@@ 15,6 15,15 @@ through the [Yomichan](https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan) plugin if you have
for use; no further configuration is required. Windows users may have to take additional steps to make Windows Firewall
allows AnkiConnect to listen for incoming connections on TCP port 8765.
+## Limitations on Mac OS X ##
+While it is possible to use this plugin on this operating system, there is a known issue in which it is required that
+the Anki application window to be on screen for card creation to work properly. The cause is apparently that Mac OS X
+suspends graphical applications running in the background, thus preventing Anki from responding to Yomichan queries.
+Until this problem is resolved, users of this Mac OS X will have to keep both the browser window and Anki on-screen.
+Sorry for the lameness; I am researching a fix for this issue.
## License ##