
aea292f092e580ec58daf8ec835746b2f1caac6a — David Bailey 7 years ago caea9cb
Add changeDeck function

2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M AnkiConnect.py
M AnkiConnect.py => AnkiConnect.py +22 -0
@@ 507,6 507,23 @@ class AnkiBridge:
            return []

    def changeDeck(self, cards, deck):

        did = self.window().col.decks.id(deck)
        mod = anki.utils.intTime()
        usn = self.window().col.usn()

        # normal cards
        scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
        # remove any cards from filtered deck first

        # then move into new deck
        self.window().col.db.execute('update cards set usn=?, mod=?, did=? where id in ' + scids, usn, mod, did)

    def cardsToNotes(self, cards):
        return self.window().col.db.list('select distinct nid from cards where id in ' + anki.utils.ids2str(cards))

@@ 786,6 803,11 @@ class AnkiConnect:

    def changeDeck(self, cards, deck):
        return self.anki.changeDeck(cards, deck)

    def cardsToNotes(self, cards):
        return self.anki.cardsToNotes(cards)

M README.md => README.md +20 -0
@@ 490,6 490,26 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or

*   **changeDeck**

    Moves cards with the given IDs to a different deck, creating the deck if it doesn't exist yet.

    *Sample request*:
        "action": "changeDeck",
        "params": {
            "cards": [1502098034045, 1502098034048, 1502298033753],
            "deck": "Japanese::JLPT N3"

    *Sample response*:

*   **cardsToNotes**

    Returns an (unordered) array of note IDs for the given card IDs. For cards with the same note, the ID is only

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