressedButton = msg.exec_()
+ #
+ # if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Yes:
+ # config = aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__)
+ # config["webCorsOriginList"] = util.setting('webCorsOriginList')
+ # config["webCorsOriginList"].append(origin)
+ # aqt.mw.addonManager.writeConfig(__name__, config)
+ #
+ # if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Ignore:
+ # config = aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__)
+ # config["ignoreOriginList"] = util.setting('ignoreOriginList')
+ # config["ignoreOriginList"].append(origin)
+ # aqt.mw.addonManager.writeConfig(__name__, config)
+ #
+ # if pressedButton == QMessageBox.Yes:
+ # results = {
+ # "permission": "granted",
+ # "requireApikey": bool(util.setting('apiKey')),
+ # "version": util.setting('apiVersion')
+ # }
+ # else :
+ # results = {
+ # "permission": "denied",
+ # }
+ # return results
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getProfiles(self):
+ # return self.window().pm.profiles()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def loadProfile(self, name):
+ # if name not in self.window().pm.profiles():
+ # return False
+ #
+ # if self.window().isVisible():
+ # cur_profile = self.window().pm.name
+ # if cur_profile != name:
+ # self.window().unloadProfileAndShowProfileManager()
+ #
+ # def waiter():
+ # # This function waits until main window is closed
+ # # It's needed cause sync can take quite some time
+ # # And if we call loadProfile until sync is ended things will go wrong
+ # if self.window().isVisible():
+ # QTimer.singleShot(1000, waiter)
+ # else:
+ # self.loadProfile(name)
+ #
+ # waiter()
+ # else:
+ # self.window().pm.load(name)
+ # self.window().loadProfile()
+ # self.window().profileDiag.closeWithoutQuitting()
+ #
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def sync(self):
+ # self.window().onSync()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def multi(self, actions):
+ # return list(map(self.handler, actions))
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getNumCardsReviewedToday(self):
+ # return self.database().scalar('select count() from revlog where id > ?', (self.scheduler().dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getNumCardsReviewedByDay(self):
+ # return self.database().all('select date(id/1000 - ?, "unixepoch", "localtime") as day, count() from revlog group by day order by day desc',
+ # int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime(self.scheduler().dayCutoff))) * 3600)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getCollectionStatsHTML(self, wholeCollection=True):
+ # stats = self.collection().stats()
+ # stats.wholeCollection = wholeCollection
+ # return stats.report()
+ #
+ #
+ # #
+ # # Decks
+ # #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deckNames(self):
+ # return self.decks().allNames()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deckNamesAndIds(self):
+ # decks = {}
+ # for deck in self.deckNames():
+ # decks[deck] = self.decks().id(deck)
+ #
+ # return decks
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getDecks(self, cards):
+ # decks = {}
+ # for card in cards:
+ # did = self.database().scalar('select did from cards where id=?', card)
+ # deck = self.decks().get(did)['name']
+ # if deck in decks:
+ # decks[deck].append(card)
+ # else:
+ # decks[deck] = [card]
+ #
+ # return decks
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def createDeck(self, deck):
+ # try:
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # did = self.decks().id(deck)
+ # finally:
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ # return did
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def changeDeck(self, cards, deck):
+ # self.startEditing()
+ #
+ # did = self.collection().decks.id(deck)
+ # mod = anki.utils.intTime()
+ # usn = self.collection().usn()
+ #
+ # # normal cards
+ # scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
+ # # remove any cards from filtered deck first
+ # self.collection().sched.remFromDyn(cards)
+ #
+ # # then move into new deck
+ # self.collection().db.execute('update cards set usn=?, mod=?, did=? where id in ' + scids, usn, mod, did)
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deleteDecks(self, decks, cardsToo=False):
+ # try:
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # decks = filter(lambda d: d in self.deckNames(), decks)
+ # for deck in decks:
+ # did = self.decks().id(deck)
+ # self.decks().rem(did, cardsToo)
+ # finally:
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getDeckConfig(self, deck):
+ # if deck not in self.deckNames():
+ # return False
+ #
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # did = collection.decks.id(deck)
+ # return collection.decks.confForDid(did)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def saveDeckConfig(self, config):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ #
+ # config['id'] = str(config['id'])
+ # config['mod'] = anki.utils.intTime()
+ # config['usn'] = collection.usn()
+ # if int(config['id']) not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
+ # return False
+ # try:
+ # collection.decks.save(config)
+ # collection.decks.updateConf(config)
+ # except:
+ # return False
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def setDeckConfigId(self, decks, configId):
+ # configId = int(configId)
+ # for deck in decks:
+ # if not deck in self.deckNames():
+ # return False
+ #
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ #
+ # for deck in decks:
+ # try:
+ # did = str(collection.decks.id(deck))
+ # deck_dict = aqt.mw.col.decks.decks[did]
+ # deck_dict['conf'] = configId
+ # collection.decks.save(deck_dict)
+ # except:
+ # return False
+ #
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def cloneDeckConfigId(self, name, cloneFrom='1'):
+ # configId = int(cloneFrom)
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # if configId not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
+ # return False
+ #
+ # config = collection.decks.getConf(configId)
+ # return collection.decks.confId(name, config)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def removeDeckConfigId(self, configId):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # if int(configId) not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
+ # return False
+ #
+ # collection.decks.remConf(configId)
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def storeMediaFile(self, filename, data=None, path=None, url=None, skipHash=None, deleteExisting=True):
+ # if not (data or path or url):
+ # raise Exception('You must provide a "data", "path", or "url" field.')
+ # if deleteExisting:
+ # self.deleteMediaFile(filename)
+ # if data:
+ # mediaData = base64.b64decode(data)
+ # elif path:
+ # with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ # mediaData = f.read()
+ # elif url:
+ # mediaData = util.download(url)
+ #
+ # if skipHash is None:
+ # skip = False
+ # else:
+ # m = hashlib.md5()
+ # m.update(mediaData)
+ # skip = skipHash == m.hexdigest()
+ #
+ # if skip:
+ # return None
+ # return self.media().writeData(filename, mediaData)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def retrieveMediaFile(self, filename):
+ # filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ # filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', filename)
+ # filename = self.media().stripIllegal(filename)
+ #
+ # path = os.path.join(self.media().dir(), filename)
+ # if os.path.exists(path):
+ # with open(path, 'rb') as file:
+ # return base64.b64encode(file.read()).decode('ascii')
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getMediaFilesNames(self, pattern='*'):
+ # path = os.path.join(self.media().dir(), pattern)
+ # return [os.path.basename(p) for p in glob.glob(path)]
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deleteMediaFile(self, filename):
+ # try:
+ # self.media().syncDelete(filename)
+ # except AttributeError:
+ # self.media().trash_files([filename])
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def addNote(self, note):
+ # ankiNote = self.createNote(note)
+ #
+ # self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
+ #
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # nCardsAdded = collection.addNote(ankiNote)
+ # if nCardsAdded < 1:
+ # raise Exception('The field values you have provided would make an empty question on all cards.')
