M AnkiConnect.py => AnkiConnect.py +22 -0
@@ 417,6 417,21 @@ class AnkiBridge:
return collection.decks.allNames()
+ def guiBrowse(self, query):
+ browser = aqt.dialogs.open("Browser", self.window())
+ browser.activateWindow()
+ if query:
+ query = unicode('"{}"').format(query)
+ browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText(query)
+ browser.onSearch()
+ return browser.model.cards
+ def guiAddCards(self):
+ addcards = aqt.dialogs.open("AddCards", self.window())
+ addcards.activateWindow()
# AnkiConnect
@@ 516,6 531,13 @@ class AnkiConnect:
+ def api_guiBrowse(self, query):
+ return self.anki.guiBrowse(query)
+ def api_guiAddCards(self):
+ return self.anki.guiAddCards()
# Entry
M README.md => README.md +41 -0
@@ 292,6 292,47 @@ rather than raw JSON. If you are writing raw requests be sure to send valid JSON
+* **guiBrowse**
+ Invokes the card browser and searches for a given query. Returns an array of identifiers of the cards that were found.
+ *Sample request*:
+ ```
+ {
+ action: 'guiBrowse',
+ params: {
+ query: 'deck:current'
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ *Sample response*:
+ ```
+ [
+ 1494723142483,
+ 1494703460437,
+ 1494703479525,
+ /* ... */
+ ]
+ ```
+* **guiAddCards**
+ Invokes the AddCards dialog.
+ *Sample request*:
+ ```
+ {
+ action: 'guiAddCards',
+ params: {}
+ }
+ ```
+ *Sample response*:
+ ```
+ null
+ ```
* **upgrade**
Displays a confirmation dialog box in Anki asking the user if they wish to upgrade AnkiConnect to the latest version