
b03414a8d3fd66489b704bab051e260892e205e0 — toasted-nutbread 4 years ago ab1f518
Don't call note.dupeOrEmpty when mode is 'deck' (#204)

* Don't call note.dupeOrEmpty when mode is 'deck'

* Update return type to be consistent with latest note.duplicateOrEmpty

* Fix main deck ID not always being included
1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M plugin/__init__.py
M plugin/__init__.py => plugin/__init__.py +12 -9
@@ 233,36 233,39 @@ class AnkiConnect:
            raise Exception('cannot create note because it is a duplicate')
            return ankiNote
        elif duplicateOrEmpty == False:
        elif duplicateOrEmpty == 0:
            return ankiNote
            raise Exception('cannot create note for unknown reason')

    def isNoteDuplicateOrEmptyInScope(self, note, deck, collection, duplicateScope, duplicateScopeDeckName, duplicateScopeCheckChildren):
        "1 if first is empty; 2 if first is a duplicate, False otherwise."
        result = note.dupeOrEmpty()
        if result != 2 or duplicateScope != 'deck':
        "1 if first is empty; 2 if first is a duplicate, 0 otherwise."
        if duplicateScope != 'deck':
            result = note.dupeOrEmpty()
            if result == False:
                return 0
            return result

        # dupeOrEmpty returns if a note is a global duplicate
        # the rest of the function checks to see if the note is a duplicate in the deck
        val = note.fields[0]
        did = deck['id']
        if not val.strip():
            return 1
        csum = anki.utils.fieldChecksum(val)

        did = deck['id']
        if duplicateScopeDeckName is not None:
            deck2 = collection.decks.byName(duplicateScopeDeckName)
            if deck2 is None:
                # Invalid deck, so cannot be duplicate
                return False
                return 0
            did = deck2['id']

        dids = {}
        dids[did] = True
        if duplicateScopeCheckChildren:
            for kv in collection.decks.children(did):
                dids[kv[1]] = True
            dids[did] = True

        for noteId in note.col.db.list(
            "select id from notes where csum = ? and id != ? and mid = ?",

@@ 276,7 279,7 @@ class AnkiConnect:
                if cardDeckId in dids:
                    return 2
        return False
        return 0


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