+ # collection.autosave()
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ # return ankiNote.id
+ #
+ #
+ # def addMediaFromNote(self, ankiNote, note):
+ # audioObjectOrList = note.get('audio')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, audioObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Audio)
+ #
+ # videoObjectOrList = note.get('video')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, videoObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Video)
+ #
+ # pictureObjectOrList = note.get('picture')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, pictureObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Picture)
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # def addMedia(self, ankiNote, mediaObjectOrList, mediaType):
+ # if mediaObjectOrList is None:
+ # return
+ #
+ # if isinstance(mediaObjectOrList, list):
+ # mediaList = mediaObjectOrList
+ # else:
+ # mediaList = [mediaObjectOrList]
+ #
+ # for media in mediaList:
+ # if media is not None and len(media['fields']) > 0:
+ # try:
+ # mediaFilename = self.storeMediaFile(media['filename'],
+ # data=media.get('data'),
+ # path=media.get('path'),
+ # url=media.get('url'),
+ # skipHash=media.get('skipHash'))
+ #
+ # if mediaFilename is not None:
+ # for field in media['fields']:
+ # if field in ankiNote:
+ # if mediaType is util.MediaType.Picture:
+ # ankiNote[field] += u''.format(mediaFilename)
+ # elif mediaType is util.MediaType.Audio or mediaType is util.MediaType.Video:
+ # ankiNote[field] += u'[sound:{}]'.format(mediaFilename)
+ #
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # errorMessage = str(e).replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
+ # for field in media['fields']:
+ # if field in ankiNote:
+ # ankiNote[field] += errorMessage
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def canAddNote(self, note):
+ # try:
+ # return bool(self.createNote(note))
+ # except:
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def updateNoteFields(self, note):
+ # ankiNote = self.getNote(note['id'])
+ #
+ # for name, value in note['fields'].items():
+ # if name in ankiNote:
+ # ankiNote[name] = value
+ #
+ # audioObjectOrList = note.get('audio')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, audioObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Audio)
+ #
+ # videoObjectOrList = note.get('video')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, videoObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Video)
+ #
+ # pictureObjectOrList = note.get('picture')
+ # self.addMedia(ankiNote, pictureObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Picture)
+ #
+ # ankiNote.flush()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def addTags(self, notes, tags, add=True):
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # self.collection().tags.bulkAdd(notes, tags, add)
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def removeTags(self, notes, tags):
+ # return self.addTags(notes, tags, False)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getTags(self):
+ # return self.collection().tags.all()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def clearUnusedTags(self):
+ # self.collection().tags.registerNotes()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def replaceTags(self, notes, tag_to_replace, replace_with_tag):
+ # self.window().progress.start()
+ #
+ # for nid in notes:
+ # try:
+ # note = self.getNote(nid)
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # continue
+ #
+ # if note.hasTag(tag_to_replace):
+ # note.delTag(tag_to_replace)
+ # note.addTag(replace_with_tag)
+ # note.flush()
+ #
+ # self.window().requireReset()
+ # self.window().progress.finish()
+ # self.window().reset()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def replaceTagsInAllNotes(self, tag_to_replace, replace_with_tag):
+ # self.window().progress.start()
+ #
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # for nid in collection.db.list('select id from notes'):
+ # note = self.getNote(nid)
+ # if note.hasTag(tag_to_replace):
+ # note.delTag(tag_to_replace)
+ # note.addTag(replace_with_tag)
+ # note.flush()
+ #
+ # self.window().requireReset()
+ # self.window().progress.finish()
+ # self.window().reset()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def setEaseFactors(self, cards, easeFactors):
+ # couldSetEaseFactors = []
+ # for i, card in enumerate(cards):
+ # try:
+ # ankiCard = self.getCard(card)
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # couldSetEaseFactors.append(False)
+ # continue
+ #
+ # couldSetEaseFactors.append(True)
+ # ankiCard.factor = easeFactors[i]
+ # ankiCard.flush()
+ #
+ # return couldSetEaseFactors
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getEaseFactors(self, cards):
+ # easeFactors = []
+ # for card in cards:
+ # try:
+ # ankiCard = self.getCard(card)
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # easeFactors.append(None)
+ # continue
+ #
+ # easeFactors.append(ankiCard.factor)
+ #
+ # return easeFactors
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def suspend(self, cards, suspend=True):
+ # for card in cards:
+ # if self.suspended(card) == suspend:
+ # cards.remove(card)
+ #
+ # if len(cards) == 0:
+ # return False
+ #
+ # scheduler = self.scheduler()
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # if suspend:
+ # scheduler.suspendCards(cards)
+ # else:
+ # scheduler.unsuspendCards(cards)
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def unsuspend(self, cards):
+ # self.suspend(cards, False)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def suspended(self, card):
+ # card = self.getCard(card)
+ # return card.queue == -1
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def areSuspended(self, cards):
+ # suspended = []
+ # for card in cards:
+ # try:
+ # suspended.append(self.suspended(card))
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # suspended.append(None)
+ #
+ # return suspended
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def areDue(self, cards):
+ # due = []
+ # for card in cards:
+ # if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)):
+ # due.append(True)
+ # else:
+ # date, ivl = self.collection().db.all('select id/1000.0, ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card)[-1]
+ # if ivl >= -1200:
+ # due.append(bool(self.findCards('cid:{} is:due'.format(card))))
+ # else:
+ # due.append(date - ivl <= time.time())
+ #
+ # return due
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getIntervals(self, cards, complete=False):
+ # intervals = []
+ # for card in cards:
+ # if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)):
+ # intervals.append(0)
+ # else:
+ # interval = self.collection().db.list('select ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card)
+ # if not complete:
+ # interval = interval[-1]
+ # intervals.append(interval)
+ #
+ # return intervals
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelNames(self):
+ # return self.collection().models.allNames()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def createModel(self, modelName, inOrderFields, cardTemplates, css = None, isCloze = False):
+ # # https://github.com/dae/anki/blob/b06b70f7214fb1f2ce33ba06d2b095384b81f874/anki/stdmodels.py
+ # if len(inOrderFields) == 0:
+ # raise Exception('Must provide at least one field for inOrderFields')
+ # if len(cardTemplates) == 0:
+ # raise Exception('Must provide at least one card for cardTemplates')
+ # if modelName in self.collection().models.allNames():
+ # raise Exception('Model name already exists')
+ #
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # mm = collection.models
+ #
+ # # Generate new Note
+ # m = mm.new(modelName)
+ # if isCloze:
+ # m['type'] = MODEL_CLOZE
+ #
+ # # Create fields and add them to Note
+ # for field in inOrderFields:
+ # fm = mm.newField(field)
+ # mm.addField(m, fm)
+ #
+ # # Add shared css to model if exists. Use default otherwise
+ # if (css is not None):
+ # m['css'] = css
+ #
+ # # Generate new card template(s)
+ # cardCount = 1
+ # for card in cardTemplates:
+ # cardName = 'Card ' + str(cardCount)
+ # if 'Name' in card:
+ # cardName = card['Name']
+ #
+ # t = mm.newTemplate(cardName)
+ # cardCount += 1
+ # t['qfmt'] = card['Front']
+ # t['afmt'] = card['Back']
+ # mm.addTemplate(m, t)
+ #
+ # mm.add(m)
+ # return m
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelNamesAndIds(self):
+ # models = {}
+ # for model in self.modelNames():
+ # models[model] = int(self.collection().models.byName(model)['id'])
+ #
+ # return models
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelNameFromId(self, modelId):
+ # model = self.collection().models.get(modelId)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelId))
+ # else:
+ # return model['name']
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelFieldNames(self, modelName):
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
+ # else:
+ # return [field['name'] for field in model['flds']]
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelFieldsOnTemplates(self, modelName):
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
