
3f4885adfbf78fe2b570fadaf711455cdd457661 — David Bailey 7 years ago 64c61a3
Improve wording of README

1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +4 -5
@@ 387,8 387,7 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or

*   **areSuspended**

    Returns an array, where the value at an index is `true` if the card with the given ID at that index is suspended, or
    `false` otherwise.
    Returns an array indicating whether each of the given cards is suspended (in the same order).

    *Sample request*:

@@ 407,9 406,9 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or

*   **areDue**

    Returns an array, where the value at an index is `true` if the card with the ID given at that index is due, or
    `false` otherwise. Note: cards in the learning queue with a large interval (over 20 minutes) are treated as not due
    until the time of their interval has passed, to match the way Anki treats them.
    Returns an array indicating whether each of the given cards is due (in the same order). Note: cards in the learning
    queue with a large interval (over 20 minutes) are treated as not due until the time of their interval has passed, to
    match the way Anki treats them when reviewing.

    *Sample request*:

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