@@ 428,6 428,27 @@ Categories:
+* **modelNamesAndIds**
+ Gets the complete list of model names and their corresponding IDs for the current user.
+ *Sample request*:
+ ```
+ {
+ "action": "modelNamesAndIds"
+ }
+ ```
+ *Sample response*:
+ ```
+ {
+ "Basic": 1483883011648
+ "Basic (and reversed card)": 1483883011644
+ "Basic (optional reversed card)": 1483883011631
+ "Cloze": 1483883011630
+ }
+ ```
* **modelFieldNames**
Gets the complete list of field names for the provided model name.
@@ 450,6 471,35 @@ Categories:
+* **modelFieldsOnTemplates**
+ Returns an object indicating the fields on the question and answer side of each card template for the given model
+ name. The question side is given first in each array.
+ *Sample request*:
+ ```
+ {
+ "action": "modelFieldsOnTemplates",
+ "params": {
+ "modelName": "Basic (and reversed card)"
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ *Sample response*:
+ ```
+ {
+ "Card 1": [
+ ["Front"],
+ ["Back"]
+ ],
+ "Card 2": [
+ ["Back"],
+ ["Front"]
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
### Note Creation ###
* **addNote**