+ #
+ # templates = {}
+ # for template in model['tmpls']:
+ # fields = []
+ # for side in ['qfmt', 'afmt']:
+ # fieldsForSide = []
+ #
+ # # based on _fieldsOnTemplate from aqt/clayout.py
+ # matches = re.findall('{{[^#/}]+?}}', template[side])
+ # for match in matches:
+ # # remove braces and modifiers
+ # match = re.sub(r'[{}]', '', match)
+ # match = match.split(':')[-1]
+ #
+ # # for the answer side, ignore fields present on the question side + the FrontSide field
+ # if match == 'FrontSide' or side == 'afmt' and match in fields[0]:
+ # continue
+ # fieldsForSide.append(match)
+ #
+ # fields.append(fieldsForSide)
+ #
+ # templates[template['name']] = fields
+ #
+ # return templates
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelTemplates(self, modelName):
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
+ #
+ # templates = {}
+ # for template in model['tmpls']:
+ # templates[template['name']] = {'Front': template['qfmt'], 'Back': template['afmt']}
+ #
+ # return templates
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def modelStyling(self, modelName):
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
+ #
+ # return {'css': model['css']}
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def updateModelTemplates(self, model):
+ # models = self.collection().models
+ # ankiModel = models.byName(model['name'])
+ # if ankiModel is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name']))
+ #
+ # templates = model['templates']
+ # for ankiTemplate in ankiModel['tmpls']:
+ # template = templates.get(ankiTemplate['name'])
+ # if template:
+ # qfmt = template.get('Front')
+ # if qfmt:
+ # ankiTemplate['qfmt'] = qfmt
+ #
+ # afmt = template.get('Back')
+ # if afmt:
+ # ankiTemplate['afmt'] = afmt
+ #
+ # models.save(ankiModel, True)
+ # models.flush()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def updateModelStyling(self, model):
+ # models = self.collection().models
+ # ankiModel = models.byName(model['name'])
+ # if ankiModel is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name']))
+ #
+ # ankiModel['css'] = model['css']
+ #
+ # models.save(ankiModel, True)
+ # models.flush()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def findAndReplaceInModels(self, modelName, findText, replaceText, front=True, back=True, css=True):
+ # if not modelName:
+ # ankiModel = self.collection().models.allNames()
+ # else:
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
+ # ankiModel = [model]
+ # updatedModels = 0
+ # for model in ankiModel:
+ # model = self.collection().models.byName(model)
+ # checkForText = False
+ # if css and findText in model['css']:
+ # checkForText = True
+ # model['css'] = model['css'].replace(findText, replaceText)
+ # for tmpls in model.get('tmpls'):
+ # if front and findText in tmpls['qfmt']:
+ # checkForText = True
+ # tmpls['qfmt'] = tmpls['qfmt'].replace(findText, replaceText)
+ # if back and findText in tmpls['afmt']:
+ # checkForText = True
+ # tmpls['afmt'] = tmpls['afmt'].replace(findText, replaceText)
+ # self.collection().models.save(model, True)
+ # self.collection().models.flush()
+ # if checkForText:
+ # updatedModels += 1
+ # return updatedModels
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deckNameFromId(self, deckId):
+ # deck = self.collection().decks.get(deckId)
+ # if deck is None:
+ # raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(deckId))
+ #
+ # return deck['name']
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def findNotes(self, query=None):
+ # if query is None:
+ # return []
+ #
+ # return list(map(int, self.collection().findNotes(query)))
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def findCards(self, query=None):
+ # if query is None:
+ # return []
+ #
+ # return list(map(int, self.collection().findCards(query)))
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def cardsInfo(self, cards):
+ # result = []
+ # for cid in cards:
+ # try:
+ # card = self.getCard(cid)
+ # model = card.model()
+ # note = card.note()
+ # fields = {}
+ # for info in model['flds']:
+ # order = info['ord']
+ # name = info['name']
+ # fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
+ #
+ # result.append({
+ # 'cardId': card.id,
+ # 'fields': fields,
+ # 'fieldOrder': card.ord,
+ # 'question': util.cardQuestion(card),
+ # 'answer': util.cardAnswer(card),
+ # 'modelName': model['name'],
+ # 'ord': card.ord,
+ # 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did),
+ # 'css': model['css'],
+ # 'factor': card.factor,
+ # #This factor is 10 times the ease percentage,
+ # # so an ease of 310% would be reported as 3100
+ # 'interval': card.ivl,
+ # 'note': card.nid,
+ # 'type': card.type,
+ # 'queue': card.queue,
+ # 'due': card.due,
+ # 'reps': card.reps,
+ # 'lapses': card.lapses,
+ # 'left': card.left,
+ # })
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # # Anki will give a NotFoundError if the card ID does not exist.
+ # # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the
+ # # returned result, so that the items of the input and return
+ # # lists correspond.
+ # result.append({})
+ #
+ # return result
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def forgetCards(self, cards):
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
+ # self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=0, queue=0, left=0, ivl=0, due=0, odue=0, factor=0 where id in ' + scids)
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def relearnCards(self, cards):
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
+ # self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=3, queue=1 where id in ' + scids)
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def cardReviews(self, deck, startID):
+ # return self.database().all(
+ # 'select id, cid, usn, ease, ivl, lastIvl, factor, time, type from revlog ''where id>? and cid in (select id from cards where did=?)',
+ # startID,
+ # self.decks().id(deck)
+ # )
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def reloadCollection(self):
+ # self.collection().reset()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def getLatestReviewID(self, deck):
+ # return self.database().scalar(
+ # 'select max(id) from revlog where cid in (select id from cards where did=?)',
+ # self.decks().id(deck)
+ # ) or 0
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def updateCompleteDeck(self, data):
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # did = self.decks().id(data['deck'])
+ # self.decks().flush()
+ # model_manager = self.collection().models
+ # for _, card in data['cards'].items():
+ # self.database().execute(
+ # 'replace into cards (id, nid, did, ord, type, queue, due, ivl, factor, reps, lapses, left, '
+ # 'mod, usn, odue, odid, flags, data) '
+ # 'values (' + '?,' * (12 + 6 - 1) + '?)',
+ # card['id'], card['nid'], did, card['ord'], card['type'], card['queue'], card['due'],
+ # card['ivl'], card['factor'], card['reps'], card['lapses'], card['left'],
+ # intTime(), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ # )
+ # note = data['notes'][str(card['nid'])]
+ # tags = self.collection().tags.join(self.collection().tags.canonify(note['tags']))
+ # self.database().execute(
+ # 'replace into notes(id, mid, tags, flds,'
+ # 'guid, mod, usn, flags, data, sfld, csum) values (' + '?,' * (4 + 7 - 1) + '?)',
+ # note['id'], note['mid'], tags, joinFields(note['fields']),
+ # guid64(), intTime(), -1, 0, 0, '', fieldChecksum(note['fields'][0])
+ # )
+ # model = data['models'][str(note['mid'])]
+ # if not model_manager.get(model['id']):
+ # model_o = model_manager.new(model['name'])
+ # for field_name in model['fields']:
+ # field = model_manager.newField(field_name)
+ # model_manager.addField(model_o, field)
+ # for template_name in model['templateNames']:
+ # template = model_manager.newTemplate(template_name)
+ # model_manager.addTemplate(model_o, template)
+ # model_o['id'] = model['id']
+ # model_manager.update(model_o)
+ # model_manager.flush()
+ #
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def insertReviews(self, reviews):
+ # if len(reviews) > 0:
+ # sql = 'insert into revlog(id,cid,usn,ease,ivl,lastIvl,factor,time,type) values '
+ # for row in reviews:
+ # sql += '(%s),' % ','.join(map(str, row))
+ # sql = sql[:-1]
+ # self.database().execute(sql)
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def notesInfo(self, notes):
+ # result = []
+ # for nid in notes:
+ # try:
+ # note = self.getNote(nid)
+ # model = note.model()
+ #
+ # fields = {}
+ # for info in model['flds']:
+ # order = info['ord']
+ # name = info['name']
+ # fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
+ #
+ # result.append({
+ # 'noteId': note.id,
+ # 'tags' : note.tags,
+ # 'fields': fields,
+ # 'modelName': model['name'],
+ # 'cards': self.collection().db.list('select id from cards where nid = ? order by ord', note.id)
+ # })
+ # except NotFoundError:
+ # # Anki will give a NotFoundError if the note ID does not exist.
+ # # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the
+ # # returned result, so that the items of the input and return
+ # # lists correspond.
