@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
import aqt
import aqt.editor
+import aqt.browser.previewer
from aqt import gui_hooks
from aqt.qt import QDialog, Qt, QKeySequence, QShortcut
from aqt.utils import disable_help_button, restoreGeom, saveGeom, tooltip
@@ 24,6 25,8 @@ from anki.utils import ids2str
DOMAIN_PREFIX = "foosoft.ankiconnect."
+anki_version = tuple(int(segment) for segment in aqt.appVersion.split("."))
def get_note_by_note_id(note_id):
return aqt.mw.col.get_note(note_id)
@@ 225,8 228,6 @@ class Edit(aqt.editcurrent.EditCurrent):
if changes.note_text and handler is not self.editor:
- # adjusting buttons right after initializing doesn't have any effect;
- # this seems to do the trick
def editor_did_load_note(self, _editor):
@@ 304,29 305,66 @@ class Edit(aqt.editcurrent.EditCurrent):
- self.editor = aqt.editor.Editor(aqt.mw, self.form.fieldsArea, self)
+ # on Anki 2.1.50, browser mode makes the Preview button visible
+ extra_kwargs = {} if anki_version < (2, 1, 50) else {
+ "editor_mode": aqt.editor.EditorMode.BROWSER
+ }
+ self.editor = aqt.editor.Editor(aqt.mw, self.form.fieldsArea, self,
+ **extra_kwargs)
- # taken from `setupEditor` of browser.py
- # PreviewButton calls pycmd `preview`, which is hardcoded.
- # copying _links is needed so that opening Anki's browser does not
- # screw them up as they are apparently shared between instances?!
+ # * on Anki < 2.1.50, make the button via js (`setupEditor` of browser.py);
+ # also, make a copy of _links so that opening Anki's browser does not
+ # screw them up as they are apparently shared between instances?!
+ # the last part seems to have been fixed in Anki 2.1.50
+ # * on Anki 2.1.50, the button is created by setting editor mode,
+ # see above; so we only need to add the link.
def add_preview_button(self, editor):
QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+P"), self, self.show_preview)
- editor._links = editor._links.copy()
- editor._links["preview"] = self.show_preview
- editor.web.eval("""
- $editorToolbar.then(({notetypeButtons}) =>
- notetypeButtons.appendButton(
- {component: editorToolbar.PreviewButton, id: 'preview'}
- )
- );
- """)
+ if anki_version < (2, 1, 50):
+ editor._links = editor._links.copy()
+ editor.web.eval("""
+ $editorToolbar.then(({notetypeButtons}) =>
+ notetypeButtons.appendButton(
+ {component: editorToolbar.PreviewButton, id: 'preview'}
+ )
+ );
+ """)
+ editor._links["preview"] = lambda _editor: self.show_preview() and None
+ # * on Anki < 2.1.50, button style is okay-ish from get-go,
+ # except when disabled; adding class `btn` fixes that;
+ # * on Anki 2.1.50, buttons have weird font size and are square';
+ # the style below makes them in line with left-hand side buttons
def add_right_hand_side_buttons(self, buttons, editor):
+ if anki_version < (2, 1, 50):
+ extra_button_class = "btn"
+ else:
+ extra_button_class = "anki-connect-button"
+ editor.web.eval("""
+ (function(){
+ const style = document.createElement("style");
+ style.innerHTML = `
+ .anki-connect-button {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ width: auto;
+ padding: 0 2px;
+ font-size: var(--base-font-size);
+ }
+ .anki-connect-button:disabled {
+ pointer-events: none;
+ opacity: .4;
+ }
+ `;
+ document.head.appendChild(style);
+ })();
+ """)
def add(cmd, function, label, tip, keys):
button_html = editor.addButton(
@@ 338,30 376,34 @@ class Edit(aqt.editcurrent.EditCurrent):
- # adding class `btn` properly styles buttons when disabled
- button_html = button_html.replace('class="', 'class="btn ')
+ button_html = button_html.replace('class="',
+ f'class="{extra_button_class} ')
add("browse", self.show_browser, "Browse", "Browse", "Ctrl+F")
add("previous", self.show_previous, "<", "Previous", "Alt+Left")
add("next", self.show_next, ">", "Next", "Alt+Right")
+ def run_javascript_after_toolbar_ready(self, js):
+ js = f"setTimeout(function() {{ {js} }}, 1)"
