
910ca48d838afa357aaf2f22bc123ab791683d77 — David Bailey 7 years ago d622f21
Fix README typo and trailing spaces

1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +3 -3
@@ 89,7 89,7 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or
    Gets the version of the API exposed by this plugin. Currently versions `1` through `4` are defined.

    This should be the first call you make to make sure that your application and AnkiConnect are able to communicate
    properly with each other. New versions of AnkiConnect will backwards compatible; as long as you are using actions
    properly with each other. New versions of AnkiConnect are backwards compatible; as long as you are using actions
    which are available in the reported AnkiConnect version or earlier, everything should work fine.

    *Sample request*:

@@ 533,7 533,7 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or
        "Japanese::JLPT N3": [1502298036657, 1502298033753]

*   **changeDeck**

@@ 554,7 554,7 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or

*   **deleteDecks**

    Deletes decks with the given names. If `cardsToo` is `true` (defaults to `false` if unspecified), the cards within

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