+ # result.append({})
+ #
+ # return result
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def deleteNotes(self, notes):
+ # try:
+ # self.collection().remNotes(notes)
+ # finally:
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def removeEmptyNotes(self):
+ # for model in self.collection().models.all():
+ # if self.collection().models.useCount(model) == 0:
+ # self.collection().models.rem(model)
+ # self.window().requireReset()
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def cardsToNotes(self, cards):
+ # return self.collection().db.list('select distinct nid from cards where id in ' + anki.utils.ids2str(cards))
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiBrowse(self, query=None):
+ # browser = aqt.dialogs.open('Browser', self.window())
+ # browser.activateWindow()
+ #
+ # if query is not None:
+ # browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText(query)
+ # if hasattr(browser, 'onSearch'):
+ # browser.onSearch()
+ # else:
+ # browser.onSearchActivated()
+ #
+ # return list(map(int, browser.model.cards))
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiAddCards(self, note=None):
+ # if note is not None:
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ #
+ # deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName'])
+ # if deck is None:
+ # raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName']))
+ #
+ # collection.decks.select(deck['id'])
+ # savedMid = deck.pop('mid', None)
+ #
+ # model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName'])
+ # if model is None:
+ # raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName']))
+ #
+ # collection.models.setCurrent(model)
+ # collection.models.update(model)
+ #
+ # closeAfterAdding = False
+ # if note is not None and 'options' in note:
+ # if 'closeAfterAdding' in note['options']:
+ # closeAfterAdding = note['options']['closeAfterAdding']
+ # if type(closeAfterAdding) is not bool:
+ # raise Exception('option parameter \'closeAfterAdding\' must be boolean')
+ #
+ # addCards = None
+ #
+ # if closeAfterAdding:
+ # randomString = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10))
+ # windowName = 'AddCardsAndClose' + randomString
+ #
+ # class AddCardsAndClose(aqt.addcards.AddCards):
+ #
+ # def __init__(self, mw):
+ # # the window must only reset if
+ # # * function `onModelChange` has been called prior
+ # # * window was newly opened
+ #
+ # self.modelHasChanged = True
+ # super().__init__(mw)
+ #
+ # self.addButton.setText('Add and Close')
+ # self.addButton.setShortcut(aqt.qt.QKeySequence('Ctrl+Return'))
+ #
+ # def _addCards(self):
+ # super()._addCards()
+ #
+ # # if adding was successful it must mean it was added to the history of the window
+ # if len(self.history):
+ # self.reject()
+ #
+ # def onModelChange(self):
+ # if self.isActiveWindow():
+ # super().onModelChange()
+ # self.modelHasChanged = True
+ #
+ # def onReset(self, model=None, keep=False):
+ # if self.isActiveWindow() or self.modelHasChanged:
+ # super().onReset(model, keep)
+ # self.modelHasChanged = False
+ #
+ # else:
+ # # modelchoosers text is changed by a reset hook
+ # # therefore we need to change it back manually
+ # self.modelChooser.models.setText(self.editor.note.model()['name'])
+ # self.modelHasChanged = False
+ #
+ # def _reject(self):
+ # savedMarkClosed = aqt.dialogs.markClosed
+ # aqt.dialogs.markClosed = lambda _: savedMarkClosed(windowName)
+ # super()._reject()
+ # aqt.dialogs.markClosed = savedMarkClosed
+ #
+ # aqt.dialogs._dialogs[windowName] = [AddCardsAndClose, None]
+ # addCards = aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window())
+ #
+ # if savedMid:
+ # deck['mid'] = savedMid
+ #
+ # editor = addCards.editor
+ # ankiNote = editor.note
+ #
+ # if 'fields' in note:
+ # for name, value in note['fields'].items():
+ # if name in ankiNote:
+ # ankiNote[name] = value
+ #
+ # self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
+ # editor.loadNote()
+ #
+ # if 'tags' in note:
+ # ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
+ # editor.updateTags()
+ #
+ # # if Anki does not Focus, the window will not notice that the
+ # # fields are actually filled
+ # aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window())
+ # addCards.setAndFocusNote(editor.note)
+ #
+ # return ankiNote.id
+ #
+ # elif note is not None:
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # ankiNote = anki.notes.Note(collection, model)
+ #
+ # # fill out card beforehand, so we can be sure of the note id
+ # if 'fields' in note:
+ # for name, value in note['fields'].items():
+ # if name in ankiNote:
+ # ankiNote[name] = value
+ #
+ # self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
+ #
+ # if 'tags' in note:
+ # ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
+ #
+ # def openNewWindow():
+ # nonlocal ankiNote
+ #
+ # addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
+ #
+ # if savedMid:
+ # deck['mid'] = savedMid
+ #
+ # addCards.editor.note = ankiNote
+ # addCards.editor.loadNote()
+ # addCards.editor.updateTags()
+ #
+ # addCards.activateWindow()
+ #
+ # aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
+ # addCards.setAndFocusNote(addCards.editor.note)
+ #
+ # currentWindow = aqt.dialogs._dialogs['AddCards'][1]
+ #
+ # if currentWindow is not None:
+ # currentWindow.closeWithCallback(openNewWindow)
+ # else:
+ # openNewWindow()
+ #
+ # return ankiNote.id
+ #
+ # else:
+ # addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
+ # addCards.activateWindow()
+ #
+ # return addCards.editor.note.id
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiReviewActive(self):
+ # return self.reviewer().card is not None and self.window().state == 'review'
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiCurrentCard(self):
+ # if not self.guiReviewActive():
+ # raise Exception('Gui review is not currently active.')
+ #
+ # reviewer = self.reviewer()
+ # card = reviewer.card
+ # model = card.model()
+ # note = card.note()
+ #
+ # fields = {}
+ # for info in model['flds']:
+ # order = info['ord']
+ # name = info['name']
+ # fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
+ #
+ # buttonList = reviewer._answerButtonList()
+ # return {
+ # 'cardId': card.id,
+ # 'fields': fields,
+ # 'fieldOrder': card.ord,
+ # 'question': util.cardQuestion(card),
+ # 'answer': util.cardAnswer(card),
+ # 'buttons': [b[0] for b in buttonList],
+ # 'nextReviews': [reviewer.mw.col.sched.nextIvlStr(reviewer.card, b[0], True) for b in buttonList],
+ # 'modelName': model['name'],
+ # 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did),
+ # 'css': model['css'],
+ # 'template': card.template()['name']
+ # }
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiStartCardTimer(self):
+ # if not self.guiReviewActive():
+ # return False
+ #
+ # card = self.reviewer().card
+ # if card is not None:
+ # card.startTimer()
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiShowQuestion(self):
+ # if self.guiReviewActive():
+ # self.reviewer()._showQuestion()
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiShowAnswer(self):
+ # if self.guiReviewActive():
+ # self.window().reviewer._showAnswer()
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiAnswerCard(self, ease):
+ # if not self.guiReviewActive():
+ # return False
+ #
+ # reviewer = self.reviewer()
+ # if reviewer.state != 'answer':
+ # return False
+ # if ease <= 0 or ease > self.scheduler().answerButtons(reviewer.card):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # reviewer._answerCard(ease)
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiDeckOverview(self, name):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # if collection is not None:
+ # deck = collection.decks.byName(name)
+ # if deck is not None:
+ # collection.decks.select(deck['id'])
+ # self.window().onOverview()
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiDeckBrowser(self):
+ # self.window().moveToState('deckBrowser')
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiDeckReview(self, name):
+ # if self.guiDeckOverview(name):
+ # self.window().moveToState('review')
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiExitAnki(self):
+ # timer = QTimer()
+ # timer.timeout.connect(self.window().close)
+ # timer.start(1000) # 1s should be enough to allow the response to be sent.
