@@ 387,8 387,7 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or
* **areSuspended**
- Returns an array, where the value at an index is `true` if the card with the given ID at that index is suspended, or
- `false` otherwise.
+ Returns an array indicating whether each of the given cards is suspended (in the same order).
*Sample request*:
@@ 407,9 406,9 @@ Below is a list of currently supported actions. Requests with invalid actions or
* **areDue**
- Returns an array, where the value at an index is `true` if the card with the ID given at that index is due, or
- `false` otherwise. Note: cards in the learning queue with a large interval (over 20 minutes) are treated as not due
- until the time of their interval has passed, to match the way Anki treats them.
+ Returns an array indicating whether each of the given cards is due (in the same order). Note: cards in the learning
+ queue with a large interval (over 20 minutes) are treated as not due until the time of their interval has passed, to
+ match the way Anki treats them when reviewing.
*Sample request*: