
a4d723de3ef0e57d28e2c3c70e460f69b5156058 — Tsung-Po Sun(Munehiro) 4 years ago 131a1c7
Add "forgetCards" and "relearnCards" (#234)

* Add "forgetCards" and "relearnCards"

* Add unit tests

Co-authored-by: Tsung-Po Sun <tsungpo.sun@smartnews.com>
3 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M actions/cards.md
M plugin/__init__.py
M tests/test_cards.py
M actions/cards.md => actions/cards.md +46 -0
@@ 306,3 306,49 @@
        "error": null

*   **forgetCards**

    Forget cards, making the cards new again.

    *Sample request*:
        "action": "forgetCards",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "cards": [1498938915662, 1502098034048]

    *Sample result*:
        "result": null,
        "error": null

*   **relearnCards**

    Make cards be "relearning".

    *Sample request*:
        "action": "relearnCards",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "cards": [1498938915662, 1502098034048]

    *Sample result*:
        "result": null,
        "error": null

M plugin/__init__.py => plugin/__init__.py +16 -0
@@ 1036,6 1036,22 @@ class AnkiConnect:

    def forgetCards(self, cards):
        scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
        self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=0, queue=0, left=0, ivl=0, due=0, odue=0, factor=0 where id in ' + scids)

    def relearnCards(self, cards):
        scids = anki.utils.ids2str(cards)
        self.collection().db.execute('update cards set type=3, queue=1 where id in ' + scids)

    def cardReviews(self, deck, startID):
        return self.database().all(
            'select id, cid, usn, ease, ivl, lastIvl, factor, time, type from revlog ''where id>? and cid in (select id from cards where did=?)',

M tests/test_cards.py => tests/test_cards.py +5 -0
@@ 74,6 74,11 @@ class TestCards(unittest.TestCase):
        for i, cardInfo in enumerate(cardsInfo):
            self.assertEqual(cardInfo['cardId'], cardIds[i])

        # forgetCards
        util.invoke('forgetCards', cards=cardIds)

        # relearnCards
        util.invoke('relearnCards', cards=cardIds)

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