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def guiCheckDatabase(self):
+ # self.window().onCheckDB()
+ # return True
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def addNotes(self, notes):
+ # results = []
+ # for note in notes:
+ # try:
+ # results.append(self.addNote(note))
+ # except:
+ # results.append(None)
+ #
+ # return results
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def canAddNotes(self, notes):
+ # results = []
+ # for note in notes:
+ # results.append(self.canAddNote(note))
+ #
+ # return results
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def exportPackage(self, deck, path, includeSched=False):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # if collection is not None:
+ # deck = collection.decks.byName(deck)
+ # if deck is not None:
+ # exporter = AnkiPackageExporter(collection)
+ # exporter.did = deck['id']
+ # exporter.includeSched = includeSched
+ # exporter.exportInto(path)
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
+ #
+ #
+ # @util.api()
+ # def importPackage(self, path):
+ # collection = self.collection()
+ # if collection is not None:
+ # try:
+ # self.startEditing()
+ # importer = AnkiPackageImporter(collection, path)
+ # importer.run()
+ # except:
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ # raise
+ # else:
+ # self.stopEditing()
+ # return True
+ #
+ # return False
- @util.api()
- def deckNames(self):
- return self.decks().allNames()
- @util.api()
- def deckNamesAndIds(self):
- decks = {}
- for deck in self.deckNames():
- decks[deck] = self.decks().id(deck)
- return decks
- @util.api()
- def getDecks(self, cards):
- decks = {}
- for card in cards:
- did = self.database().scalar('select did from cards where id=?', card)
- deck = self.decks().get(did)['name']
- if deck in decks:
- decks[deck].append(card)
- else:
- decks[deck] = [card]
- return decks
- @util.api()
- def createDeck(self, deck):
- try:
- self.startEditing()
- did = self.decks().id(deck)
- finally:
- self.stopEditing()
- return did
- @util.api()
- def changeDeck(self, cards, deck):
- self.startEditing()
- did = self.collection().decks.id(deck)
- mod = anki.utils.intTime()
- usn = self.collection().usn()
- # normal cards
- scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
- # remove any cards from filtered deck first
- self.collection().sched.remFromDyn(cards)
- # then move into new deck
- self.collection().db.execute('update cards set usn=?, mod=?, did=? where id in ' + scids, usn, mod, did)
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def deleteDecks(self, decks, cardsToo=False):
- try:
- self.startEditing()
- decks = filter(lambda d: d in self.deckNames(), decks)
- for deck in decks:
- did = self.decks().id(deck)
- self.decks().rem(did, cardsToo)
- finally:
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def getDeckConfig(self, deck):
- if deck not in self.deckNames():
- return False
- collection = self.collection()
- did = collection.decks.id(deck)
- return collection.decks.confForDid(did)
- @util.api()
- def saveDeckConfig(self, config):
- collection = self.collection()
- config['id'] = str(config['id'])
- config['mod'] = anki.utils.intTime()
- config['usn'] = collection.usn()
- if int(config['id']) not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
- return False
- try:
- collection.decks.save(config)
- collection.decks.updateConf(config)
- except:
- return False
- return True
- @util.api()
- def setDeckConfigId(self, decks, configId):
- configId = int(configId)
- for deck in decks:
- if not deck in self.deckNames():
- return False
- collection = self.collection()
- for deck in decks:
- try:
- did = str(collection.decks.id(deck))
- deck_dict = aqt.mw.col.decks.decks[did]
- deck_dict['conf'] = configId
- collection.decks.save(deck_dict)
- except:
- return False
- return True
- @util.api()
- def cloneDeckConfigId(self, name, cloneFrom='1'):
- configId = int(cloneFrom)
- collection = self.collection()
- if configId not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
- return False
- config = collection.decks.getConf(configId)
- return collection.decks.confId(name, config)
- @util.api()
- def removeDeckConfigId(self, configId):
- collection = self.collection()
- if int(configId) not in [c['id'] for c in collection.decks.all_config()]:
- return False
- collection.decks.remConf(configId)
- return True
- @util.api()
- def storeMediaFile(self, filename, data=None, path=None, url=None, skipHash=None, deleteExisting=True):
- if not (data or path or url):
- raise Exception('You must provide a "data", "path", or "url" field.')
- if deleteExisting:
- self.deleteMediaFile(filename)
- if data:
- mediaData = base64.b64decode(data)
- elif path:
- with open(path, 'rb') as f:
- mediaData = f.read()
- elif url:
- mediaData = util.download(url)
- if skipHash is None:
- skip = False
- else:
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(mediaData)
- skip = skipHash == m.hexdigest()
- if skip:
- return None
- return self.media().writeData(filename, mediaData)
- @util.api()
- def retrieveMediaFile(self, filename):
- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
- filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', filename)
- filename = self.media().stripIllegal(filename)
- path = os.path.join(self.media().dir(), filename)
- if os.path.exists(path):
- with open(path, 'rb') as file:
- return base64.b64encode(file.read()).decode('ascii')
- return False
- @util.api()
- def getMediaFilesNames(self, pattern='*'):
- path = os.path.join(self.media().dir(), pattern)
- return [os.path.basename(p) for p in glob.glob(path)]
- @util.api()
- def deleteMediaFile(self, filename):
- try:
- self.media().syncDelete(filename)
- except AttributeError:
- self.media().trash_files([filename])
- @util.api()
- def addNote(self, note):
- ankiNote = self.createNote(note)
- self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
- collection = self.collection()
- self.startEditing()
- nCardsAdded = collection.addNote(ankiNote)
- if nCardsAdded < 1:
- raise Exception('The field values you have provided would make an empty question on all cards.')
- collection.autosave()
- self.stopEditing()
- return ankiNote.id
- def addMediaFromNote(self, ankiNote, note):
- audioObjectOrList = note.get('audio')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, audioObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Audio)
- videoObjectOrList = note.get('video')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, videoObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Video)
- pictureObjectOrList = note.get('picture')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, pictureObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Picture)
- def addMedia(self, ankiNote, mediaObjectOrList, mediaType):
- if mediaObjectOrList is None:
- return
- if isinstance(mediaObjectOrList, list):
- mediaList = mediaObjectOrList
- else:
- mediaList = [mediaObjectOrList]
- for media in mediaList:
- if media is not None and len(media['fields']) > 0:
- try:
- mediaFilename = self.storeMediaFile(media['filename'],
- data=media.get('data'),
- path=media.get('path'),
- url=media.get('url'),
- skipHash=media.get('skipHash'))
- if mediaFilename is not None:
- for field in media['fields']:
- if field in ankiNote:
- if mediaType is util.MediaType.Picture:
- ankiNote[field] += u''.format(mediaFilename)
- elif mediaType is util.MediaType.Audio or mediaType is util.MediaType.Video:
- ankiNote[field] += u'[sound:{}]'.format(mediaFilename)
- except Exception as e:
- errorMessage = str(e).replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
- for field in media['fields']:
- if field in ankiNote:
- ankiNote[field] += errorMessage
- @util.api()
- def canAddNote(self, note):
- try:
- return bool(self.createNote(note))
- except:
- return False
- @util.api()
- def updateNoteFields(self, note):
- ankiNote = self.getNote(note['id'])
- for name, value in note['fields'].items():
- if name in ankiNote:
- ankiNote[name] = value
- audioObjectOrList = note.get('audio')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, audioObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Audio)
- videoObjectOrList = note.get('video')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, videoObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Video)
- pictureObjectOrList = note.get('picture')
- self.addMedia(ankiNote, pictureObjectOrList, util.MediaType.Picture)
- ankiNote.flush()
- @util.api()
- def addTags(self, notes, tags, add=True):
- self.startEditing()
- self.collection().tags.bulkAdd(notes, tags, add)
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def removeTags(self, notes, tags):
- return self.addTags(notes, tags, False)
- @util.api()
- def getTags(self):
- return self.collection().tags.all()
- @util.api()
- def clearUnusedTags(self):
- self.collection().tags.registerNotes()
- @util.api()
- def replaceTags(self, notes, tag_to_replace, replace_with_tag):
- self.window().progress.start()
- for nid in notes:
- try:
- note = self.getNote(nid)
- except NotFoundError:
- continue
- if note.hasTag(tag_to_replace):
- note.delTag(tag_to_replace)
