
84586cb3520794e1c0093ac82ad88b735f024202 — Spencer Sharp 4 years ago 5438b19
Created getEaseFactors and setEaseFactors for Cards, along with documentation and tests for the functions (#181)

Co-authored-by: sherpa <spencersharp1999@gmail.com>
3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M actions/cards.md
M plugin/__init__.py
M tests/test_cards.py
M actions/cards.md => actions/cards.md +47 -0
@@ 1,5 1,52 @@
# Card Actions

*   **getEaseFactors**

    Returns an array with the ease factor for each of the given cards (in the same order).

    *Sample request*:
        "action": "getEaseFactors",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "cards": [1483959291685, 1483959293217]

    *Sample result*:
        "result": [4100, 3900],
        "error": null

*   **setEaseFactors**

    Sets ease factor of cards by card ID; returns `true` if successful (all cards existed) or `false` otherwise.

    *Sample request*:
        "action": "setEaseFactors",
        "version": 6,
        "params": {
            "cards": [1483959291685, 1483959293217],
            "easeFactors": [4100, 3900]

    *Sample result*:
        "result": [true, true],
        "error": null

*   **suspend**

    Suspend cards by card ID; returns `true` if successful (at least one card wasn't already suspended) or `false`

M plugin/__init__.py => plugin/__init__.py +28 -0
@@ 566,7 566,35 @@ class AnkiConnect:
    def getTags(self):
        return self.collection().tags.all()
    def setEaseFactors(self, cards, easeFactors):
        couldSetEaseFactors = []
        ind = 0
        for card in cards:
            ankiCard = self.collection().getCard(card)
            if ankiCard is None:
                raise Exception('card was not found: {}'.format(card['id']))

            ankiCard.factor = easeFactors[ind]


            ind += 1

        return couldSetEaseFactors
    def getEaseFactors(self, cards):
        easeFactors = []
        for card in cards:
            ankiCard = self.collection().getCard(card)

        return easeFactors

    def suspend(self, cards, suspend=True):

M tests/test_cards.py => tests/test_cards.py +10 -0
@@ 20,6 20,16 @@ class TestCards(unittest.TestCase):
        cardIds = util.invoke('findCards', query='deck:test')
        self.assertEqual(len(cardIds), 1)

        # setEaseFactors
        EASE_TO_TRY = 4200
        easeFactors = [EASE_TO_TRY for card in cardIds]
        couldGetEaseFactors = util.invoke('setEaseFactors', cards=cardIds, easeFactors=easeFactors)
        self.assertEqual([True for card in cardIds], couldGetEaseFactors)

        # getEaseFactors
        easeFactorsFound = util.invoke('getEaseFactors', cards=cardIds)
        self.assertEqual(easeFactors, easeFactorsFound)

        # suspend
        util.invoke('suspend', cards=cardIds)

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