@@ 162,6 162,34 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or
+* **multi**
+ Performs multiple actions in one request, returning an array with the response of each action (in the given order).
+ *Sample request*:
+ ```
+ {
+ "action": "multi",
+ "params": {
+ "actions": [
+ {"action": "deckNames"},
+ {
+ "action": "browse",
+ "params": {"query": "deck:current"}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ *Sample response*:
+ ```
+ [
+ ["Default"],
+ [1494723142483, 1494703460437, 1494703479525]
+ ]
+ ```
* **addNote**
Creates a note using the given deck and model, with the provided field values and tags. Returns the identifier of