- note.addTag(replace_with_tag)
- note.flush()
- self.window().requireReset()
- self.window().progress.finish()
- self.window().reset()
- @util.api()
- def replaceTagsInAllNotes(self, tag_to_replace, replace_with_tag):
- self.window().progress.start()
- collection = self.collection()
- for nid in collection.db.list('select id from notes'):
- note = self.getNote(nid)
- if note.hasTag(tag_to_replace):
- note.delTag(tag_to_replace)
- note.addTag(replace_with_tag)
- note.flush()
- self.window().requireReset()
- self.window().progress.finish()
- self.window().reset()
- @util.api()
- def setEaseFactors(self, cards, easeFactors):
- couldSetEaseFactors = []
- for i, card in enumerate(cards):
- try:
- ankiCard = self.getCard(card)
- except NotFoundError:
- couldSetEaseFactors.append(False)
- continue
- couldSetEaseFactors.append(True)
- ankiCard.factor = easeFactors[i]
- ankiCard.flush()
- return couldSetEaseFactors
- @util.api()
- def getEaseFactors(self, cards):
- easeFactors = []
- for card in cards:
- try:
- ankiCard = self.getCard(card)
- except NotFoundError:
- easeFactors.append(None)
- continue
- easeFactors.append(ankiCard.factor)
- return easeFactors
- @util.api()
- def suspend(self, cards, suspend=True):
- for card in cards:
- if self.suspended(card) == suspend:
- cards.remove(card)
- if len(cards) == 0:
- return False
- scheduler = self.scheduler()
- self.startEditing()
- if suspend:
- scheduler.suspendCards(cards)
- else:
- scheduler.unsuspendCards(cards)
- self.stopEditing()
- return True
- @util.api()
- def unsuspend(self, cards):
- self.suspend(cards, False)
- @util.api()
- def suspended(self, card):
- card = self.getCard(card)
- return card.queue == -1
- @util.api()
- def areSuspended(self, cards):
- suspended = []
- for card in cards:
- try:
- suspended.append(self.suspended(card))
- except NotFoundError:
- suspended.append(None)
- return suspended
- @util.api()
- def areDue(self, cards):
- due = []
- for card in cards:
- if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)):
- due.append(True)
- else:
- date, ivl = self.collection().db.all('select id/1000.0, ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card)[-1]
- if ivl >= -1200:
- due.append(bool(self.findCards('cid:{} is:due'.format(card))))
- else:
- due.append(date - ivl <= time.time())
- return due
- @util.api()
- def getIntervals(self, cards, complete=False):
- intervals = []
- for card in cards:
- if self.findCards('cid:{} is:new'.format(card)):
- intervals.append(0)
- else:
- interval = self.collection().db.list('select ivl from revlog where cid = ?', card)
- if not complete:
- interval = interval[-1]
- intervals.append(interval)
- return intervals
- @util.api()
- def modelNames(self):
- return self.collection().models.allNames()
- @util.api()
- def createModel(self, modelName, inOrderFields, cardTemplates, css = None, isCloze = False):
- # https://github.com/dae/anki/blob/b06b70f7214fb1f2ce33ba06d2b095384b81f874/anki/stdmodels.py
- if len(inOrderFields) == 0:
- raise Exception('Must provide at least one field for inOrderFields')
- if len(cardTemplates) == 0:
- raise Exception('Must provide at least one card for cardTemplates')
- if modelName in self.collection().models.allNames():
- raise Exception('Model name already exists')
- collection = self.collection()
- mm = collection.models
- # Generate new Note
- m = mm.new(modelName)
- if isCloze:
- m['type'] = MODEL_CLOZE
- # Create fields and add them to Note
- for field in inOrderFields:
- fm = mm.newField(field)
- mm.addField(m, fm)
- # Add shared css to model if exists. Use default otherwise
- if (css is not None):
- m['css'] = css
- # Generate new card template(s)
- cardCount = 1
- for card in cardTemplates:
- cardName = 'Card ' + str(cardCount)
- if 'Name' in card:
- cardName = card['Name']
- t = mm.newTemplate(cardName)
- cardCount += 1
- t['qfmt'] = card['Front']
- t['afmt'] = card['Back']
- mm.addTemplate(m, t)
- mm.add(m)
- return m
- @util.api()
- def modelNamesAndIds(self):
- models = {}
- for model in self.modelNames():
- models[model] = int(self.collection().models.byName(model)['id'])
- return models
- @util.api()
- def modelNameFromId(self, modelId):
- model = self.collection().models.get(modelId)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelId))
- else:
- return model['name']
- @util.api()
- def modelFieldNames(self, modelName):
- model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
- else:
- return [field['name'] for field in model['flds']]
- @util.api()
- def modelFieldsOnTemplates(self, modelName):
- model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
- templates = {}
- for template in model['tmpls']:
- fields = []
- for side in ['qfmt', 'afmt']:
- fieldsForSide = []
- # based on _fieldsOnTemplate from aqt/clayout.py
- matches = re.findall('{{[^#/}]+?}}', template[side])
- for match in matches:
- # remove braces and modifiers
- match = re.sub(r'[{}]', '', match)
- match = match.split(':')[-1]
- # for the answer side, ignore fields present on the question side + the FrontSide field
- if match == 'FrontSide' or side == 'afmt' and match in fields[0]:
- continue
- fieldsForSide.append(match)
- fields.append(fieldsForSide)
- templates[template['name']] = fields
- return templates
- @util.api()
- def modelTemplates(self, modelName):
- model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
- templates = {}
- for template in model['tmpls']:
- templates[template['name']] = {'Front': template['qfmt'], 'Back': template['afmt']}
- return templates
- @util.api()
- def modelStyling(self, modelName):
- model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
- return {'css': model['css']}
- @util.api()
- def updateModelTemplates(self, model):
- models = self.collection().models
- ankiModel = models.byName(model['name'])
- if ankiModel is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name']))
- templates = model['templates']
- for ankiTemplate in ankiModel['tmpls']:
- template = templates.get(ankiTemplate['name'])
- if template:
- qfmt = template.get('Front')
- if qfmt:
- ankiTemplate['qfmt'] = qfmt
- afmt = template.get('Back')
- if afmt:
- ankiTemplate['afmt'] = afmt
- models.save(ankiModel, True)
- models.flush()
- @util.api()
- def updateModelStyling(self, model):
- models = self.collection().models
- ankiModel = models.byName(model['name'])
- if ankiModel is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(model['name']))
- ankiModel['css'] = model['css']
- models.save(ankiModel, True)
- models.flush()
- @util.api()
- def findAndReplaceInModels(self, modelName, findText, replaceText, front=True, back=True, css=True):
- if not modelName:
- ankiModel = self.collection().models.allNames()
- else:
- model = self.collection().models.byName(modelName)
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(modelName))
- ankiModel = [model]
- updatedModels = 0
- for model in ankiModel:
- model = self.collection().models.byName(model)
- checkForText = False
- if css and findText in model['css']:
- checkForText = True
- model['css'] = model['css'].replace(findText, replaceText)
- for tmpls in model.get('tmpls'):
- if front and findText in tmpls['qfmt']:
- checkForText = True
- tmpls['qfmt'] = tmpls['qfmt'].replace(findText, replaceText)
- if back and findText in tmpls['afmt']:
- checkForText = True
- tmpls['afmt'] = tmpls['afmt'].replace(findText, replaceText)
- self.collection().models.save(model, True)
- self.collection().models.flush()
- if checkForText:
- updatedModels += 1
- return updatedModels
- @util.api()
- def deckNameFromId(self, deckId):
- deck = self.collection().decks.get(deckId)
- if deck is None:
- raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(deckId))
- return deck['name']
- @util.api()
- def findNotes(self, query=None):
- if query is None:
- return []
- return list(map(int, self.collection().findNotes(query)))
- @util.api()
- def findCards(self, query=None):
- if query is None:
- return []
- return list(map(int, self.collection().findCards(query)))
- @util.api()
- def cardsInfo(self, cards):
- result = []
- for cid in cards:
- try:
- card = self.getCard(cid)
- model = card.model()
- note = card.note()
- fields = {}
- for info in model['flds']:
- order = info['ord']
- name = info['name']
- fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
- result.append({
- 'cardId': card.id,
- 'fields': fields,
- 'fieldOrder': card.ord,
- 'question': util.cardQuestion(card),
- 'answer': util.cardAnswer(card),
- 'modelName': model['name'],
- 'ord': card.ord,
- 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did),
- 'css': model['css'],
- 'factor': card.factor,
- #This factor is 10 times the ease percentage,
- # so an ease of 310% would be reported as 3100
- 'interval': card.ivl,
- 'note': card.nid,
- 'type': card.type,
- 'queue': card.queue,
- 'due': card.due,
- 'reps': card.reps,
- 'lapses': card.lapses,
- 'left': card.left,
- })
- except NotFoundError:
- # Anki will give a NotFoundError if the card ID does not exist.
- # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the
- # returned result, so that the items of the input and return
- # lists correspond.
