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2020-05-25 00:23:37 +00:00
# Statistic Actions
* **getNumCardsReviewedToday**
Gets the count of cards that have been reviewed in the current day (with day start time as configured by user in anki)
*Sample request*:
"action": "getNumCardsReviewedToday",
"version": 6
*Sample result*:
"result": 0,
"error": null
* **getCollectionStatsHTML**
Gets the collection statistics report
*Sample request*:
"action": "getCollectionStatsHTML",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"wholeCollection": true
*Sample result*:
"error": null,
"result": "<center> lots of HTML here </center>"
* **cardReviews**
Requests all card reviews for a specified deck after a certain time.
`startID` is the latest unix time not included in the result.
Returns a list of 9-tuples `(reviewTime, cardID, usn, buttonPressed, newInterval, previousInterval, newFactor, reviewDuration, reviewType)`
*Sample request*:
"action": "cardReviews",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"deck": "default",
"startID": 1594194095740
*Sample result*:
"result": [
[1594194095746, 1485369733217, -1, 3, 4, -60, 2500, 6157, 0],
[1594201393292, 1485369902086, -1, 1, -60, -60, 0, 4846, 0]
"error": null
* **getLatestReviewID**
Returns the unix time of the latest review for the given deck. 0 if no review has ever been made for the deck.
*Sample request*:
"action": "getLatestReviewID",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"deck": "default"
*Sample result*:
"result": 1594194095746,
"error": null
* **insertReviews**
Inserts the given reviews into the database. Required format: list of 9-tuples `(reviewTime, cardID, usn, buttonPressed, newInterval, previousInterval, newFactor, reviewDuration, reviewType)`
*Sample request*:
"action": "insertReviews",
"version": 6,
"params": {
"reviews": [
[1594194095746, 1485369733217, -1, 3, 4, -60, 2500, 6157, 0],
[1594201393292, 1485369902086, -1, 1, -60, -60, 0, 4846, 0]
*Sample result*:
"result": null,
"error": null