+ if anki_version < (2, 1, 50):
+ js = f'$editorToolbar.then(({{ toolbar }}) => {js})'
+ else:
+ js = f'require("anki/ui").loaded.then(() => {js})'
+ self.editor.web.eval(js)
def enable_disable_next_and_previous_buttons(self):
def to_js(boolean):
return "true" if boolean else "false"
- disable_previous = to_js(not(history.has_note_to_left_of(self.note)))
- disable_next = to_js(not(history.has_note_to_right_of(self.note)))
- self.editor.web.eval(f"""
- $editorToolbar.then(({{ toolbar }}) => {{
- setTimeout(function() {{
- document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}previous")
- .disabled = {disable_previous};
- document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}next")
- .disabled = {disable_next};
- }}, 1);
- }});
+ disable_previous = not(history.has_note_to_left_of(self.note))
+ disable_next = not(history.has_note_to_right_of(self.note))
+ self.run_javascript_after_toolbar_ready(f"""
+ document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}previous")
+ .disabled = {to_js(disable_previous)};
+ document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}next")
+ .disabled = {to_js(disable_next)};
@@ 1,8 1,63 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import aqt.operations.note
import pytest
-from conftest import get_dialog_instance
-from plugin.edit import Edit, DecentPreviewer, history
+from conftest import get_dialog_instance, wait_until
+from plugin.edit import Edit, DecentPreviewer, history, DOMAIN_PREFIX
+NOTHING = object()
+class Value:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.value = NOTHING
+ def set(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def has_been_set(self):
+ return self.value is not NOTHING
+class JavascriptDialogButtonManipulator:
+ dialog: ...
+ def eval_js(self, js):
+ evaluation_result = Value()
+ self.dialog.editor.web.evalWithCallback(js, evaluation_result.set)
+ wait_until(evaluation_result.has_been_set)
+ return evaluation_result.value
+ def wait_until_toolbar_buttons_are_ready(self):
+ ready_flag = Value()
+ self.dialog.editor._links["set_ready_flag"] = ready_flag.set # noqa
+ self.dialog.run_javascript_after_toolbar_ready("pycmd('set_ready_flag');")
+ wait_until(ready_flag.has_been_set)
+ # preview button doesn't have an id, so find by label
+ def click_preview_button(self):
+ self.eval_js("""
+ document.evaluate("//button[text()='Preview']", document)
+ .iterateNext()
+ .click()
+ """)
+ def click_button(self, button_id):
+ self.eval_js(f"""
+ document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}{button_id}").click()
+ """)
+ def is_button_disabled(self, button_id):
+ return self.eval_js(f"""
+ document.getElementById("{DOMAIN_PREFIX}{button_id}").disabled
+ """)
def test_edit_dialog_opens(setup):
@@ 99,6 154,30 @@ class TestPreviewDialog:
assert dialog._should_enable_next() is next_enabled
+class TestButtons:
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def manipulator(self, setup):
+ dialog = Edit.open_dialog_and_show_note_with_id(setup.note1_id)
+ return JavascriptDialogButtonManipulator(dialog)
+ def test_preview_button_can_be_clicked(self, manipulator, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(manipulator.dialog, "show_preview", MagicMock())
+ manipulator.wait_until_toolbar_buttons_are_ready()
+ manipulator.click_preview_button()
+ wait_until(lambda: manipulator.dialog.show_preview.call_count == 1)
+ def test_addon_buttons_can_be_clicked(self, manipulator):
+ manipulator.wait_until_toolbar_buttons_are_ready()
+ manipulator.click_button(button_id="browse")
+ wait_until(lambda: get_dialog_instance("Browser") is not None)
+ def test_addon_buttons_get_disabled_enabled(self, setup, manipulator):
+ Edit.open_dialog_and_show_note_with_id(setup.note2_id)
+ manipulator.wait_until_toolbar_buttons_are_ready()
+ assert manipulator.is_button_disabled("previous") is False
+ assert manipulator.is_button_disabled("next") is True
class TestHistory:
def cleanup(self):