- result.append({})
- return result
- @util.api()
- def forgetCards(self, cards):
- self.startEditing()
- scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
- self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=0, queue=0, left=0, ivl=0, due=0, odue=0, factor=0 where id in ' + scids)
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def relearnCards(self, cards):
- self.startEditing()
- scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
- self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=3, queue=1 where id in ' + scids)
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def cardReviews(self, deck, startID):
- return self.database().all(
- 'select id, cid, usn, ease, ivl, lastIvl, factor, time, type from revlog ''where id>? and cid in (select id from cards where did=?)',
- startID,
- self.decks().id(deck)
- )
- @util.api()
- def reloadCollection(self):
- self.collection().reset()
- @util.api()
- def getLatestReviewID(self, deck):
- return self.database().scalar(
- 'select max(id) from revlog where cid in (select id from cards where did=?)',
- self.decks().id(deck)
- ) or 0
- @util.api()
- def updateCompleteDeck(self, data):
- self.startEditing()
- did = self.decks().id(data['deck'])
- self.decks().flush()
- model_manager = self.collection().models
- for _, card in data['cards'].items():
- self.database().execute(
- 'replace into cards (id, nid, did, ord, type, queue, due, ivl, factor, reps, lapses, left, '
- 'mod, usn, odue, odid, flags, data) '
- 'values (' + '?,' * (12 + 6 - 1) + '?)',
- card['id'], card['nid'], did, card['ord'], card['type'], card['queue'], card['due'],
- card['ivl'], card['factor'], card['reps'], card['lapses'], card['left'],
- intTime(), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0
- )
- note = data['notes'][str(card['nid'])]
- tags = self.collection().tags.join(self.collection().tags.canonify(note['tags']))
- self.database().execute(
- 'replace into notes(id, mid, tags, flds,'
- 'guid, mod, usn, flags, data, sfld, csum) values (' + '?,' * (4 + 7 - 1) + '?)',
- note['id'], note['mid'], tags, joinFields(note['fields']),
- guid64(), intTime(), -1, 0, 0, '', fieldChecksum(note['fields'][0])
- )
- model = data['models'][str(note['mid'])]
- if not model_manager.get(model['id']):
- model_o = model_manager.new(model['name'])
- for field_name in model['fields']:
- field = model_manager.newField(field_name)
- model_manager.addField(model_o, field)
- for template_name in model['templateNames']:
- template = model_manager.newTemplate(template_name)
- model_manager.addTemplate(model_o, template)
- model_o['id'] = model['id']
- model_manager.update(model_o)
- model_manager.flush()
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def insertReviews(self, reviews):
- if len(reviews) > 0:
- sql = 'insert into revlog(id,cid,usn,ease,ivl,lastIvl,factor,time,type) values '
- for row in reviews:
- sql += '(%s),' % ','.join(map(str, row))
- sql = sql[:-1]
- self.database().execute(sql)
- @util.api()
- def notesInfo(self, notes):
- result = []
- for nid in notes:
- try:
- note = self.getNote(nid)
- model = note.model()
- fields = {}
- for info in model['flds']:
- order = info['ord']
- name = info['name']
- fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
- result.append({
- 'noteId': note.id,
- 'tags' : note.tags,
- 'fields': fields,
- 'modelName': model['name'],
- 'cards': self.collection().db.list('select id from cards where nid = ? order by ord', note.id)
- })
- except NotFoundError:
- # Anki will give a NotFoundError if the note ID does not exist.
- # Best behavior is probably to add an 'empty card' to the
- # returned result, so that the items of the input and return
- # lists correspond.
- result.append({})
- return result
- @util.api()
- def deleteNotes(self, notes):
- try:
- self.collection().remNotes(notes)
- finally:
- self.stopEditing()
- @util.api()
- def removeEmptyNotes(self):
- for model in self.collection().models.all():
- if self.collection().models.useCount(model) == 0:
- self.collection().models.rem(model)
- self.window().requireReset()
- @util.api()
- def cardsToNotes(self, cards):
- return self.collection().db.list('select distinct nid from cards where id in ' + anki.utils.ids2str(cards))
- @util.api()
- def guiBrowse(self, query=None):
- browser = aqt.dialogs.open('Browser', self.window())
- browser.activateWindow()
- if query is not None:
- browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText(query)
- if hasattr(browser, 'onSearch'):
- browser.onSearch()
- else:
- browser.onSearchActivated()
- return list(map(int, browser.model.cards))
- @util.api()
- def guiAddCards(self, note=None):
- if note is not None:
- collection = self.collection()
- deck = collection.decks.byName(note['deckName'])
- if deck is None:
- raise Exception('deck was not found: {}'.format(note['deckName']))
- collection.decks.select(deck['id'])
- savedMid = deck.pop('mid', None)
- model = collection.models.byName(note['modelName'])
- if model is None:
- raise Exception('model was not found: {}'.format(note['modelName']))
- collection.models.setCurrent(model)
- collection.models.update(model)
- closeAfterAdding = False
- if note is not None and 'options' in note:
- if 'closeAfterAdding' in note['options']:
- closeAfterAdding = note['options']['closeAfterAdding']
- if type(closeAfterAdding) is not bool:
- raise Exception('option parameter \'closeAfterAdding\' must be boolean')
- addCards = None
- if closeAfterAdding:
- randomString = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10))
- windowName = 'AddCardsAndClose' + randomString
- class AddCardsAndClose(aqt.addcards.AddCards):
- def __init__(self, mw):
- # the window must only reset if
- # * function `onModelChange` has been called prior
- # * window was newly opened
- self.modelHasChanged = True
- super().__init__(mw)
- self.addButton.setText('Add and Close')
- self.addButton.setShortcut(aqt.qt.QKeySequence('Ctrl+Return'))
- def _addCards(self):
- super()._addCards()
- # if adding was successful it must mean it was added to the history of the window
- if len(self.history):
- self.reject()
- def onModelChange(self):
- if self.isActiveWindow():
- super().onModelChange()
- self.modelHasChanged = True
- def onReset(self, model=None, keep=False):
- if self.isActiveWindow() or self.modelHasChanged:
- super().onReset(model, keep)
- self.modelHasChanged = False
- else:
- # modelchoosers text is changed by a reset hook
- # therefore we need to change it back manually
- self.modelChooser.models.setText(self.editor.note.model()['name'])
- self.modelHasChanged = False
- def _reject(self):
- savedMarkClosed = aqt.dialogs.markClosed
- aqt.dialogs.markClosed = lambda _: savedMarkClosed(windowName)
- super()._reject()
- aqt.dialogs.markClosed = savedMarkClosed
- aqt.dialogs._dialogs[windowName] = [AddCardsAndClose, None]
- addCards = aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window())
- if savedMid:
- deck['mid'] = savedMid
- editor = addCards.editor
- ankiNote = editor.note
- if 'fields' in note:
- for name, value in note['fields'].items():
- if name in ankiNote:
- ankiNote[name] = value
- self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
- editor.loadNote()
- if 'tags' in note:
- ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
- editor.updateTags()
- # if Anki does not Focus, the window will not notice that the
- # fields are actually filled
- aqt.dialogs.open(windowName, self.window())
- addCards.setAndFocusNote(editor.note)
- return ankiNote.id
- elif note is not None:
- collection = self.collection()
- ankiNote = anki.notes.Note(collection, model)
- # fill out card beforehand, so we can be sure of the note id
- if 'fields' in note:
- for name, value in note['fields'].items():
- if name in ankiNote:
- ankiNote[name] = value
- self.addMediaFromNote(ankiNote, note)
- if 'tags' in note:
- ankiNote.tags = note['tags']
- def openNewWindow():
- nonlocal ankiNote
- addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
- if savedMid:
- deck['mid'] = savedMid
- addCards.editor.note = ankiNote
- addCards.editor.loadNote()
- addCards.editor.updateTags()
- addCards.activateWindow()
- aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
- addCards.setAndFocusNote(addCards.editor.note)
- currentWindow = aqt.dialogs._dialogs['AddCards'][1]
- if currentWindow is not None:
- currentWindow.closeWithCallback(openNewWindow)
- else:
- openNewWindow()
- return ankiNote.id
- else:
- addCards = aqt.dialogs.open('AddCards', self.window())
- addCards.activateWindow()
- return addCards.editor.note.id
- @util.api()
- def guiReviewActive(self):
- return self.reviewer().card is not None and self.window().state == 'review'
- @util.api()
- def guiCurrentCard(self):
- if not self.guiReviewActive():
- raise Exception('Gui review is not currently active.')
- reviewer = self.reviewer()
- card = reviewer.card
- model = card.model()
- note = card.note()
- fields = {}
- for info in model['flds']:
- order = info['ord']
- name = info['name']
- fields[name] = {'value': note.fields[order], 'order': order}
- buttonList = reviewer._answerButtonList()
- return {
- 'cardId': card.id,
- 'fields': fields,
- 'fieldOrder': card.ord,
- 'question': util.cardQuestion(card),
- 'answer': util.cardAnswer(card),
- 'buttons': [b[0] for b in buttonList],
- 'nextReviews': [reviewer.mw.col.sched.nextIvlStr(reviewer.card, b[0], True) for b in buttonList],
- 'modelName': model['name'],
- 'deckName': self.deckNameFromId(card.did),
- 'css': model['css'],
- 'template': card.template()['name']
- }
- @util.api()
- def guiStartCardTimer(self):
- if not self.guiReviewActive():
- return False
- card = self.reviewer().card
- if card is not None:
- card.startTimer()
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def guiShowQuestion(self):
- if self.guiReviewActive():
- self.reviewer()._showQuestion()
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def guiShowAnswer(self):
- if self.guiReviewActive():
- self.window().reviewer._showAnswer()
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def guiAnswerCard(self, ease):
- if not self.guiReviewActive():
- return False
- reviewer = self.reviewer()
- if reviewer.state != 'answer':
- return False
- if ease <= 0 or ease > self.scheduler().answerButtons(reviewer.card):
- return False
- reviewer._answerCard(ease)
- return True
- @util.api()
- def guiDeckOverview(self, name):
- collection = self.collection()
- if collection is not None:
- deck = collection.decks.byName(name)
- if deck is not None:
- collection.decks.select(deck['id'])
- self.window().onOverview()
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def guiDeckBrowser(self):
- self.window().moveToState('deckBrowser')
- @util.api()
- def guiDeckReview(self, name):
- if self.guiDeckOverview(name):
- self.window().moveToState('review')
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def guiExitAnki(self):
- timer = QTimer()
- timer.timeout.connect(self.window().close)
- timer.start(1000) # 1s should be enough to allow the response to be sent.
- @util.api()
- def guiCheckDatabase(self):
- self.window().onCheckDB()
- return True
- @util.api()
- def addNotes(self, notes):
- results = []
- for note in notes:
- try:
- results.append(self.addNote(note))
- except:
- results.append(None)
- return results
- @util.api()
- def canAddNotes(self, notes):
- results = []
- for note in notes:
- results.append(self.canAddNote(note))
- return results
- @util.api()
- def exportPackage(self, deck, path, includeSched=False):
- collection = self.collection()
- if collection is not None:
- deck = collection.decks.byName(deck)
- if deck is not None:
- exporter = AnkiPackageExporter(collection)
- exporter.did = deck['id']
- exporter.includeSched = includeSched
- exporter.exportInto(path)
- return True
- return False
- @util.api()
- def importPackage(self, path):
- collection = self.collection()
- if collection is not None:
- try:
- self.startEditing()
- importer = AnkiPackageImporter(collection, path)
- importer.run()
- except:
- self.stopEditing()
- raise
- else:
- self.stopEditing()
- return True
- return False
# Entry
-ac = AnkiConnect()
+h = host.ApiHost(
+ settings.query('webCorsOriginList'),
+ settings.query('apiKey'),
+ settings.query('webBindAddress'),
+ settings.query('webBindPort')
diff --git a/plugin/api/__init__.py b/plugin/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17289c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/api/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import gui
diff --git a/plugin/api/gui.py b/plugin/api/gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e5522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/api/gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2021 Alex Yatskov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from . import util
+def guiBrowse(self, query=None):
+ print(query)
+ # browser = aqt.dialogs.open('Browser', self.window())
+ # browser.activateWindow()
+ #
+ # if query is not None:
+ # browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText(query)
+ # if hasattr(browser, 'onSearch'):
+ # browser.onSearch()
+ # else:
+ # browser.onSearchActivated()
+ #
+ # return list(map(int, browser.model.cards))
diff --git a/plugin/api/util.py b/plugin/api/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232779e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/api/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2021 Alex Yatskov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import aqt
+def api(method):
+ setattr(method, 'api', True)
+ return method
+def window(self):
+ return aqt.mw
+def reviewer():
+ return window().reviewer
+def collection(self):
+ return window().col
+def decks(self):
+ return collection().decks
+def scheduler(self):
+ return collection().sched
+def database(self):
+ return collection().db
+def media(self):
+ return collection().media
+def deckNames():
+ return decks().allNames()
+class EditScope:
+ def __enter__(self):
+ window().requireReset()
+ def __exit__(self):
+ window().maybeReset()
diff --git a/plugin/host.py b/plugin/host.py
index 3ae5400..f53fc76 100644
--- a/plugin/host.py
+++ b/plugin/host.py
@@ -13,19 +13,22 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
+import PyQt5
from . import web
class ApiHost:
- def __init__(self, origins, key, interval, address, port):
+ def __init__(self, origins, key, address, port):
self.key = key
self.modules = []
self.server = web.WebServer(self.handler, origins)
self.server.bindAndListen(address, port)
- self.timer = QTimer()
- self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advance)
+ def run(self, interval):
+ self.timer = PyQt5.QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.timer.timeout.connect(self.server.advance)
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ class ApiHost:
method = None
for module in self.modules:
for methodName, methodInstance in inspect.getmembers(module, predicate=inspect.ismethod):
- if getattr(methodInstance, 'api', False):
+ if methodName == action and getattr(methodInstance, 'api', False):
method = methodInstance
@@ -57,8 +60,3 @@ class ApiHost:
except Exception as e:
return {'error': str(e), 'result': None}
-def api(method):
- setattr(method, 'api', True)
- return decorator
diff --git a/plugin/plugin b/plugin/plugin
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ffc70e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/plugin
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugin/settings.py b/plugin/settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1cb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2021 Alex Yatskov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import os
+import aqt
+def query(key):
+ defaults = {
+ 'apiKey': None,
+ 'apiPollInterval': 25,
+ 'webBindAddress': os.getenv('ANKICONNECT_BIND_ADDRESS', ''),
+ 'webBindPort': 8765,
+ 'webCorsOrigin': os.getenv('ANKICONNECT_CORS_ORIGIN'),
+ 'webCorsOriginList': [],
+ 'webTimeout': 10000,
+ }
+ try:
+ value = aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__).get(key, defaults[key])
+ except:
+ raise Exception('setting {} not found'.format(key))
+ if key == 'webCorsOriginList':
+ originOld = query('webCorsOrigin')
+ if originOld:
+ value.append(originOld)
+ value += [
+ '',
+ 'http://localhost:',
+ 'chrome-extension://',
+ 'moz-extension://',
+ ]
+ return value
diff --git a/plugin/util.py b/plugin/util.py
index 99a6457..a78fb50 100644
--- a/plugin/util.py
+++ b/plugin/util.py
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def setting(key):
return aqt.mw.addonManager.getConfig(__name__).get(key, defaults[key])
- raise Exception('setting {} not found'.format(key))
+ raise Exception(f'setting {key} not found')
diff --git a/plugin/web.py b/plugin/web.py
index 70848d6..76397a3 100644
--- a/plugin/web.py
+++ b/plugin/web.py
@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ class WebServer:
origin = '*'
allowed = True
- origin = request.headers.get('origin')
- allowed = origin in self.origins
- if not allowed:
- origin = ''
+ origin = request.headers.get('origin', '')
+ for prefix in self.origins:
+ if origin.startswith(prefix):
+ allowed = True
+ break
- call = json.loads(request.body)
- if call:
+ if request.body:
+ call = json.loads(request.body)
call['allowed'] = allowed
call['origin'] = origin
body = json.dumps(self.handler(call))
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class WebServer:
['Content-Length', len(body.encode('utf-8'))]
- header = bytes()
+ header = ''
for key, value in headers:
header += f'{key}: {value}\r\n'